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📄 סדור תפילות הקראים | Weekday and Sabbath Prayers based upon the Karaite Prayerbook of Abraham Firkovich (1871/2002)

בעריכת נחמיה גורדון בהתיעצות עם הרב משה דבח ע”פ נוסח ר’ אברהם פירקוביץ שיצא לאור לראשונה בווילנא תרל”א (Edited by Nehemia Gordon in consultation with R’ Moshe Dabah. Based on the Avraham Firkovich Edition, Vilna 1870). Citations from Karaite scholars are shown as “(K.S.)” in the translation and “(ח”מ)” in the liturgy.




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2 comments to 📄 סדור תפילות הקראים | Weekday and Sabbath Prayers based upon the Karaite Prayerbook of Abraham Firkovich (1871/2002)

  • Avatar photo Kitty Corbett

    I downloaded and printed the Karaite Prayerbook and am totally confused. The first six and a half pages were headed, “Weekday Evening Prayer.” Following pages were for Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday, with nothing designated for Friday. Then more prayers for Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Then several pages of Weekday Sanctification followed by several pages of text for Saturday night, followed by a Silent Prayer, Spoken Prayer and Imparting Greetings. What are weekdays if not Sunday through Thursday? Are the texts designated for those days in addition to the weekday evening prayer? But more importantly, what about Friday evening, at the onset of Shabbat?

    • If you’re looking at this PDF, Sabbath evening prayers (a/k/a Friday evening, onset of sabbath) begin at the bottom of page 44.

      If you’re looking at the webpage, the contents of the siddur are organized in tabbed groupings.

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