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הַנּוֹתֵן תְּשׁוּעָה | A Prayer for the Kaiser, Nikolai Ⅱ Alexanderovich (1889)

The Menorah, a poem by Miriam del Banco (1886)

Rugăcĭune Pentru Regele | Prayer for the King [Carol Ⅰ, of Romania], by Rabbi Dr. Moses Gaster (1883)

The Voice of the Lord, a poem by Rosa Emma Salaman (before 1883)

The Feast of Lights, a poem by Emma Lazarus (1882)

📖 תפלות ישראל (אשכנז)‏ | Tefilot Yisrael, a bilingual Hebrew-English prayerbook translated and arranged by Tsvi Hirsch Filipowski (1862/1872)

He of Prayer, a poem concerning the angel Sandalphon by an Unknown Author (ca. 1870s)

תפלה לשלום המלכות | Prière pour l’empereur | Prayer for the Well-being of Louis Napoleon Ⅲ, Emperor of France (1869)

📖 סדר התפלות או סדור לכל ימי השנה (אשכנז) | Séder haThephiloth, ou Rituel Prières Journalières à l’usage des Israélites du Rite Allemand (2nd ed. Elḥanan Durlacher 1869)

Ḥanukkah, a hymn by Isaac Mayer Wise (1868)

Ḥanukkah, a hymn by Minna Kleeberg (1868)

Whoa, Mary, don’t you weep no more! (Hebrew adaptation by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer)

Prayer of praise for Tsar Alexander II, emancipator of the serfs of the Russian Empire (HaMelitz, 1861)

With Grateful Hearts of Song and Praise, a “School Hymn” by Rabbi Moritz Mayer (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1856)

Oh! Fill our Hearts, Almighty King! – a “School Hymn” (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1856)

Almighty God! We Pray to Thee – a “School Hymn” by Rabbi Moritz Mayer (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1856)

Rejoice in God, Our Mighty Rock – a hymn for Shavuot by Rabbi Moritz Mayer (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1856)

God Dwells in Light! – a hymn for Ḥanukkah by Rabbi Moritz Mayer (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1856)

O God! Today Our Joyful Song of Praise – a hymn for Purim by Rabbi Moritz Mayer (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1856)

Father of Nations! Judge Divine! – a hymn on “Our Country” by Penina Moïse (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1856)

📖 Hymns Written for the Use of Hebrew Congregations (Penina Moïse et al., Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim, Charleston, South Carolina 1856)

Arise! Let the Souls of the Hebrews Rejoice, a hymn for Ḥanukkah by Cordelia Moïse Cohen (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1856)

שִׁירַת הַדֶּרֶךְ הָרְחָבָה | Song of the Open Road, by Walt Whitman (1856), Hebrew translation by Shimon Halkin (1952)

Prayer in Memory of Departed Souls (הזכרת נשמות), by Marcus Heinrich Bresslau (1852)

Prayer and Thanksgiving on Going to the Synagogue for the First Time After Confinement, by Marcus Heinrich Bresslau (1852)

Prayer on the Sabbath of Naming a New Born Daughter, by Marcus Heinrich Bresslau (1852)

Gebet einer schwangern Frau, an הושענא רבה, nachdem sie den Segen über die Etrog-Frucht gesprochen | Prayer of a pregnant woman on Hoshana Rabbah after saying the blessing over the etrog fruit, a teḥinah by Meïr Letteris (1852)

Domestic Prayer of Thanksgiving After Confinement, by Marcus Heinrich Bresslau (1852)

Prayer Previous to Confinement, by Marcus Heinrich Bresslau (1852)

Daily Prayer Against Temptation, by Marcus Heinrich Bresslau (1852)

Prayer of a Wife for her Husband, by Marcus Heinrich Bresslau (1852)

Exercise for the Anniversary of a Parent’s Decease (יאָרצײַט), translated by Rabbi Morris Jacob Raphall (1852)

Meditation on Immortality, by Marcus Heinrich Bresslau (1852)

Prayer on the Day of Betrothal, by Marcus Heinrich Bresslau (1852)

Prayer for the 7th Day of Sukkot (הושענא רבה), by Marcus Heinrich Bresslau (1852)

Prayer for the Day of Solemn Assembly (שמיני עצרת), by Marcus Heinrich Bresslau (1852)

Prayer for the Festival of Rejoicing in the Torah (שמחת תורה), by Marcus Heinrich Bresslau (1852)

Prayer of Thanksgiving for the Feast of Tabernacles (סוכות), by Marcus Heinrich Bresslau (1852)

Prayer on the Day of Marriage (previous to the Nuptial Ceremony), by Marcus Heinrich Bresslau (1852)

Prayer for the Feast of Purim (פורים), by Marcus Heinrich Bresslau (1852)

📖 Devotional Exercises for the Use of Jewish Women on Public and Domestic Occasions, an anthology of teḥinot by Miriam Wertheimer (1852) translated from the work of Dr. Meïr Letteris (1846)

On Composing Prayers Outside of the Prayerbook, an introduction by Isaac Leeser to “Two Short Prayers” (1851)

Gebet wenn Seuchen oder epidemische Krankheiten herrsche | Prayer When Epidemic Diseases Prevail, a teḥinah by Meïr Letteris (1846)

Gebet beim Eintritt in das Gotteshaus | Prayer upon entering the house of God, by Dr. Meïr Letteris (1846)

Gebet für alle Buß- und Fasttage | Prayer on Every Penitential and Fast Day, a teḥinah by Meïr Letteris (1846)

Gebet beim Abscheiden des Teiges (חלה) | Domestic Prayer on Dividing the Dough, a teḥinah by Meïr Letteris (1846)

Gebet an einem Fasttage | Prayer on a Public Fast Day (תַּעֲנִית צִבּוּר), a teḥinah by Dr. Meïr Letteris (1846)

Gebet beim Eingange des Sabbath, vor dem Anzünden der Lichter Freitag Nachts | Prayer Before Lighting the Sabbath Lamp, a teḥinah by Meïr Letteris (1846)

📖 תָּחֲנוּנֵי בַּת יְהוּדָה (Taḥnunei bat Yehudah): Andachtsbuch für Israelitische Frauenzimmer, an anthology of teḥinot in German by Meïr haLevi Letteris (1846)

We Bring Not to Our Holy Shrine, a hymn for Shavuot by Penina Moïse (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1842)