The Cantors Assembly of America had the segment of Ha-Siddur Ha-Shalem (Birnbaum 1949) containing the Birkat ha-Mazon (Blessing [after] the Meal) published by itself as a bentsher titled Rabbotai Nevareḥ in 1954. Added to the bentsher were notes to the popular Ashkenazi tune of the birkat hamazon provided by Moshe Nathanson.

This bentsher is in the Public Domain in the United States due to the lack of copyright renewal by the copyright holder indicated in the work’s copyright notice, a condition required for works published in the US between 1923 and 1963.
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The Cantors Assembly of America takes pride in presenting, for the first time, the entire Birkat Hamazon set to music. The traditional melodies, which are uni versally sung, have been retained and new melodies in keeping with our modes (Nuschaot) have been composed for those portions of grace which heretofore were not sung. Music for the special grace blessings for a Brith Milah, for weddings and also for the Sheva Brachot have been included. Much thought was given to the voice range and the singability of all of the melodies.
This publication will fulfill a need so often expressed by rabbis, educational directors, principals, teachers, Jewish camp directors, and especially cantors who are called upon to lead in grace after meals. It will help to standardize the singing of grace. Through this medium, the chanting of grace at all functions and occasions will be more meaningful, inspiring and will induce greater participation.
We wish to thank Reverend Moshe Nathanson for having generously given of his time and effort, for composing much of the new music, for editing, arranging and proofreading of this booklet. We are deeply grateful to Reverend David J. Putterman, our Executive Vice President, for his many valuable suggestions and constant collaboration with Reverend Nathanson. Thanks are due also to Reverend Charles Sudock, our Vice President, who suggested this publication.
We are grateful to Mr. Harry Coopersmith for permitting us to use his adapted tune “Al Hanissim and Bimey Matisyohu.” To Dr. Philip Birnbaum we extend our profound appreciation for his superb English translation of all of the Hebrew texts, and to the Hebrew Publishing Company for its Hebrew text.
May this Rabbotai Nevareḥ truly serve as a means for all to express their gratitude to God “who sustains the whole world with goodness, kindness and mercy.”
The Cantors Assembly of America
June, 1954.

“📖 רבותי נברך | Rabotai Nevarekh, a bentsher compiled by the Cantors Assembly of America (1954)” is shared through the Open Siddur Project with a Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication 1.0 Universal license.
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