This work is in the Public Domain due to its having been published more than 95 years ago.
The publication of this collection of “Hymns and Anthems” has its reason chiefly in the need of the editor’s congregation of such a book. The hymns contained in this collection are, in the main, the same as printed in the “Sabbath-School Hymnal,” published simultaneously with this book by the undersigned. A few numbers, borrowed from Penina Moise’s Collection, have been substituted for school hymns of a lighter character, and for second tunes of the same hymn, so as to continue the same order in both books.
The majority of worshipers, especially the older generation, are not accustomed to the use of music notes during divine service; they prefer the simple text, from which they may follow the melody as sung by the choir or the Sabbath-School children.
The collection of Anthems has been kindly furnished by the Rev. Theodore Guinsburg, Cantor, and Prof. Gideon Froelich, organist of Congregation Ahawath ‘Hesed-Shaar Hashomayim. The words selected are chiefly Psalms and other Hebrew Scripture texts, and a few favorite poems, with special regard to existing music. The order of subjects has been made with a view to the practical needs of the service. The first four sections, Nos. 1-138, comprise, what may be termed, Hymns of Worship. With very few exceptions they are products of Jewish authors. The exceptions are merely versifications of Psalms or other Bible-texts, or poems that arc born of the Jewish spirit.
The editor has deemed it his duty to east into English form the noble, soulful and genuinely Jewish hymns of the late Dr. Adolph Huebsch, the ever-remembered Rabbi and guide of the above mentioned congregation. He is aware of the inadequacy of his English renditions to the beauty and ease of the original German. Until a new generation of poets will arise in this land who will sing the message of Judaism in their native tongue, let us be satisfied with translations from the German and the Hebrew liturgy.
The editor expresses his lasting thanks to Mrs. Marion Proelich, without whose aid he could never have accomplished this difficult task.
A few translations have been made from other sources: No. 75 from the German of Minna Kleeberg; No. 121 from Leopold Stein; 132 from the Hebrew of Jehuda Halevi; No. 265 from the Berliner Gebetbuch. No. 107, ”O Day of God,” by Leopold Stein, has been translated by Rev. F.L. Hosmer, to whom the editor is greatly indebted for help and suggestions in his previous liturgical labors. “The Songs of Duty” have been added for the convenience of the class-room rather than for service; they are meant to be an aid to the lessons in ethics or for recitations.
The editor shall be thankful for suggestions and corrections of his translations, to be utilized in future editions.
Isaac S. Moses.
September, 1904.
Tishri, 5665.

“📖 Hymns and Anthems for Jewish Worship, compiled by Rabbi Isaac S. Moses (1904)” is shared through the Open Siddur Project with a Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication 1.0 Universal license.
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