— for those crafting their own prayerbooks and sharing the content of their practice
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2019 —⟶ Page 4 📖 סדר התפילות (מנהג הספרדים) | Seder haTefilot, a bilingual Hebrew-English prayerbook translated and arranged by Rabbi David de Sola Pool (1941)Rabbi David de Sola Pool’s bilingual Hebrew-English prayerbook for Sepharadi Jews. . . . Categories: Comprehensive (Kol Bo) Siddurim 📖 תפלות ליום כיפור (מנהג הספרדים) | Tefilot l’Yom Kippur, arranged and translated by Rabbi David de Sola Pool (1939)A bilingual Hebrew-English maḥzor for Yom Kippur in the Sepharadic tradition compiled by David de Sola Pool in 1939. . . . Categories: Maḥzorim for Yom haKippurim A songster compiled by Harry Coopersmith. . . . 📖 תפלות לראש השנה (מנהג הספרדים) | Tefilot l’Rosh haShanah, arranged and translated by Rabbi David de Sola Pool (1937)A bilingual Hebrew-English maḥzor for Rosh haShanah in the Sepharadic tradition compiled by David de Sola Pool in 1937. . . . 📖 תפלות ישראל לימי חול (אשכנז) | Tefilot Yisrael Limei Ḥol — Prayers of Israel vol.1: For Weekdays and Special Occasions, a bilingual Hebrew-English prayerbook edited by Rabbi Jacob Bosniak (1937)A bilingual Hebrew-English prayerbook for weekdays and special occasions, compiled and edited by Rabbi Jacob Bosniak. This volume complements a second for Shabbat and the Shalosh Regalim (festivals). . . . Categories: Weekday siddurim 📖 תפלות ישראל לשבת ושלוש רגלים (אשכנז) | Tefilot Yisrael l’Shabbat v’Shalosh Regalim — Prayers of Israel vol. 2: For the Sabbath and the Festivals, arranged and edited by Rabbi Jacob Bosniak (third revised edition, 1937)A bilingual Hebrew-English prayerbook for Shabbat and the Shalosh Regalim (festivals), compiled and edited by Rabbi Jacob Bosniak. This volume (number 2) complements a second for weekdays and special occasions (vol. 1). . . . 📖 מענה לשון וזכרון עולם | Maaneh Lashon v’Zikhron Olam: Prayers Upon the Cemetery and In Memory Aeterna, edited by Rabbi Simon Glazer (1935)Based upon the Seder Teḥinot al Bet Almin, by Rabbi Yaaqov Sinna (ca. 1615), a collection of teḥinot for when visiting the graves of loved ones, as well as additional prayers for sick relatives and for women approaching childbirth. . . . Categories: Memorial, Funeral, and Cemetery Prayer Guides The poem “Wormicide” (1931) by Rabbi Alter Abelson. . . . Categories: Rosh haShanah la-Behemah The poem “Sambatyon” (1931) by Rabbi Alter Abelson. . . . Categories: Ḳabbalat Shabbat The poem “The Phylacteries” (1931) by Rabbi Alter Abelson. . . . Categories: Tefillin The poem “Friday Eve” by Rabbi Alter Abelson (1931). . . . Man Is Here for the Sake of Others, by Albert Einstein (1930) as excerpted by Rabbi Morrison David Bial“Man Is Here for the Sake of Others,” a short excerpt from a longer essay by Albert Einstein, was included by Rabbi Morrison David Bial in his collection of supplemental prayers and texts for personal prayer and synagogue services: An Offering of Prayer (Temple Sinai of Summit, New Jersey, 1962). The full text of Einstein’s essay appeared under the title “What I Believe” in Forum and Century 84 (October 1930), no. 4, p. 193-194. David E. Rowe and Robert Schulman (in Einstein on Politics 2007, p. 226) note, “The text was reproduced several times under the title ‘The World as I See It,’ most notably in Mein Weltbild and Ideas and Opinions, and in 1932 the German League of Human Rights released a phonograph recording of Einstein reading a slightly variant version entitled ‘Confession of Belief.'” . . . Categories: Labor, Fulfillment, and Parnasah, 🇺🇸 National Brotherhood Week, 🌐 International Workers' Day (May 1st), 🤦︎ Taḥanun (Nefilat Apayim), 🌐 Human Rights Day (December 10th) A collection of teḥinot, in English, edited by Rabbi Simon Glazer. . . . Categories: Personal & Paraliturgical collections of prayers 📖 לקוטי תפלות | Liḳutei Tefilot: Pulpit and Public Prayers, compiled and edited by Rabbi Jacob Bosniak (1927)A collection of dedicatory and circumstantial prayers by Rabbi Jacob Bosniak and other rabbis. . . . Categories: Pulpit & Ceremonial collections of prayers 📖 מחזור לשלוש רגלים (אשכנז) | Maḥzor l’Shalosh Regalim: Festival Prayer Book, arranged and translated by the United Synagogue of America (1927)The United Synagogue of America (now knows as the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism) compiled this Hebrew-English maḥzor for the three regalim (pilgrimage festivals: Pesaḥ, Shavuot, and Sukkot with Shmini Atseret.) Rabbi Dr. Louis Ginzburg was among the editors and writers who helped to compile the maḥzor. . . . A hymn for the end of war by Rabbi Max D. Klein. . . . 📖 Hymns of Praise and Prayer, compiled by Rabbi Max D. Klein for Congregation Adath Jeshurun, Philadelphia (1926)A hymnal prepared in 1926 by Rabbi Max D. Klein for his congregation, Adath Jeshurun in Philadelphia. . . . Categories: Hymn-Books & Religious poetry A prayer written for Armistice Day after the first World War. . . . Categories: 🌐 Armistice Day (November 11th) 📖 סדור לשבת (אשכנז) | Sabbath Prayer Book, arranged for Conservative Congregations by Rabbi Barnett A. Elzas (1919)A Friday night and Saturday morning Shabbat prayer book arranged for Conservative Congregations in 1919. . . . Categories: Shabbat Siddurim Contributor(s): Barnett Abraham Elzas and Aharon N. Varady (digital imaging and document preparation) গীতাঞ্জলি | גִּיטַאנְיַ׳אלִי (קרבן־זמרה) | Gitanjali (Song-offerings), by Rabindranath Tagore (1912); translated into Hebrew by David Frischmann (1922)The Nobel prize winning collection of “song-offerings” or Gitanjali by Rabindranath Tagore, in Bengali and English, translated to Hebrew by David Frischmann. . . . Categories: Modern Miscellany 📖 מענה לשון: סדר תחינות על בית עלמין | Ma’aneh Lashon: Seder Teḥinot al Bet Almin, translated with additions by Goetzel Selikovitsch (1910)Based upon the Seder Teḥinot al Bet Almin, by Rabbi Yaaqov Sinna (ca. 1615), a collection of teḥinot for when visiting the graves of loved ones, as well as additional prayers for sick relatives and for women approaching childbirth. . . . Categories: Memorial, Funeral, and Cemetery Prayer Guides 📖 ש״ס תחנה חדשה | Shas Teḥinah Ḥadashah (A New Tkhine of Six Orders), compiled by Ben-Tsiyon Alfes (Vilna 1910)A popular collection of tkhines compiled from earlier collections by Ben-Tsiyon Alfes. . . . Categories: Personal & Paraliturgical collections of prayers A New Declaration of Independence by Emma Goldman. . . . Categories: Modern Miscellany, 🇺🇸 National Brotherhood Week, Labor & Workers' Day Readings, 🇺🇸 Independence Day Readings 📖 מַחֲזוֹר עֲבֹדַת אֹהֶל מוֹעֵד: עֲבֹדַת חַג הַשָּׁבֻעוֹת (אשכנז) | Maḥzor Avodat Ohel Moed: Avodat Ḥag haShavuot, arranged and translated by Arthur Davis & Herbert Adler (1909)A bilingual Hebrew-English maḥzor for Pesaḥ prepared from Hebrew text fixed by Wolf Heidenheim, arranged and translated by Arthur Davis and Herbert Adler. . . . Categories: Maḥzorim for Pesaḥ & Shavuot 📖 מַחֲזוֹר עֲבֹדַת אֹהֶל מוֹעֵד: עֲבֹדַת חַג הַמַּצּוֹת (אשכנז) | Maḥzor Avodat Ohel Moed: Avodat Ḥag haMatsot, arranged and translated by Arthur Davis & Herbert Adler (1909)A bilingual Hebrew-English maḥzor for Pesaḥ prepared from Hebrew text fixed by Wolf Heidenheim, arranged and translated by Arthur Davis and Herbert Adler. . . . Categories: Maḥzorim for Pesaḥ & Shavuot 📖 מַחֲזוֹר עֲבֹדַת אֹהֶל מוֹעֵד: עֲבֹדַת חַג הַסֻּכּוֹת (אשכנז) | Maḥzor Avodat Ohel Moed: Avodat Ḥag haSukkot, arranged and translated by Arthur Davis & Herbert Adler (1908)A bilingual Hebrew-English maḥzor for Sukkot prepared from Hebrew text fixed by Wolf Heidenheim, arranged and translated by Arthur Davis and Herbert Adler. . . . Categories: Maḥzorim for Sukkot & Shemini Atseret 📖 סדר תפלות כל השנה (אשכנז) | Magil’s Complete (Hebrew-English) Linear Prayer Book, arranged and translated by Yosef Mogilnitski (second improved edition, 1908)A bilingual Hebrew-English siddur, with translation presented in a linear, phrase by phrase format, to aid English readers in learning liturgical Hebrew. . . . Categories: Comprehensive (Kol Bo) Siddurim 📖 מַחֲזוֹר עֲבֹדַת אֹהֶל מוֹעֵד: עֲבֹדַת חַג הַזִּכָּרוֹן (אשכנז) | Maḥzor Avodat Ohel Moed: Avodat Yom haZikaron, arranged and translated by Arthur Davis & Herbert Adler (1907)A bilingual Hebrew-English maḥzor for Rosh haShanah prepared from Hebrew text fixed by Wolf Heidenheim, arranged and translated by Arthur Davis and Herbert Adler. . . . Categories: Maḥzorim for Rosh haShanah 📖 סדור כל בו (אשכנז) | Siddur Kol Bo, a bilingual Hebrew-English prayerbook compiled by the Hebrew Publishing Company (1906)The first bilingual Hebrew-English “kol bo” (comprehensive) prayerbook published by the Hebrew Publishing Company in 1906. . . . Categories: Comprehensive (Kol Bo) Siddurim Contributor(s): Hebrew Publishing Company and Aharon N. Varady (digital imaging and document preparation) 📖 סדר התפלות לפסח ולשבועות (מנהג הספרדים) | Seder haTefilot l’Pesaḥ u’l’Shavuot, edited and revised by Moses Gaster (1906)A bilingual Hebrew-English maḥzor for the festival of Pesaḥ and Shavuot, nusaḥ sefarad, with a translation for Rabbi David de Aaron de Sola, revised and edited by Moses Gaster. . . . Categories: Maḥzorim for Pesaḥ & Shavuot 📖 סדר התפלות לחג הסכות (מנהג הספרדים) | Seder haTefilot l’Ḥag haSukkot, edited and revised by Moses Gaster (1906)A bilingual Hebrew-English maḥzor for the festival of Sukkot, Shemini Atseret and Simḥat Torah, nusaḥ sefarad, with a translation for Rabbi David de Aaron de Sola, revised and edited by Moses Gaster. . . . Categories: Maḥzorim for Sukkot & Shemini Atseret Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Abram Simon on 16 February 1905The Opening Prayer given in the U.S. House of Representatives on 16 February 1905. . . . The prayer-poem, “Take Me Under Your Wing” (1905) by Ḥayyim Naḥman Bialik. . . . The Opening Prayer given in the U.S. Senate on 2 February 1904, the first prayer of a rabbinic guest chaplain recorded in the Congressional Record . . . 📖 מַחֲזוֹר עֲבֹדַת אֹהֶל מוֹעֵד: עֲבֹדַת חַג הַכִּפּוּרִים (אשכנז) | Maḥzor Avodat Ohel Moed: Avodat Yom haKippurim, arranged and translated by Arthur Davis & Herbert Adler (1904)A bilingual Hebrew-English maḥzor for Yom Kippur prepared from Hebrew text fixed by Wolf Heidenheim, arranged and translated by Arthur Davis and Herbert Adler. . . . Categories: Maḥzorim for Yom haKippurim The poem, “Im Shamesh” (At Sunrise) by Ḥayyim Naḥman Bialik in June 1903. . . . 📖 סדר התפלות חלק א׳ (מנהג הספרדים) | Seder haTefilot vol.1: Daily and Occasional Prayers, translated by Rabbi David de Aaron de Sola (1835/1852), edited and revised by Moses Gaster (1901)A bilingual Hebrew-English siddur, nusaḥ sefarad, with a translation for Rabbi David de Aaron de Sola, revised and edited by Moses Gaster. . . . Categories: Comprehensive (Kol Bo) Siddurim The poem “Tsafririm” (1900) by Ḥayyim Naḥman Bialik with an English translation by Ben Aronin. . . . Categories: Morning Baqashot Tags: 19th century C.E., 57th century A.M., alternate rhyming scheme, animistic spirits, entering magical territory, first person, Jewish faeries, Light, modern hebrew poetry, mythopoetic, numinous beings, Prayers as poems, romanticism Contributor(s): the Ben Yehuda Project (transcription), Ben Aronin, Ḥayyim Naḥman Bialik and Aharon N. Varady (transcription) 💬 The Presence of an Absence: a Public Reading for the Fast of Esther, the dark side to Purim, by Rabbi Arthur O. WaskowA public reading offered by Rabbi Arthur Waskow for the Fast of Esther in response to recent events in the State of Israel by the right-wing government of Bibi Netanyahu admitting Jewish fascists into their administration. . . . Categories: Taanit Esther Readings The project page for the transcription and translation of the Seder al-Tawḥid for Rosh Ḥodesh Nissan. . . . Categories: Seder al-Tawḥid Siddur Qorban Minḥah, a Jewish prayerbook collecting the customs of the school of the ARI z”l, accompanied by tkhines and translations in Yiddish. . . . אַמעריקע די פּרעכטיקע | America the Beautiful, a patriotic hymn by Katharine Lee Bates (1895) with Yiddish translation by Berl Lapin (1950)“America the Beautiful,” the patriotic hymn (1911 version) by Katharine Lee Bates (1859-1929) in its Yiddish translation by Berl Lapin (1889-1952). . . . Categories: 🇺🇸 Independence Day (July 4th) The poem “Gamodei Layil” (Gnomes of the Night) by Ḥayyim Naḥman Bialik, ca. 1894. . . . Categories: Bedtime Shema Tags: 19th century C.E., 57th century A.M., animistic spirits, creatures of the night, entering magical territory, evening spirits, Jewish faeries, magical beings, modern hebrew poetry, mythopoetic, night, romanticism, שדים sheydim, vilde ḥayye, where the wild things are, whimsy Contributor(s): the Ben Yehuda Project (transcription), Ben Aronin, Ḥayyim Naḥman Bialik and Aharon N. Varady (transcription) 📖 ספר תפילת החדש (מנהג הספרדים) | The Daily Prayers, a bilingual Hebrew-Marathi prayerbook arranged and translated by Joseph Ezekiel Rajpurkar (1889)A comprehensive (“kol bo”) siddur in the liturgical tradition of the eastern Sefaradim, prepared for the Bene Israel community in India. . . . Categories: Comprehensive (Kol Bo) Siddurim A hymn-book containing not only traditional Jewish hymns, but also others of Christian origin (“adapted for Jewish worship”). Upon it was based the Union Hymnal, which was subsequently adopted by Reform congregations in the United States. . . . Categories: Hymn-Books & Religious poetry 📖 Songs and Prayers and Meditations for Divine Services of Israelites, arranged by Rabbi Benjamin Szold and translated by Rabbi Marcus Jastrow (1873)A hymnal prepared by Rabbi Benjamin Szold and translated from German into English by Rabbi Marcus Jastrow. . . . Categories: Hymn-Books & Religious poetry 📄 תפלת ערב של חול | Weekday Evening Prayer, based upon the Karaite Prayerbook of Abraham Firkovich (1871)The weekday evening service according to a Karaite Prayerbook adapted from one printed by Abraham Firkovich in 1871. . . . Categories: Karaite Prayerbooks 📄 תפלת בקר של חול | Weekday Morning Prayer, based upon the Karaite Prayerbook of Abraham Firkovich (1871)The weekday morning service according to a Karaite Prayerbook adapted from one printed by Abraham Firkovich in 1871. . . . Categories: Karaite Prayerbooks 📄 תפלת בקר של שבת | Sabbath Morning Prayer, based upon the Karaite Prayerbook of Abraham Firkovich (1871)The Sabbath morning service according to a Karaite Prayerbook adapted from one printed by Abraham Firkovich in 1871. . . . Categories: Karaite Prayerbooks 📄 תפלת ערב של שבת | Sabbath Eve Prayer, based upon the Karaite Prayerbook of Abraham Firkovich (1871)The Sabbath eve service according to a Karaite Prayerbook adapted from one printed by Abraham Firkovich in 1871. . . . Categories: Karaite Prayerbooks | ||
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