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You are here:   March 2015

📄 The Other Side of the Sea: A Haggadah on Fighting Modern-Day Slavery by T’ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights

הקול קטן של אליהו הנביא | A reflection on despair and suicide awareness to be read upon opening the door for Elijah at the Passover seder

A Kavvanah for Welcoming the Shabbat with the Spring Equinox, by Rabbi Yaakov Reef

הכרזת יום הבחירות | Declaration for Israeli Election Day, by Rabbi Oded Mazor

כוונה ליום הבחירות | Kavvanah for Israeli Election Day, by Rabbi Noa Mazor

📄 Megillat Esther, a synopsis by Dr. Bonna Devora Haberman

שמע | Ḳabbalistic Commentary on the Shema from Rabbi Isaiah Horowitz’s Siddur Shaar haShamayim

💬 פֶּרֶק שִׁירָה | Pereq Shirah, a litany of verses spoken by the creatures & works of Creation (after the arrangement of Natan Slifkin)