Teḥinot Banot Yisrael: Devotions for the Daughters of Israel (1852) by Marcus Heinrich Bresslau is one of the first collections of teḥinot published for an English speaking audience. Bresslau explains in his preface that his work was translated and adapted “from a Prayer Book in general use throughout Germany.” Alas, he offers no other bibliographic reference for the volume in which his work relied so much upon. (If you think you know, please contact us or leave a comment below.)
This collection of teḥinot follows the publication in French of Imrei Lev: Prières D’un Cœur Israélite (1848) by Jonas Ennery and Rabbi Arnaud Aron — and precedes the publication of Stunden der Andacht (1855), Fanny Neuda’s collection of her teḥinot written in German. All of these express a movement of tkhines literature beyond an audience of vernacular Yiddish readers and into a world of emancipated Jews more fluent in the language of the modernizing states in which they lived.

The want of some compendious form of Family Prayer in the vernacular for the females of our community, has been so long and strongly felt, that little apology is required for undertaking such a compilation in the true spirit of religious devotion, and with due regard to the existing recognised ritual service. The domestic position of females their numerous and arduous duties, particularly in married life and in reference to the physical and moral care of their children, render it a matter of great difficulty for them to recite all the prayers contained in the usual service with that undivided attention demanded by their solemnity; and this often leads to their being entirely neglected. Besides, many prayers which ought to be used on occasions incidental to female life, necessitate the avoidance of prolixity to enhance their soul stirring tendency. The תחינות “Female Devotions,” of former times supplied this desideratum to a certain extent, and editions in a condensed form and corrected language appeared some years since in France, Germany, and Poland. These תחינות met the approval of the most orthodox and conscientious continental Rabbies, being composed in conformity with traditional Judaism and chiefly extracted from Biblical and Talmudical writings, and yet adapted to the spirit of the age.
The imperative necessity of retaining in any authorized Form of Prayers, the original and sacred language—the Hebrew—has been too strongly pronounced to allow infringement on its sanctity; yet in the case of Females a slight relaxation of that rule in so far as regards private devotions, cannot but be productive of beneficial effects: It is hoped, therefore, that as the object of this Publication is not to interfere with the regular order of Hebrew Prayers, but rather to strengthen the inclination to frequent devotion, the religious bearing of this small volume of “Devotions for the Daughters of Israel,” adapted from a Prayer Book in general use throughout Germany, will be correctly understood and duly appreciated. There can be no doubt that its general diffusion in Jewish families will strengthen that love for our Holy religion which forms the crown and glory of the Women of Israel.
Prayer of Thanksgiving for Sunday
Prayer of Thanksgiving for Monday
Prayer of Thanksgiving for Tuesday
Prayer of Thanksgiving for Wednesday
Prayer of Thanksgiving for Thursday
Prayer of Thanksgiving for Friday
Daily Prayer against Temptation
Meditations on the Holy Sabbath
Prayer for the Sabbath
Prayer for the Sabbath Preceding New Moon
Prayer on New Moon
Meditations on the Life of Moses (for 7th Adar)
Prayer for the First Two Days of Passover
Prayer for the Last Two Days of Passover
Prayer for the Two Days of the Feast of Weeks (Pentecost)
Prayer for the Eve of the New Year
Prayer for the Two Days of the New Year
Prayer for the Eve of the Day of Atonement
Prayer for the Day of Atonement (Morning Service)
Prayer for the Day of Atonement (Additional Service)
Prayer for the Day of Atonement (Closing Service)
Prayer for the First Two Days of the Feast of Tabernacles
Prayer for the Seventh day of the Feast of Tabernacles (הושענה רבה)
Prayer for the Day of Solemn Assembly (שמיני עצרת)
Prayer for the Festival of Rejoicing in the Law (שמחת תורה)
Prayer in Memory of Departed Souls
Meditations on Immortality
Prayer for the Feast of Dedication
Prayer for the Feast of Purim
Prayer for the Fast of the 9th of AbOCCASIONAL PRAYERS.
On a Birth-day
For Parents
On attaining the Age of Twelve (Initiation)
On becoming responsible as to Religious Duties
On the Day of Betrothal
On the Day of Marriage, previous to the Nuptial Ceremony
Of a Wife for her Husband
Of a Wife Previous to Confinement
Domestic Prayer of Thanksgiving after Confinement
On going to Synagogue after Confinement
On the day of Circumcision
On the day of Naming a New-born Daughter
For a Sick [Infant] Child
For a Sick Husband
In Sickness
Prayer of Thanksgiving on Recovering from Sickness
Of An Orphan
Of a Mother on the Grave of her Child
Of a Widow on the Grave of her Husband
For Salvation in the Future State
Resignation under Injuries
On the Grave of a Brother
On the Grave of a Sister
Morning Prayer
Night Prayer
Prayer for Thanksgiving after Meals
On the Anniversary of the Death of a Parent (Jahrzeit)

“📖 תחנות בנות ישראל | Devotions for the Daughters of Israel, by Marcus Heinrich Bresslau (1852)” is shared through the Open Siddur Project with a Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication 1.0 Universal license.
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