This work is in the Public Domain due to the lack of a copyright renewal by the copyright holder listed in the copyright notice (a condition required for works published in the United States between January 1st 1924 and January 1st 1964).
This work was scanned by Aharon Varady for the Open Siddur Project from a volume held in the collection of the HUC Klau Library, Cincinnati, Ohio. (Thank you!) This work is cross-posted to the Internet Archive, as a repository for our transcription efforts.
Scanning this work (making digital images of each page) is the first step in a more comprehensive project of transcribing each prayer and associating it with its translation. You are invited to participate in this collaborative transcription effort!
This transliterated edition of the Evening Service — Sabbath and Festivals, contained in the Seder Avodah published in 1951, has been prepared in response to the request of several colleagues, and in the hope that it will serve a useful purpose both for worship and study.
It is a condition in fact to which we should not close our eyes that many adults in our synagogues arc unfamiliar with the text in the Hebrew original. This edition of the Seder Avodah is intended to enable them to follow the Hebrew Service in this transliterated form.
Desiring, however, to avoid the practice, common to many books, and which gives a false impression of the liturgy, of transliterating a passage here and there like the Sh’ma, Mi Chomocho, Kaddish and Adon Olom, this edition of the Seder Avodah has transliterated the Hebrew Service in its entirety. This will enable the individual to follow the Hebrew service when recited by the cantor or to engage in silent devotion in the original in its transliterated form. It is hoped that many will be influenced to learn to read the Hebrew original as a result of this transliteration.
The transliteration herewith presented differs in method from all previous attempts in that several of the Hebrew vowels are utilized; and altogether, the aim has been to give a transliteration which remains as faithful, as is feasibly possible, to the original Hebrew both in regard to the appearance of the word and in regard to its correct pronunciation and accentuation.
In order to promote facility and fluency in following the service it is suggested that individuals and groups practice the reading and singing of portions of the transliterated text.
To this end lessons on how to read the transliterated text have been provided on pages XII, XIII, XIV and XV, at the beginning of this volume.
It should be noted that this edition contains the complete text in Hebrew characters and the English transliteration thereof; also, the English translation of the entire Hebrew text as well as all the original English prayers now in the Evening Service — Sabbath and Festivals in the first edition of the Seder Avodah. It should also be noted that this edition is based on the material in the second edition of the Seder Avodah (revised and enlarged) which, it is hoped, will appear in the near future.
It is planned, depending upon the favorable reaction of the Congregations for whose use this transliterated edition has been issued, to publish in the manner of this volume, the Morning and Afternoon Services for Sabbath and Festivals now contained in the Seder Avodah.
The Editor herewith expresses his thanks to Rabbi Edward T. Sandrow of Temple Beth El, Cedarhurst, Long Island, who showed great interest in the Editor’s approach to the transliteration and encouraged him to publish this volume; also to the Editor’s colleague and associate in Congregation Adath Jeshurun in Philadelphia, Rabbi Morris V. Dembowitz, for his general interest in this work and for his particular aid in the arduous task of proof reading.
The Editor expresses thanks also to Dr. Maurice Jacobs of the Press of Maurice Jacobs, Inc., for his constant helpfulness; and to Mr. David Skaraton and the fine corps of men under his direction for their many kindnesses in the course of the printing of this book; and a special word of gratitude to the Press of Maurice Jacobs, Inc. for having cut new type to meet the needs of the transliteration in accordance with the Editor’s desires. To his friend, Dr. Menahem G. Glenn, the Editor is again indebted for many a wise suggestion from which this volume has greatly benefited.
It is the Editor’s hope that this work may fulfil the purposes which it was intended to serve.
Max D. Klein
Rabbi, Congregation Adath Jeshurun,
Philadelphia, Pa.
October, 1954
Tishri, 5715

“📖 סדר עבודה ערבית לשבת ולשלוש רגלים (אשכנז) | Seder Avodah Tefilat Arvit l’Shabbat u’l’Shalosh Regalim, arranged, translated, and transliterated by Rabbi Max D. Klein (1954)” is shared through the Open Siddur Project with a Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication 1.0 Universal license.
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