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You are here:   September 2011

Siddur Class: Sourcesheets from Amit Gvaryahu’s Shiur on Tefillah

המלך הקדוש | From Uman to the Olam: Clapping upon the Coronation of the Holy Majesty during the Days of Awe (neohasid·org)

💬 Haftarah Reading for Yom Kippur morning (Isaiah 57:14-58:14), a slightly midrashic translation by Arthur O. Waskow

An Accounting of Punny Foods for the Rosh haShanah Feast, by Stephen Belsky

A Ten-Step, Four-Worlds, One-Earth Tashlikh, by Avi Dolgin

תהלים כ״ז | A D’var Tefillah on Zombies, Elul, and Psalms 27 by Rabbi Jessica Minnen

A Love Song to Arabs from a Jew, by Pesach Dahvid Stadlin (2011)

תפילה ל-11 בספטמבר | Memorial Prayer for those whose lives were lost on 11 September 2001, by Rabbi Gilah Langner (2011)

Peas on Earth, a song by the Jewish environmental educators of the Teva Learning Center (Fall 2010)

📄 סדר אכילת הסמנים | The Seder of Auspicious Foods for the Feast of Rosh Hashanah according to the Persian custom

ליקוטי תפילות ב:יא | Prayer for the ability to pray alone with the vegetation of the field (Liqutei Tefillot Ⅱ:11a), by Reb Noson of Nemyriv adapted from the teachings of Rebbe Naḥman (ca. 1820s)