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You are here:   August 2010

An interview with Aharon Varady on Open Source Judaism (Radio613, 2010)

Technology is a “plus” not “or” proposition: thoughts after NewCAJE — by Efraim Feinstein (Open Siddur 2010)

Efraim Feinstein presents the Open Siddur Project at NewCAJE, 2010

Development Status (2010-08-15)

שמחת בת | Simḥat Bat, by Dr. Devora Steinmetz and Rabbi David Silber (1987)

📰 “Color-Coded Prayerbook Devised by Rabbi” (Martin Lauer, Springfield Republican 1972)

📖 תפלת מנחה לשבת | Shabbat Minḥah Prayers, a prayer-pamphlet by Dr. Jakob J. Petuchowski (1966)

תְּפִלָּה בְּעַד הַמֶּמְשָׁלָה | Prayer for the Government, by Rabbi Dr. Louis Ginzberg (1927)

📖 תנ״ך | TaNaKh: the Holy Scriptures: A New Translation (JPS 1917)

📖 סדר תפלות כל השנה (אשכנז)‏ | The Authorised Daily Prayer Book of the United Hebrew Congregations of the British Empire, translated and arranged by Rabbi Simeon Singer (1890)

📖 סידור תורה אור (נוסח האר״י)‏ | Siddur Torah Or, the nusaḥ of the school of Rabbi Yitsḥaq Luria as arranged by Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Lyadi

יִגְדַּל (אשכנז)‏ | Yigdal, by Daniel ben Yehudah (German translation by Chajm Guski)