This digital scan of Rokhl M’vako al Boneho was prepared by Aharon Varady from a copy held in the collection of the Klau Library (HUC) in Cincinnati, Ohio. The scan was made in order to create faithful transcriptons and translations with direct reference to the original work.
A selection of 13 prayers appearing here were transcribed and translated by Rabbi Tracy Guren Klirs for her dissertation, later published as בזכות אמהות The Merit of Our Mothers: A Bilingual Anthology of Jewish Women’s Prayers, Cincinnati: Hebrew Union College Press, 1992.
Index of completed transcriptions and translations
תחנה אײדער אפרויא גײט אין טבילת מצוה | Tkhine for when a Woman Goes to Immerse in the Mikve
דיא װײבּער װאס האבּין אײן שׁװערין מזל צו קינדר זאלין דיא תחנה זאגין | Women who Have Bad Luck with Children Should Recite this Tkhine
א תחנה פאר א כלה קודם החופה | A Tkhine for a Bride [to say] before the Khupe
תחנה פאר אמוטער װאס פירט אקינד אין חדר | Tkhine for a Mother Leading their Child to Religious School
א תחנה פאר א מוטער װאס פירט איהר קינד דעם ערשׁטען מאל אין חדר | Tkhine for a Mother Who Leads their Child for the First Time to Religious School

“📖 רָחֵל מְבַכָּה עַל־בָּנֶיהָ | Rokhl M’vako al Boneho: A Nayye Shas Tekhine :: Raḥel Weeps for Her Children: A New Collection of Teḥinot (Vilna 1910)” is shared through the Open Siddur Project with a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International copyleft license.
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