— for those crafting their own prayerbooks and sharing the content of their practice
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August 2019 Today I turned my heart toward the new year and wrote a prayer-poem for Tashlikh, the Rosh haShanah ritual of casting bread or stones into the water to cast off one’s past wrongdoings. . . . A gender-neutral Hebrew-English conversion certificate template for adults. . . . מי שברך לעגונות | Mi sheBerakh to Support Agunot and Call Get Refusers to Account, by Isaac Gantwerk MayerThis prayer, following the structure of the Mi Sheberakh supplications during the Torah service, is meant to call get refusers to account, by name, and make a statement that their behavior is evil and will not be tolerated. . . . A meditation on living through the lens of dying. . . . 📖 מַחֲזוֹר הַשָּׁלֵם לְרֹאשׁ הַשָׁנָה (נוסח האר״י) | Maḥzor haShalem l’Rosh haShanah, translated and arranged by Paltiel Birnbaum (1958)A bilingual Hebrew-English maḥzor for Rosh Hashanah (“Sephardic-Ḥasidic”). . . . Categories: Maḥzorim for Rosh haShanah 📖 מַחֲזוֹר הַשָּׁלֵם לְיוֹם כִּפּוּר (נוסח האר״י) | Maḥzor haShalem l’Yom Kippur, translated and arranged by Paltiel Birnbaum (1958)A bilingual Hebrew-English maḥzor for Yom Kippur (“Sephardic-Ḥasidic”) from the mid- 20th century. . . . Categories: Maḥzorim for Yom haKippurim A prayer for Memorial Day in the United States, composed in 1954. . . . Categories: 🇺🇸 Memorial Day (last Monday of May) A bentsher containing the musical notes to a popular tune for the birkat hamazon. . . . Categories: Birkonim (בענטשערס Bentshers) Contributor(s): Paltiel Birnbaum (translation), Cantors Assembly of America and Hebrew Publishing Company A prayer for planting a tree or trees. . . . 📖 סְלִיחוֹת לַיּוֹם הָרִאשׁוֹן | Seliḥot for the First Day, translated and annotated by Philip Birnbaum (1952)A seder seliḥot (a penitential prayer service) for the first day of seliḥot, in the week prior to Rosh ha-Shanah, as prepared and translated by Philip Paltiel Birnbaum and published by Hebrew Publishing Co., in 1952. . . . Categories: Seder Seliḥot and Tefilot l'Taaniyot Tags: 20th century C.E., 58th century A.M., North American Jewry, סליחות səliḥot, זמן תשובה Zman teshuvah Contributor(s): Paltiel Birnbaum (translation), Hebrew Publishing Company and Aharon N. Varady (transcription) 📖 סידור תפארת דוד (נוסח האר״י) | Siddur Tifereth David, a bilingual Hebrew-English prayerbook arranged by Ḥayyim Alter Segal (1951)The first nusaḥ ha-ARI z”l (“Sefardic-Ḥassidic”) prayerbook with a relatively complete English translation, published in 1951 by the Hebrew Publishing Company. . . . Categories: Comprehensive (Kol Bo) Siddurim 📖 מַחֲזוֹר הַשָּׁלֵם לְרֹאשׁ הַשָׁנָה וְיוֹם כִּפּוּר (אשכנז) | Maḥzor haShalem l’Rosh haShanah v’Yom Kippur, translated and arranged by Paltiel Birnbaum (1951)A bilingual Hebrew-English maḥzor for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur (Ashkenaz). . . . A prayer for United Nations Day, the anniversary of the founding of the United Nations. . . . 📖 סדר התפילות (מנהג הספרדים) | Seder haTefilot, a bilingual Hebrew-English prayerbook translated and arranged by Rabbi David de Sola Pool (1941)Rabbi David de Sola Pool’s bilingual Hebrew-English prayerbook for Sepharadi Jews. . . . Categories: Comprehensive (Kol Bo) Siddurim 📖 סדור כל בו (אשכנז) | Siddur Kol Bo, a bilingual Hebrew-English prayerbook compiled by the Hebrew Publishing Company (1906)The first bilingual Hebrew-English “kol bo” (comprehensive) prayerbook published by the Hebrew Publishing Company in 1906. . . . Categories: Comprehensive (Kol Bo) Siddurim Contributor(s): Hebrew Publishing Company and Aharon N. Varady (digital imaging and document preparation) 📖 סדר סליחות מכל השנה | Seder Seliḥot mikol ha-Shanah :: The Order of Seliḥot for the entire year, translated by David Asher, Ph.D. (1866)A comprehensive arrangement of seliḥot (סליחות, penitential prayers) for the entire year, translated into English by the great scholar David Asher. . . . Categories: Seder Seliḥot and Tefilot l'Taaniyot תחינה פאר א אִשָּׁה פאר דעד חוּפָּה פון איר זון ארער איר טאָכטער | Tkhine for a mother to say before the wedding of her daughter (19th c.)A tkhine (supplication) for a mother to say before her daughter’s wedding, transcribed and translated from the Siddur Qorban Minḥah (1897). . . . Categories: Engagements & Weddings Tags: 19th century C.E., 57th century A.M., Prayers on behalf of children, תחינות teḥinot, תחינות tkhines, Yiddish vernacular prayer Contributor(s): Mendel Spalter (translation), Unknown Author(s) and Aharon N. Varady (transcription) This qina is recited in the Spanish-Portuguese rite (as practiced in the Snoge in Amsterdam, the Bevis Marks Synagogue in London, and Shearith Israel in New York City among many other communities) at the conclusion of the recitation of qinot on the evening of the Ninth of Aḅ. Its refrain, taken from the Four Questions of the Passover liturgy, is reframed* as a reflection of the suffering of such a day, contrasting the celebration of salvation on Passover with the fear and desolation of the fast day. . . . Categories: Tishah b'Av Psalms 36 with an English translation updated from the 1917 JPS Tanakh. . . . Psalms 65 with an English translation updated from the 1917 JPS Tanakh. . . . תהלים קל״ז | Psalms 137 (Al Naharot Bavel :: By the Rivers of Babylon), translated by Isaac Gantwerk MayerPsalm 137 is traditionally recited before the Birkat Hamazon (the Blessing [after eating] the Meal) on a weekday. Psalms 137 (with Psalms 138:1) is read on the day of the Fast of Tisha b’Av. . . . Tags: 33rd century A.M., 6th century B.C.E., על נהרות בבל Al naharot Bavel, Psalms for Fast Days, ultraviolence Contributor(s): the Masoretic Text, Yirmiyah ben Ḥilkiyah haKohen and Isaac Gantwerk Mayer (translation) 📜 פָּרָשַׁת דְבָרִים | Parashat Devarim (Deuteronomy 1:1-3:22), color-coded according to its narrative layersThe text of parashat Devarim, distinguished according to the stratigraphic layers of its composition according to the Supplementary Hypothesis. . . . 📜 Torah Reading for Parashat Devarim (Deuteronomy 1:1-3:22): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len FellmanA Torah reading of Parashat Devarim in English translation, transtropilated. . . . 📜 פָּרָשַׁת וָאֶתְחַנַּן | Parashat va’Etḥanan (Deuteronomy 3:23-7:11), color-coded according to its narrative layersThe text of parashat va’Etḥanan, distinguished according to the stratigraphic layers of its composition according to the Supplementary Hypothesis. . . . 📜 Torah Reading for Parashat va’Etḥanan (Deuteronomy 3:23-7:11): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len FellmanA Torah reading of Parashat va’Etḥanan in English translation, transtropilated. . . . 📜 פָּרָשַׁת עֵקֶב | Parashat Éqev (Deuteronomy 7:12-11:25), color-coded according to its narrative layersThe text of parashat Éqev, distinguished according to the stratigraphic layers of its composition according to the Supplementary Hypothesis. . . . 📜 Torah Reading for Parashat Éqev (Deuteronomy 7:12-11:25): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len FellmanA Torah reading of Parashat Éqev in English translation, transtropilated. . . . 📜 פָּרָשַׁת רְאֵה | Parashat R’éh (Deuteronomy 11:26-16:17), color-coded according to its narrative layersThe text of parashat R’éh, distinguished according to the stratigraphic layers of its composition according to the Supplementary Hypothesis. . . . Tags: 34th century A.M., 7th century B.C.E., annual Torah reading cycle, כשרות kashrut, let's review, mythopoesis, נביאות nevi'ut, פרשת השבוע Parashat haShavua, פרשות parashot, predation, redaction criticism, פרשת ראה parashat R'éh, supplementary hypothesis, the Plains of Moav, tithing Contributor(s): Tzemaḥ Yoreh, the Masoretic Text, Masoretic layer 'D1', Masoretic layer 'D2' and Masoretic layer 'Dp' 📜 Torah Reading for Parashat R’éh (Deuteronomy 11:26-16:17): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len FellmanA Torah reading of Parashat R’éh in English translation, transtropilated. . . . 💬 Haftarah Reading for Parashat Devarim (Shabbat Ḥazon, Isaiah 1:1-27): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len FellmanThe haftarah reading for Parashat Devarim, Shabbat Ḥazon, in English translation, transtropilated. . . . 💬 Haftarah Reading for Parashat va’Etḥanan (Shabbat Naḥamu, Isaiah 40:1-26): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len FellmanThe haftarah reading for Parashat va’Etḥanan, Shabbat Naḥamu, in English translation, transtropilated. . . . 💬 Haftarah Reading for Parashat Éqev (Isaiah 49:14-51:3): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len FellmanThe haftarah reading for Parashat Éqev, in English translation, transtropilated. . . . 💬 Haftarah Reading for Parashat R’éh (Isaiah 54:11-55:5): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len FellmanThe haftarah reading for Parashat R’éh, in English translation, transtropilated. . . . | ||
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