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PresenTense Institute Summer Workshop (Aharon Varady 2009)

First Pitch from the Hotseat at the PresenTense Start-Up Incubator (Aharon Varady 2009)

Logo for the Open Siddur Project, by Aharon Varady (2009)

Development Status (2009-08-23)

Development Status (2009-09-22)

Development Status (2009-11-11)

Software Architecture of the Open Siddur Web Application — by Efraim Feinstein (Open Siddur 2009)

An Invitation to Young Technologists — from Efraim Feinstein (Open Siddur 2009)

Testing Our Transliteration Engine with help from James Strong’s Biblical Hebrew Dictionary

Development Status (2010-02-15)

Development Status (2010-08-15)

Testing Web browsers as Platforms for Hebrew Text Publishing

Technology is a “plus” not “or” proposition: thoughts after NewCAJE — by Efraim Feinstein (Open Siddur 2010)

Complete List of Miscellaneous Items shared through the project so far

Complete List of Siddurim, &c. shared through the project so far

Complete List of Prayers, &c. shared through the project so far

Complete List of Readings, &c. shared through the project so far