— for those crafting their own prayerbooks and sharing the content of their practice
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2019 —⟶ Page 3 The Opening Prayer given in the U.S. Senate on 9 September 2004. . . . The Opening Prayer given in the U.S. Senate on 7 July 2004. . . . The Opening Prayer given in the U.S. Senate on 22 June 2004. . . . The Opening Prayer given in the U.S. House of Representatives on 3 June 2004. . . . A comprehensive treatment on the praxis of Jewish prayer. . . . A prayer for a beloved animal first compiled in English by Aharon N. Varady for Nethaniel Puzael, his family’s cat, in 1994. . . . Categories: Mourning ברוכה הבאה | Blessed be the newcomer! — a ceremony for the naming of a baby daughter by Joshua Gutoff (ca. 1989)A ceremony for the naming of a baby daughter. . . . Categories: Brit Milah & Simḥat Bat 📖 סֵדֶר ט״וּ בִּשְׁבָט | A New Year For The Trees: A Tu BiShvat Seder, by Ellen Bernstein (1988, revised: 2017)A Tu Bishvat seder haggadah by Ellen Bernstein (1988, revised: 2017) . . . Categories: Seder Leil Rosh haShanah la-Ilanot (Tu biShvat) Prayers that Hurt: Public Prayer in Interfaith Settings, by Rabbi Chaplain (Captain) Arnold E. Resnicoff, USN, Ret. (1987, 2009)Suggestions for chaplains on offering public prayers in interfaith settings. . . . Categories: Pedagogical Essays on Jewish Prayer A ḳinnah composed by a concentration camp survivor. . . . Categories: 🌐 Holocaust Remembrance Day (January 27th), Kristallnacht (9-10 November, 16 Marḥeshvan), 🇮🇱 Yom haShoah (27 Nisan), 🇺🇸 Days of Remembrance of the Victims of the Holocaust Tags: 20th century C.E., 58th century A.M., Cantillated readings in English, קינות Ḳinōt, the Holocaust Contributor(s): Gertrude Hirschler (translation), Simon Zuker, Aharon N. Varady (transcription) and Len Fellman (translation) 📖 הַסִּדּוּר הַשָּׁלֵם (נוסח האר״י) | HaSiddur HaShalem (Ḥassidic-Sefardic), a bilingual Hebrew-English prayerbook translated and annotated by Paltiel Birnbaum (1969)The Ḥassidic-Sefardic edition of Ha-Siddur Ha-Shalem, a bilingual Hebrew-English comprehensive prayerbook arranged and translated by Paltiel Birnbaum for the Hebrew Publishing Co. in 1969. . . . Categories: Comprehensive (Kol Bo) Siddurim An introduction to the Siddur, by scholar and translator Israel Wolf Slotki (1884–1973). . . . Categories: Pedagogical Essays on Jewish Prayer 📖 סדר תפלות כל השנה (אשכנז) | The Authorised Daily Prayer Book of the United Hebrew Congregations of the British Commonwealth of Nations (2nd Revised Edition, 1962)The second revised edition of Rabbi Simeon Singer’s Authorised Daily Prayer Book, enlarged under the direction of chief rabbi Israel Brodie and published by Singer’s Prayer Book Publishing Committee in 1962. . . . Categories: Comprehensive (Kol Bo) Siddurim 📖 סדר עבודה מחזור לימים נוראים (אשכנז) | Seder Avodah Maḥzor l’Yamim Nora’im, arranged and translated by Rabbi Max D. Klein (1960)A maḥzor for Rosh haShanah and Yom Kippur, prepared for a mid-20th century Conservative Jewish congregation in Philadelphia. . . . 📖 סדר הגדה של פסח עברי-כּורדי | Seder Haggadah shel Pesaḥ (Ivri-Kurdi), a Passover seder haggadah for Kurdish Jews in Hebrew and Aramaic (1959)A Passover Seder Haggadah in Hebrew and Aramaic (or Kurdish, as stated on the title page) published in Israel for the wave of Kurdish-Jewish immigrants from Iraq and other eastern countries. . . . Categories: Haggadot for the Seder Leil Pesaḥ 📖 תפלה | Tefilah — Invocation: A Sheaf of Prayers, composed and arranged by Rabbi Avraham Samuel Soltes (1959)A collection of public and pulpit prayers composed by Rabbi Abraham Samuel Soltes between 1948 and 1959. . . . Categories: Pulpit & Ceremonial collections of prayers Contributor(s): Avraham Samuel Soltes and Aharon N. Varady (digital imaging and document preparation) Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the Massachusetts State Senate: Rabbi Joseph Rudavsky on 24 March 1959The opening prayer of the Massachusetts State Senate on 24 March 1959, added to the record of the U.S. House of Representatives. . . . 📖 מַחֲזוֹר הַשָּׁלֵם לְרֹאשׁ הַשָׁנָה (נוסח האר״י) | Maḥzor haShalem l’Rosh haShanah, translated and arranged by Paltiel Birnbaum (1958)A bilingual Hebrew-English maḥzor for Rosh Hashanah (“Sephardic-Ḥasidic”). . . . Categories: Maḥzorim for Rosh haShanah 📖 מַחֲזוֹר הַשָּׁלֵם לְיוֹם כִּפּוּר (נוסח האר״י) | Maḥzor haShalem l’Yom Kippur, translated and arranged by Paltiel Birnbaum (1958)A bilingual Hebrew-English maḥzor for Yom Kippur (“Sephardic-Ḥasidic”) from the mid- 20th century. . . . Categories: Maḥzorim for Yom haKippurim Children’s Prayer for the Recovery of our President [Dwight D. Eisenhower], by Rabbi Avraham Samuel Soltes (1955)A prayer for the recovery of President Dwight D. Eisenhower following a severe heart attack in late September 1955. . . . Categories: 🇺🇸 United States of America A prayer for Memorial Day in the United States, composed in 1954. . . . Categories: 🇺🇸 Memorial Day (last Monday of May) תפילת הודיה לחברה למניעת אכזריות לילדים | Prayer of Thanksgiving for the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (1954)Prayer of Thanksgiving on the Occasion of the 70th Anniversary of the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, to Be Recited on Sabbath 22nd May 1954 / 19th Iyyar 5714 after the Prayer of the Queen and the Royal Family (London: 1954, Office of the Chief Rabbi) . . . Categories: Child care 📖 סדר עבודה ערבית לשבת ולשלוש רגלים (אשכנז) | Seder Avodah Tefilat Arvit l’Shabbat u’l’Shalosh Regalim, arranged, translated, and transliterated by Rabbi Max D. Klein (1954)A Friday and pilgrimage festival night siddur, translated with a unique transliteration schema devised by Rabbi Max D. (Meir David) Klein of Congregation Adath Jeshurun in Philadelphia, 1954. . . . Categories: Shabbat Siddurim A bentsher containing the musical notes to a popular tune for the birkat hamazon. . . . Categories: Birkonim (בענטשערס Bentshers) Contributor(s): Paltiel Birnbaum (translation), Cantors Assembly of America and Hebrew Publishing Company A haggadah for the Passover Seder by Paltiel Birnbaum for the Hebrew Publishing Company. . . . Categories: Haggadot for the Seder Leil Pesaḥ A prayer for planting a tree or trees. . . . 📖 סְלִיחוֹת לַיּוֹם הָרִאשׁוֹן | Seliḥot for the First Day, translated and annotated by Philip Birnbaum (1952)A seder seliḥot (a penitential prayer service) for the first day of seliḥot, in the week prior to Rosh ha-Shanah, as prepared and translated by Philip Paltiel Birnbaum and published by Hebrew Publishing Co., in 1952. . . . Categories: Seder Seliḥot and Tefilot l'Taaniyot Tags: 20th century C.E., 58th century A.M., North American Jewry, סליחות səliḥot, זמן תשובה Zman teshuvah Contributor(s): Paltiel Birnbaum (translation), Hebrew Publishing Company and Aharon N. Varady (transcription) A prayer offered for parents praying for the safety and welfare of their adult children entering the armed forces. . . . Categories: Military Personnel & Veterans A prayer for a Nurse’s Commencement ceremony at Beth Israel Hospital on 19 September 1951. . . . A prayer for Brotherhood Week, written in 1951. . . . Categories: 🇺🇸 National Brotherhood Week 📖 סדר עבודה תפלות לשבת לשלוש רגלים ולחול (אשכנז) | Seder Avodah Tefilot l’Shabbat, l’Shalosh Regalim, u’l’Ḥol, arranged and translated by Rabbi Max Klein (1951)A bilingual Hebrew-English prayerbook for Shabbat, Festivals, and Weekdays, prepared in 1951 by Rabbi Max D. Klein for his congregation Adath Jeshurun, a Conservative synagogue in Philadelphia. . . . Categories: Comprehensive (Kol Bo) Siddurim 📖 סידור תפארת דוד (נוסח האר״י) | Siddur Tifereth David, a bilingual Hebrew-English prayerbook arranged by Ḥayyim Alter Segal (1951)The first nusaḥ ha-ARI z”l (“Sefardic-Ḥassidic”) prayerbook with a relatively complete English translation, published in 1951 by the Hebrew Publishing Company. . . . Categories: Comprehensive (Kol Bo) Siddurim 📖 מַחֲזוֹר הַשָּׁלֵם לְרֹאשׁ הַשָׁנָה וְיוֹם כִּפּוּר (אשכנז) | Maḥzor haShalem l’Rosh haShanah v’Yom Kippur, translated and arranged by Paltiel Birnbaum (1951)A bilingual Hebrew-English maḥzor for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur (Ashkenaz). . . . The poem, “Psalm of Gratitude” by the Jewish poet and educator, Ben Aronin. . . . Categories: Labor, Fulfillment, and Parnasah [Prayer for the] Dedication of a Medical Research Clinic, by Rabbi Avraham Samuel Soltes (ca. 1950s)“Dedication of Medical Research Clinic” was first published in Rabbi Avraham Soltes’ collection of prayers, תפלה Invocation: Sheaf of Prayers (Bloch 1959). . . . Categories: Well-being, health, and caregiving Loading . . . Categories: Yom Kippur A prayer for United Nations Day, the anniversary of the founding of the United Nations. . . . 📖 תפלות למועדים (מנהג הספרדים) | Tefilot l’Mo’adim, arranged and translated by Rabbi David de Sola Pool (1947)A bilingual Hebrew-English maḥzor for the festivals of Pesaḥ, Shavuot, and Sukkot (with Shmini Atseret and Simḥat Torah) in the Sepharadic tradition compiled by David de Sola Pool in 1947. . . . הִנֵּה שָׁם אֶמְצָאֶךָּ | Where We Can Find Yah, a prayer-poem by Eugene Kohn (1945) inspired by Rabindranath Tagore’s Gitanjali (Song Offerings, 1912)“Where We Can Find God,” a prayer-poem inspired by passages appearing in David Frishman’s Hebrew translation of Rabindranath Tagore’s Gitanjali. . . . Tags: 20th century C.E., 58th century A.M., אנה אמצאך ana emtsaeka, cosmic religion, is it Sikh or Hassidic?, Prayers as poems, universalist prayers Contributor(s): Eugene Kohn, David Frischmann (translation), Rabindranath Tagore and Aharon N. Varady (transcription) That America Fulfil the Promise of Its Founding, a prayer for Independence Day by Rabbi Mordecai Kaplan (1945)A prayer for Independence Day in the United States by Rabbi Mordecai Kaplan, prefaced by an abridged reading of the Declaration of Independence. . . . Categories: 🇺🇸 Independence Day (July 4th) “That America’s Heroes Shall Not Have Died in Vain” with a special El Malé Raḥamim prayer for Memorial Day, by Rabbi Mordecai Kaplan (1945)A service and prayer for Memorial Day in the United States, containing a variation of El Malé Raḥamim, by Rabbi Mordecai Kaplan. . . . Categories: 🇺🇸 Memorial Day (last Monday of May) God’s Goodness — the Testament of Nature, a prayer for Thanksgiving Day by Rabbi Milton Steinberg (1945)“God’s Goodness — the Testament of Nature” by Rabbi Milton Steinberg appears on pages 553-556 of The Sabbath Prayer Book (Jewish Reconstructionist Foundation, 1945) as part of a service for Thanksgiving Day. It is the last of four “testaments,” the other three being the testament of Man, Israel, and America respectively. . . . Categories: 🇺🇸 Thanksgiving Day (4th Thursday of November) God’s Goodness — the Testament of Man, a prayer for Thanksgiving Day by Rabbi Milton Steinberg (1945)“God’s Goodness — the Testament of Man” by Rabbi Milton Steinberg appears on pages 556-557 of The Sabbath Prayer Book (Jewish Reconstructionist Foundation, 1945) as part of a service for Thanksgiving Day. It is the last of four “testaments,” the other three being the testament of Nature, Israel, and America respectively. . . . Categories: 🇺🇸 Thanksgiving Day (4th Thursday of November) God’s Goodness — the Testament of [Am] Yisrael, a prayer for Thanksgiving Day by Rabbi Milton Steinberg (1945)“God’s Goodness — the Testament of Israel” by Rabbi Milton Steinberg appears on page 558 of The Sabbath Prayer Book (Jewish Reconstructionist Foundation, 1945) as part of a service for Thanksgiving Day. It is the last of four “testaments,” the other three being the testament of Nature, Man, and America respectively. . . . Categories: 🇺🇸 Thanksgiving Day (4th Thursday of November) God’s Goodness — the Testament of America, a prayer for Thanksgiving Day by Rabbi Milton Steinberg (1945)“God’s Goodness — the Testament of America” by Rabbi Milton Steinberg appears on pages 559-560 of The Sabbath Prayer Book (Jewish Reconstructionist Foundation, 1945) as part of a service for Thanksgiving Day. It is the last of four “testaments,” the other three being the testament of Nature, Man, and Israel, respectively. . . . Categories: 🇺🇸 Thanksgiving Day (4th Thursday of November) הַנּוֹתֵן תְּשׁוּעָה | Prayer for the Government on Thanksgiving Day, offered by Rabbi David de Sola Pool (1945)The Prayer for the Government offered by Rabbi David de Sola Pool in his service for Thanksgiving Day in 1945. . . . 📖 מנחת תודה | Minḥat Todah :: Service for Thanksgiving Day, arranged by Rabbi David de Sola Pool (1945)A special service prepared by Rabbi David de Sola Pool for Thanksgiving Day in the United States at K.K. Shearith Israel and published by the Union of Sephardic Congregations in 1945. . . . Categories: Seder for Thanksgiving Day (United States) Memorial Prayer for Those Lost Through Human Strife, by Rabbi Chaplain (Lieutenant) Alexander David Goode (ca. 1943)A memorial prayer for service members lost in times of war, given by a chaplain who sacrificed his life for others during WWII. . . . A prayer on praying, singing, and Torah learning by Rabbi Mordecai Kaplan. . . . Categories: Before the Aliyot 📖 סדר תפלות כל השנה (אשכנז) | Seder Tefilot Kol haShanah :: the Authorised Daily Prayer Book of the United Hebrew Congregations of the British Empire, revised edition with commentary by Rabbi Joseph Herman Hertz (1942-1945)A bilingual Hebrew-English prayerbook for weekdays and shabbat, compiled by Joseph H. (Yosef Tsvi) Hertz, chief rabbi of the British Empire, and published in wartime Britain in 1942, the first of three volumes. . . . Categories: Comprehensive (Kol Bo) Siddurim | ||
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