Computer fonts cryptic A script - Download In any use please add the credit line – "courtesy of the Dead Sea Scrolls Project, University of Haifa; design: Nir Yenni. The font is intended for use on a Hebrew keyboard. Diacritic signs are written using the following combinations: הֲ- Alt Gr + [ - A dot above the letter נקודה ריקה מעל האות וֱ - Alt Gr + ב - An empty dot above the letter עיגול ריק (.) - נקודה (.) - Empty circle *Funded by the Israel Science Foundation, Grant 1330/14 Scripta Qumranica Electronica fonts 4Q416 In any use please add the credit line – "courtesy of the Dead Sea Scrolls Project, University of Haifa; design: Dr. Eshbal Ratson and Einat Tamir". 4Q417 In any use please add the credit line – "courtesy of the Dead Sea Scrolls Project, University of Haifa; design: Einat Tamir". 4Q418 In any use please add the credit line – "courtesy of the Dead Sea Scrolls Project, University of Haifa; design: Einat Tamir". 2Q5 In any use please add the credit line – "courtesy of the Dead Sea Scrolls Project, University of Haifa; design: Antony Perrot". 4Q101 In any use please add the credit line – "courtesy of the Dead Sea Scrolls Project, University of Haifa; design: Antony Perrot". 4Q503 In any use please add the credit line – "courtesy of the Dead Sea Scrolls Project, University of Haifa; design: Antony Perrot".