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[Gebet] Am Thora-Freudenfest | [A prayer] on Simḥat Torah, by Fanny Neuda (1855)

[Gebet] Am Neumonde | Prayer for the Day of New Moon, by Fanny Schmiedl-Neuda (1855)

Betrachtung, wenn der Neumond eingesegnet wird | Prayer on the Sabbath Prior to the New Moon, by Fanny Schmiedl-Neuda (1855)

Méditation Pour Le Jeudi | Meditation for Thursday (the Fifth Day), by Rabbi Arnaud Aron and Jonas Ennery (1852)

Actions de graces pour la récolte et Prière pour demander un bon hiver | Thanksgiving for the Harvest and a Prayer for a Favorable Winter, a paraliturgical prayer for rain by Jonas Ennery & Rabbi Arnaud Aron (1848)

Au Renouvellement Du Mois: Sur la Brièveté de la Vie | At the New Moon: On the Brevity of Life, by Rabbi Arnaud Aron & Jonas Ennery (1848)

תפילת נחם לשלם בירושלם | Tefilat Naḥem for the Peace of Jerusalem on Tishah b’Av, by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer

ליקוטי תפילות א:לז | Prayer for a Gilgul Nefesh (Liqutei Tefilot Ⅰ:37), by Reb Noson Sternhartz of Nemyriv adapted from the teachings of Rebbe Naḥman (ca. 1820s)

Prayer on Kneading and Baking Ḥallot for Shabbat, by Perle Derbaremdiger Peretz (fl. 18th c.)

? מְגִלַּת וָשִׁעְתּוֹן | Megillat Washiŋton — a Purim Sheni scroll for 🇺🇸 Thanksgiving Day by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer (1790, 2018)

A Closing Prayer by the Ḥazzan, by Gershom Seixas (Ḳ.Ḳ. Shearith Israel, 1789)

תפילה לפני שחיטה | Prayer before Kosher Slaughter, by Eliyah ben Shlomo Avraham haKohen (Sefer Shevet Musar, 1712)

📖 סדר הגדה של פסח | Liber Rituum Paschalium, a haggadah in Latin translation by Johann Stephan Rittangel (1644)

אֵל בָּרוּךְ | El Barukh :: A piyyut containing the 42 Letter Name, recorded by Rabbi Isaiah Horowitz

אֱלֹהִים בְּיִשְׂרָאֵל | Elohim b’Yisrael :: A piyyut containing the 42 Letter Name, recorded in Sefer haPeliah

תפילה להפך – מאבן בֹחן | Prayer for Transformation, from the poem “Even Boḥan” by Rabbi Ḳalonymus b. Ḳalonymus ben Meir (1322)

הַנּוֹתֵן תְּשׁוּעָה | Prayer for the Government of the United States of America, presented by Gershom Seixas on Thanksgiving Day 1789

מדרש הגדול על פרשת תרומה | Why the Mishkan Resembles the World and the Human Body: a translation of Midrash haGadol on Parashat Terumah, by Shir Yaakov Feit (in memory of Laurie Feit, z”l)

נחמו נחמו עמי | Naḥamu, Naḥamu Ami (Comfort, comfort, my people), a piyyut for Tishah b’Aḇ

תפלת אחר הקמת המצבה, מנהג ק״ק פרעסבורג יצ״ו | Prayer after the Unveiling of a Tombstone, according to the custom of the Jewish community of Pressburg

? מגילת אנטיוכס עם טעמי מקרא | Megillat Antiokhus, with a novel cantillation by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer (translation by Tsvi Filipowski, 1851)

עָלֵינוּ לְשַׁבֵּחַ | Aleinu, interpretive translation by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi

💬 The Story of Gedalyah, as told by Titus Flavius Josephus in Antiquities of the Jews

בְּרָכוֹת שֶׁנִּתָּנִי | Blessings at your Dawn of Wakefulness: Berakhot sheNatani (blessings that were given to me) — translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi

ברכת המזון השלם עם טעמי מקרא | Full Birkat haMazon with Ta’amei haMiqra (cantillation), by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer (Nusaḥ Ashkenaz)

ברוך ה׳ לעולם | Barukh Hashem l’Olam :: Bless Yah Always, translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi

אַתָּה־הוּא וְאָז יָשִׁיר (מקוצר)‏ | Atah Hu and a condensed Az Yashir, adapted and translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi

יוֹצֵר אוֹר | Yotser Or, interpretive translation by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi

יִשְׁתַּבַּח שִׁמְךָ | Yishtabaḥ Shimkha, translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi

בִּרְכָּת אַהֲבַה | Ahavat Olam, for Maariv/Arvit translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi

בִּרְכָּת אַהֲבַה | Ahavat Olam, for Shaḥarit, translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi

מַעֲרִיב עֲרָבִים | Maariv Aravim, translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi

שְׁמַע | The Shema, interpretive translation by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi

הֲבִינֵנוּ | Havinenu, a short form of the Amidah by Mar Shmuel bar Abba, adapted by Reb Zalman Schachter-Shalomi from a paraphrasing by Rev. Joseph F. Stern

העמידה לימות החל עם טעמי המקרא‎ | Weekday Amidah and Ḳaddish with Ta’amei haMiqra (cantillation), by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer (Nusaḥ Ashkenaz)

תפילת הדרך | Tefilat haDerekh, a traveler’s prayer for safety and peace (trans. Rabbi David Seidenberg, neohasid·org)

💬 בן סירא מב:כא-מג:לא | ben Sira 42:21-43:31, a hymn of creation translated by Rabbi Mordecai Kaplan

💬 מעשה טוביה ליום שני של שבועות | The Story of Toḇiyah for the second day of Shavuot

ברכת תפלין | Ευχη Δια Τα “Τεφιλιν„ (Φυλακτηρια) :: The Blessings for Wrapping and Crowning Oneself with Tefillin, Greek translation by Yosef Naḥmuli (1885)

תהלים ו׳ | Psalms 6, translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter Shalomi

תהלים ט״ו | Psalms 15, translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi

תהלים כ״ה | Psalms 25, translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi

תהלים כ״ז | Psalms 27, translated by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer

תהלים ק״ד | Psalms 104, translated by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer

תהלים ק״ד | Psalms 104, a hymn of creation (translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi)

תהלים ק״ד | Psalms 104, a hymn of creation (translated by Rabbi Mordecai Kaplan)

אַשְׁרֵי יוֹשְׁבֵי בֵיתֶךָ | Ashrei Yoshvei Veitekha :: Sitting in your home is happiness (Psalms 145), translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi

תהלים קמ״ו | Psalms 146, translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi

תהלים קמ״ז | Psalms 147, translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi

תהלים קמ״ח | Psalms 148, translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi