— for those crafting their own prayerbooks and sharing the content of their practice
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June 2020 —⟶ Page 3 A prayer of a daughter on the yahrzeit of her mother or father. . . . Categories: Mourning A supplication made during a period of debilitating illness. . . . Categories: Well-being, health, and caregiving A supplication of a wife for the recovery of her ill husband. . . . Categories: Well-being, health, and caregiving A supplication of a mother for her sick infant child. . . . A prayer for festival of Ḥanukkah. . . . Categories: Ḥanukkah A paraliturgical prayer for the New Moon on Rosh Ḥodesh. . . . Categories: Rosh Ḥodesh Meditations on the Life of Moses, Our Great Legislator, Appointed for the 7th Adar, the Anniversary of his Death, by Marcus Heinrich Bresslau (1852)A meditation on the life and person of Mosheh Rabbeinu for the 7th of Adar. . . . Categories: Shiv'ah b'Adar Prière quand on se met en voyage | Prayer when you go on a journey, by Jonas Ennery & Rabbi Arnaud Aron (1852)A prayer for travel. . . . Categories: Travel A prayer for a mother on the day of her son’s circumcision. . . . Categories: Brit Milah & Simḥat Bat A prayer for a young woman on her Bat Mitsvah on becoming responsible for observing her mitsvot. . . . Categories: Bnei (Bar/Bat) Mitsvah & Other Birthday Prayers Prière d’un enfant pour un malade | A child’s prayer for a sick person, by Jonas Ennery & Rabbi Arnaud Aron (1852)A child’s prayer for someone suffering from an illness. . . . Categories: Well-being, health, and caregiving Prière avant l’initiation | Prayer before initiation (of a Bar/Bat Mitsvah), by Jonas Ennery & Rabbi Arnaud Aron (1852)A preliminary prayer offered by a Bar or Bat Mitsvah before they are confirmed in a public ceremony. . . . Categories: Bnei (Bar/Bat) Mitsvah & Other Birthday Prayers א דוּדעלע (אַיֵּה אֶמְצָאֶךָּ) | A Dudele (Where shall I seek you?), by Rabbi Levi Yitsḥaq of Berditchev (ca. 18th c.)A profound song invoking divine presence. . . . Categories: Rosh haShanah (l’Maaseh Bereshit), Yom Kippur, Purim Qatan, 🤦︎ Taḥanun (Nefilat Apayim), Motsei Shabbat יָהּ, אָנָה אֶמְצָאֶךָּ | Yah, Where shall I find you?, a piyyut by Yehudah haLevi (ca. early 12th c.)A piyyut that expresses the paradox of a divinity that is both “Beyond” and “Present.” . . . אֱלִי, רְפָאֵנִי וְאֵרָפֵא | Eli Refa’eni v’Erafé, the personal physician’s prayer of Rabbi Dr. Yehudah haLevi (ca. early 12th c.)The physician’s prayer of Rabbi Dr. Yehudah ben Shmuel haLevi in the 12th century CE. . . . Categories: Well-being, health, and caregiving 📄 סדר עתיק לקריאות מהתנ״ך לפי מסכת סופרים | A Service for Scriptural Readings from Antiquity, reconstructed from Masekhet Soferim by Isaac Gantwerk MayerThe “minor tractate” Soferim is one of our best sources for early liturgical practice. It is the oldest known source for multiple practices still followed today, such as the blessing for the haftarah. Such luminaries as the Vilna Gaon considered it a vital work. But some of its practices are… well, odd. There are customs in Tractate Soferim which are found nowhere else in classical rabbinics — blessings for the recitation of books in Writings other than the scrolls, a three-year cycle of Torah readings, and a custom to divide the scrolls in half when reading them. This service is constructed based on the descriptions and passages of Tractate Soferim, mostly following the Gra’s edition. In some ways it may be very familiar, especially to Ashkenazim, but in others it is a fascinating glimpse into a heretofore lost practice of Judaism. . . . Categories: Before the Aliyot ברייתא דרבי ישמעאל | The Baraita of Rebbi Yishma’el: thirteen principles of halakhic exegesis (translated by Rabbi Ben-Zion Bokser)The thirteen exegetical rules by which halakhot from the Torah may be derived, according to Rebbi Yishmael, included with the preliminary prayers before the Psukei d’Zimrah/Zemirot of Shaḥarit. . . . Chapter 2 of Pirqei Avot (Fundamental Principles [of Rabbinic Judaism]) with cantillation and English translation. . . . Chapter 3 of Pirqei Avot (Fundamental Principles [of Rabbinic Judaism]) with cantillation and English translation. . . . Chapter 4 of Pirqei Avot (Fundamental Principles [of Rabbinic Judaism]) with cantillation and English translation. . . . Chapter 5 of Pirqei Avot (Fundamental Principles [of Rabbinic Judaism]) with cantillation and English translation. . . . Chapter 6 of Pirqei Avot (Fundamental Principles [of Rabbinic Judaism]) with cantillation and English translation. . . . Ὑμνεῖν με δεῖ τὸν θεόν | “I Must Praise God,” excerpted from the Discourses of Epictetus by Rabbi Morrison David BialA short discourse on the necessity for prayer by the Stoic philosopher, Epictetus. . . . 💬 ילקוט מזמורים לבן סירא פרק נ״א | An Appendix of Psalms of Ben Sira chapter 51, vocalized, cantillated, and translated by Isaac Gantwerk MayerThe end of the scroll of Ben Sira (Ecclesiasticus) reconstructed from Cairo Geniza fragments not contained within the Septuagint. . . . Categories: Second Temple Period 💬 Haftarah Reading for Parashat Ḥuqat (Judges 11:1-33): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len FellmanThe haftarah reading for Parashat Ḥuqat, in English translation, transtropilized. . . . 💬 Haftarah Reading for Parashat b’Ha’alotekha (Zekharyah 2:14-4:7): Chantable English translation with trōp, by Len FellmanThe haftarah reading for Parashat b’Ha’alotekha, in English translation, transtropilized. . . . | ||
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