This work is in the Public Domain due to its having been published more than 95 years ago.
This abbreviated form of the Prayer Book has been compiled for the use of Jewish members of His Majesty’s Navy and Army. It is hoped that this book will meet the wants of the very large number of English Jews who are taking part in the present Great European War. It has been officially accepted for distribution by the Admiralty and the War Office.
By kind permission of the Jewish Religious Education Board, the text of Singer’s Authorised Prayer Book has been used.
The book is issued with the sanction of the Chief Rabbi.
38, Hallam Street, London, W.
9th September 1914.
The present Edition completes an issue of 16,000 copies. This fact testifies to the number of our brethren who are engaged on active service to-day. I am happy to know that the Prayer Book has become very endeared to my gallant comrades in H. M. Forces, both on sea and on land, who are doing their duty so well for King and Country.
May speedy victory be the answer to our prayers !
M. A.
G.H.Q., British Expeditionary Force, France,
27th June 1915.

“📖 [Abridged] Prayer Book for Jewish Sailors and Soldiers [in H.M. Forces] (Office of the Chief Rabbi of the British Empire 1914)” is shared through the Open Siddur Project with a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International copyleft license.
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