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Veterans Day Prayer at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, by Rabbi Arnold E. Resnicoff, Chaplain, USN (Ret.)

Soliloquy of Yehudis, by Morah Yehudis Fishman

A Prayer for Today (US Election Day 2020), by Rabbi Shai Held

Prayer for Every Voice to be Heard and All Votes to be Counted, by Rabbi Lauren Grabelle Herrmann (2020)

A Scholar’s Prayer for Intellectual Honesty, adapted from a prayer quoted by Dr. Leslie Weatherhead (1951)

Prayer for the Government of the United States of America, by Rabbi Norman Salit (1927)

Prayer for the Government of the United States of America, by Rabbi Leo Jung (1927)

מה אלו | “Who are these?” — the Origin of the Angels of Healing: Sanoi, Sansanoi, and Semanglof, as told in the Alphabet of ben Sira (ca. late first millennium)

היסטוריולה של סממית וסידרוס | Historiola of Smamit and Sideros, a reconstruction based on Amulet 15 & Amulet Bowl 12a

שָׁלוֹם עֲלֵיכֶם (שְׁלָמָא אֵילוֹכוּן)‏ | Shalom Aleikhem (Shlama Elokhun), Aramaic translation by Yaacov Maoz

סֵפֶר חֲנוֹךְ | The Animal Apocalypse (1 Enoch 83-90), with Aramaic Fragments and translations in Ge’ez and English