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Birkonim (bentschers) with table songs sung on the Sabbath with accompanying translations are now commonplace, but they not always were. The first major collection with accompanying translations was Dr. Leo Hirschfeld’s בזמרות נריע לו Die häuslichen Sabbathgesänge für Freitag⸗Abend, Sabbath⸗Tag und Sabbath⸗Ausgang (1898), an anthology of Sabbath table songs organized according to their traditional feast (Sabbath night, day, and Sabbath afternoon) in the Ashkenazi tradition. The work served as the basis for Herbert Loewe’s Mediæval Hebrew Minstrelsy: Songs for the Bride Queen’s Feast (1926). Besides the Ḳiddush, the collection contains twenty-six Sabbath zemirot and one concluding prayer.
This work is in the Public Domain due to its having been published more than 95 years ago.
“📖 בזמרות נריע לו | Die häuslichen Sabbathgesänge für Freitag⸗Abend, Sabbath⸗Tag und Sabbath⸗Ausgang, by Dr. Leo Jehudah Hirschfeld (1898)” is shared through the Open Siddur Project with a Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication 1.0 Universal license.
Leo Jehudah Hirschfeld (also, Leo Feld; 14 February 1869 - 5 September 1924) was an Austrian librettist, dramaturge, stage director, and writer. He also worked as a translator for publishing companies, and was notably responsible for translating many of Charles Dickens' English language works for their first German language publications. Born in Augsburg, he was the younger brother of librettist Victor Léon and educator Eugenie Hirschfeld. He moved with his family to Vienna in 1875 and was educated at the University of Vienna; earning a doctorate in philosophy in 1892. He began contributing articles to various Vienna based magazines while a college student. Two of his mentors in writing were Jakob Julius David and Hermann Bahr. His first play was awarded the Bauernfeld-Preis in the late 1890s. In 1900 he lived for some months in Berlin where he was actively involved the Überbrettl literary society. He then worked as a dramaturge and stage director in Brunswick. One of his closest friends was the actor Josef Kainz. He wrote opera libretti for composers Eugen d'Albert, Erich Wolfgang Korngold, and Alexander von Zemlinsky.
Aharon Varady, founding director of the Open Siddur Project, is a copyright researcher and amateur book scanner. He prepares digital images and new digital editions of prayer books and related works in the Public Domain in order to make their constituent parts (prayers, translations, annotations, etc.) publicly accessible for collaborative transcription by project volunteers. (In some cases, he finds existing digital editions prepared by others that require correction and reformatting.) If you appreciate his efforts, please send him a kind note or contribute to his patreon account.
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