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With kavod (honor) to “all whose hearts were stirred to share” (kol asher nasa libam, cf. Exodus 36:2-3), this is a searchable index of all liturgists, translators, transcribers, etc. whose work on Jewish prayer, on prayer books, and on public readings is being shared through the Open Siddur Project. After ten years, the total number of project contributors is nearly 800. A little over half have shared their work either directly with the project with an Open Content license, or indirectly by contributing their work into the Public Domain as a contributor to a government publication. Nearly fifty are institutional copyright stewards (operating or defunct for-profit and non-profit entities). The remaining contributors have had their works transcribed from material that has passed into the Public Domain after their deaths. Some transcribed works shared through the Open Siddur project remain unattributed due to unknown authorship. If you find an uncredited or improperly attributed work, please contact us.

To join this community of contributors, please share your work. Making prayers and related religious works available for creative reuse and republication through Open Content licenses is crucial for keeping Jewish culture cross-pollinating, vital, and relevant under the current climate of denominationally identified silos and proprietary-by-default copyright strictures. Prospective contributors should read our Mission Statement, Terms of Use, and Copyleft Policy. The Open Siddur is a non-prescriptive, non-denominational project and invites participation without prejudice towards ethnic heritage, skin color, nationality, belief or non-belief, sex, gender, sexuality or any other consideration.

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Rabbi Julius Eckman (1805-1874), born in Rawicz, Prussia (now Poland) was an Orthodox rabbi, scholar, and journalist in the United States. He studied at Berlin, and, after teaching for a few years, emigrated to Mobile, Alabama in 1846. Subsequently, he officiated in New Orleans, Richmond, Charleston, San Francisco, and Portland, Oregon. Rabbi Eckman came to San Francisco in 1854 to serve Congregation Emanu-El. There he founded the synagogue's school, Hephtsi-Bah, and ran the synagogue's "Harmonica" day school. In 1857, he established a Jewish newspaper, The Weekly Gleaner (later renamed The Hebrew Observer).
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Yechiel Eckstein (יחיאל אקשטיין; July 11, 1951 – February 6, 2019) was an Israeli American rabbi who founded International Fellowship of Christians and Jews in 1983 and led it for many years. The objectives of the organisation were to support Jews in need of financial help, to promote emigration of Jews to Israel, and to support poor soldiers in the Israel Defense Forces. In 2003, it was listed as the second-largest charitable foundation in Israel by Ha'aretz. In 2010 Newsweek listed him in the Top 50 Most Influential Rabbis in America. He was awarded Hadassah's first Man of Distinction in 2010, and the Raoul Wallenberg Award in 2014. He was listed in the "Jerusalem Post's Top 50 Most Influential Jews" of 2014 and 2015.
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Rabbi Dov Berl Edelstein (דב אדלשטיין, b. 1926), from Bedek (near Szatmár), Romania, is a retired rabbi, educator, and lecturer. A survivor of the Holocaust, he published his memoir Worlds Torn Asunder in 1985. After World War II, he came to Israel via Cyprus in 1947 and and taught Hebrew. In 1962, he emigrated to the United States where he served Beth Israel Synagogue in Weirton, West Virginia. In the early 1970s he moved to Appleton, Wisconsin where he served the Moses Montefiore Synagogue. While there, he earned a graduate degree in American history and studied the relationship of the Wisconsin press toward President Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War.
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Eden miQedem is a psychedelic Middle Eastern fusion band centered in Israel.
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Noah Jonathan Efron (b. 1959) is a professor at Bar-Ilan University, where he was founding chair of the interdisciplinary program on Science, Technology, and Society. He has served as the President of the Israeli Society for History & Philosophy of Science, on the Board of Directors and Scientific Committee of the Eretz Yisrael Museum, and on the Executive Committee of the International Society for Science and Religion. He is a standing member of Israel's National Committee for Transgenic Plants, and participated in Knesset deliberations on human cloning legislation. Efron has been a member of the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, a fellow of the Dibner Institute for History of Science and Technology at MIT, a fellow at Harvard University, and a visiting professor at Columbia University and the University of Pennsylvania. He is a former member of the Tel Aviv City Council, a published author, and since 2011, the host of the popular The Promised Podcast.
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Rabbi Ehrman is a former Rebbe at Yeshivat HaKotel and Netiv Aryeh and Rosh Kollel of Kollel Iyun Hanefesh in Yerushalayim. He has authored numerous sefarim including Shiras Yitzchak, Simchas Shmuel, Simchas Hanefesh and also scores of articles in English and Hebrew. He has served as scholar in residence for various congregations throughout the New York area. To invite Rabbi Ehrman to speak in your shul or to learn with him over Skype, he invites you to contact him directly at ally [dot] ehrman [at] gmail [dot] com.
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Liora Eilon (ליאורה אילון) of Kibbutz Kfar Azza is a group facilitator at Sapir Academic College.
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David Einhorn (November 10, 1809 – November 2, 1879) was a German-Jewish rabbi and leader of Reform Judaism in the United States. Einhorn was chosen in 1855 as the first rabbi of the Har Sinai Congregation in Baltimore, the oldest congregation in the United States that has been affiliated with the Reform movement since its inception. While there, he compiled a siddur in German and Hebrew, one of the early Reform Jewish prayerbooks in the United States. (The siddur, later translated to English, became one of the progenitors of the Reform Movement's Union Prayer Book.) In 1861, Einhorn's life was threatened by a mob angered by his strong abolitionist anti-slavery views, and was forced to flee to Philadelphia. There he became rabbi of Reform Congregation Keneseth Israel. He moved to New York City in 1866, where he became rabbi of Congregation Adath Israel. (from his wikipedia article)
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Albert Einstein (14 March 1879 – 18 April 1955) was a German-born theoretical physicist who developed the theory of relativity, one of the two pillars of modern physics (alongside quantum mechanics). His work is also known for its influence on the philosophy of science. He is best known to the general public for his mass–energy equivalence formula E = mc^2, which has been dubbed "the world's most famous equation." He received the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics "for his services to theoretical physics, and especially for his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect," a pivotal step in the development of quantum theory.
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Rabbi Ira Eisenstein (November 26, 1906 – June 28, 2001) was an American rabbi who founded Reconstructionist Judaism, along with Rabbi Mordecai Kaplan, his teacher and, later, father-in-law through his marriage to Judith Kaplan, over a period of time spanning from the late 1920s to the 1940s. Reconstructionist Judaism formally became a distinct denomination within Judaism with the foundation of the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College in 1968, where he was the founding president. He authored Creative Judaism (1941), The Ethics of Toleration Applied to Religious Groups in America (1941), Judaism Under Freedom (1956), What We Mean by Religion (1958), Varieties of Jewish Belief (1966), and Reconstructing Judaism: An Autobiography (1986).
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Julius (Judah David) Eisenstein (November 12, 1854 – May 17, 1956) (יהודה דוד אייזנשטיין‎) was a Polish-Jewish-American anthologist, diarist, encyclopedist, Hebraist, historian, philanthropist, and Orthodox polemicist born in Międzyrzec Podlaski (known in Yiddish as Mezritch d'Lita), a town with a large Jewish majority in what was then Congress Poland. He died in New York City at the age of 101. Eisenstein was a lover of Hebrew, and established America's first society for the Hebrew language, Shoharei Sfat Ever. He was also the first to translate the Constitution of the United States into Hebrew and Yiddish (New York, 1891). Other early writings of his are Ma'amarei BaMasoret, ib. 1897, and The Classified Psalter (Pesukei dezimra), Hebrew text with a new translation (1899). He also made an attempt to translate and explain a modified text of the Shulchan Aruch. He was known by many colleagues as the Ba'al ha-Otzrot ("Master of the Anthologies"). His works remain standard reference books in yeshivot, batei midrash, synagogues, and Jewish libraries to this day. (adapted from the article, "Julius Eisenstein," in Wikipedia)
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Rabbi Tamar Elad-Appelbaum is the founder of ZION: An Eretz Israeli Congregation in Jerusalem; and Vice President of the Masorti Rabbinical Assembly. Her work spans and links tradition and innovation, working toward Jewish spiritual and ethical renaissance. She devotes much of her energy to the renewal of community life in Israel and the struggle for human rights. Rabbi Elad-Appelbaum served as rabbi of Congregation Magen Avraham in the Negev; as a congregational rabbi in the New York suburbs alongside Rabbi Gordon Tucker; and as Assistant Dean of the Schechter Rabbinical Seminary in Jerusalem. In 2010 she was named by the Forward as one of the five most influential female religious leaders in Israel for her work promoting pluralism and Jewish religious freedom.
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The Elat Chayyim Center for Jewish Spirituality (now a program of Hazon at the Isabella Freedman Retreat Center in Falls Village, CT) began as the Elat Chayyim Jewish Retreat Center, a project from the board of ALEPH (Alliance for Jewish Renewal), the central organization in Jewish renewal. Founded in the early 1990s by by Rabbi Jeff Roth and Joanna Katz, Elat Chayyim offered weekly spiritual retreats year round in the Catskill mountains of New York. Retreats included classes with top faculty, vegetarian food, spiritual community, yoga and meditation offerings, and a unique prayer experience. In 2006, Elat Chayyim relocated to the Isabella Freedman Jewish Retreat Center. In 2014, both Isabella Freedman and Elat Chayyim (as well as the Teva Learning Center and the Adamah Farm Fellowship) merged with Hazon.
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The spirit of Elijah Interfaith Institute is wisdom, inspiration, friendship and hope across religious traditions. Elijah deepens understanding among religions. Elijah Interfaith Institute’s mission is to foster unity in diversity, creating a harmonious world. Elijah Interfaith Institute’s message: The world’s great religions radiate wisdom that can heal the world. Deep level spiritual conversation across inter-religious lines enriches our inner lives, enhances our prayer and opens our hearts. Discover unity and embrace diversity. We are many and we are one.
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Rabbi Barnett Abraham Elzas (1867-1936) was born at Eydtkuhnen, Germany, educated at Jews' College (1880-90), University College, London ("Hollier Scholar," 1886), and at London University (B.A., 1885). Elzas moved to Toronto, Canada (1890), where he entered the university and graduated (1893). He entered the Medical College of the State of South Carolina (1896), and graduated in medicine and pharmacy (1900-01). His first served as rabbi at the Holy Blossom synagogue, Toronto, Canada (1890); thence he went to Sacramento, Cal. (1893). In 1894 he accepted the call of the Beth Elohim congregation of Charleston, South Carolina.
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Initially founded in 2001 to educate about organ donation in Jewish communities, Ematai was relaunched in 2023 to enable Jewish families to navigate an increasingly complex healthcare journey, particularly in the dilemmas of aging and end-of-life treatment.
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Shlomo Jack Enkin Lewis is a Yiddish translator and student of Judaic Studies.
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Rebecca Ennen is the development and communications director for Jews United for Justice, where she has worked since August 2010. She previously was a staff writer and facilitator with Jewish Dialogue Group, helping Jews talk about thorny issues across political differences. She has also worked as a professional theater artist and community organizer in Philadelphia. She studied theater and education at Swarthmore College and was a Fulbright Fellow in Sri Lanka; in addition, Ennen studied classical Jewish text as a Hadar fellow in New York.
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Jonas Ennery (Jan. 2, 1801, Nancy - May 19, 1863, Brussels) was a French deputy. He was for twenty-six years attached to the Jewish school of Strasbourg, of which he became the head. In collaboration with Hirth, he compiled a Dictionnaire Général de Géographie Universelle (4 vols., Strasburg, 1839–41), for which Cuvier wrote a preface. Soon afterward he published Le Sentier d'Israël, ou Bible des Jeunes Israélites (Paris, Metz, and Strasburg, 1843). At the request of the Société des Bons Livres he took part in the editorship of Prières d'un Cœur Israélite, which appeared in 1848. In 1849, despite anti-Jewish rioting in Alsace, Ennery was elected representative for the department of the Lower Rhine, and sat among the members of the "Mountain." He devoted his attention principally to scholastic questions. After the coup d'état he held to his socialist republican views and resisted the new order of things. For this, in 1852 he was exiled from France for life. He retired to Brussels, where he lived as a teacher until his death. Ennery's brother, Marchand Ennery, was the chief rabbi of Paris.
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Reuven Enoch is full professor at Ariel University. He is a graduate from the Faculty of Philology of the State University of Tbilisi, having pursued a prolific academic career in this same University, reaching the rank of associate professor in the Department of Ancient Georgian Language Studies, and Dean of the philology department. A specialist in linguistics and modern history of the Caucasus, he is a former research fellow of the Truman Institute of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and has authored more than 50 scientific articles and 12 books. Since 1996, he has been in charge of “Kol Yisrael” broadcasts in the Georgian language. He is a former board member of the Israel Broadcasting Authority and Channel 2 Television, and editor of “Drosha” (Flag), the Israeli monthly magazine in Georgian language.
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Moses Ensheim (1750-1839), also known as Brisac and Moïse/Moyse/Moses Metz, was a French-Jewish mathematician and Hebrew poet. Ensheim was a prominent member of the movement instituted by the Me'assefim. From 1782 to 1785 he was tutor in the family of Moses Mendelssohn in Berlin, having special charge over the education of Abraham Mendelssohn.
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Elijah’s Journey, a Jewish response to the issues of suicide awareness and prevention, was founded by Efrem Epstein in 2009 to create a Jewish Voice within the greater national suicide awareness effort. You can donate to Elijah’s Journey. If you or anyone you know is in need of help, call 911, or 1-800 273 8255.
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Rabbi Harry H. Epstein (1903–2003) born in Plunge, Lithuania, was, for much of his career, rabbi of Congregation Ahavath Achim in Atlanta, Georgia. He grew up in Chicago, Illinois where his father, Ephraim, was one of the most prominent rabbis of the Orthodox community. In 1922, at Slabodka Yeshiva in Lithuania, he studied with his uncle, Rabbi Moshe Mordecai Epstein, and in British Mandate Palestine was one of the first students at the Hebron yeshivah. He received his semikhah from Rav Abraham Isaac Quq in 1925 and accepted his first pulpit at Congregation B'nai Emunah in Tulsa, Oklahoma in 1927. A year later, at the age of 25, Rabbi Epstein left Tulsa for Ahavath Achim in Atlanta where it became one of the largest Conservative movement affiliated congregations in the South.
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Louis M. Epstein (1887-1949), born in Anyksciai, Lithuania, was an American Conservative rabbi and scholar of Jewish marriage law. He studied in the yeshivah in Slobodka before emigrating to the United States and graduating from Columbia University. After receiving semikhah at the Jewish Theological Seminary in 1913, he served in Dallas and Toledo before, in 1918, being appointed as rabbi of Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol in Roxbury, Massachusetts and soon after to Kehilath Israel in Brookline. Rabbi Epstein serves as president of the nascent Rabbinical Assembly (1922-1925) and chaired its committee on Jewish Law (1936-1940). He is best known for his proposal for solving the halakhic problem of agunot as presented in Li-She'elat ha-Agunah (1940). He wrote The Jewish Marriage Contract (1927), Marriage Laws in the Bible and Talmud (1942), and Sex Laws and Customs in Judaism (1948).
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Gonzalo Escobar's background is in education, psychology and socio-cultural anthropology. He is the producer of the weekly radio show Si Se Puede. He focuses on issues affecting local, state, and national Latino communities.
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Effron Esseiva is part of a renewal ḥavurah on the West Coast of Canada on Bowen Island called Shirat HaYam and is also a member of Or Shalom in Vancouver.
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Rabbi Seymour L. Essrog (1934-2002), born in Brooklyn, New York, was a prominent Conservative movement rabbi in the United States. He attended Yeshiva Torah VaDaath and earned his bachelors and masters degrees from Yeshiva University, in New York. After his 1959 ordination, Rabbi Essrog joined the Army for two years’ active duty as a chaplain and 28 years in the reserves, ultimately retiring as a lieutenant colonel. Beginning in 1961, he served at pulpits in and around Baltimore: Beth Israel Mikro Kodesh in Randallstown, B’nai Israel in East Baltimore, Beth Shalom in Taylorsville, and Adat Chaim in Reisterstown. He also served a chaplain to the Baltimore City and County police and fire departments and headed the Baltimore Jewish Relations Council. He received a masters degree liberal arts from Johns Hopkins University. Rabbi Essrog served as president of the Rabbinical Assembly, representing the organization at the White House in the 1990s.
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George Griffith was an English Protestant whose missionary press in Izmir published Ladino translations of the Scriptures in the mid-19th century Ottoman Empire. Established in 1838 to serve the Anglican mission, Estampado por Ǧ. Griffit was the only press in Izmir with a Sepharadi cursive ("Rashi") typeface available for publishing in Ladino.
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Rav Yitzchak Etshalom was born and raised in Los Angeles, California. He attended Yeshivat Ḳerem b'Yavneh, Rabbi Isaac Elhanan Theological Seminary and Yeshivat Har Etzion before receiving semikhah from the Chief Rabbi of Yerushalayim, Rabbi Itzhak Kolitz. A Los Angeles based Jewish educator since 1985, he launched the Beit Midrash program at YULA Girls High School as well as opening the Beit Midrash at Shalhevet, where he currently serves as Rosh Beit Midrash. Rav Etshalom directs the Tanakh Masters Program at YULA Boys’ High School. He lectures annually at the “Ymei Iyyun” Tanakh Seminar at Herzog College and he teaches Daf Yomi and a popular Navi series at the Young Israel of Century City and through his podcasts on Daf Yomi. His critically acclaimed series “Between the Lines of the Bible” is a methodological guide to the study of Tanakh. His Tanakh podcasts are also available at yutorah.org and at ou.org. He currently writes a weekly lecture for Yeshivat Har Etzion's Virtual Beit Midrash on the book of Amos which will be published as part of the Koren Maggid Studies in Tanakh. Rabbi Etshalom lives in Los Angeles with his wife Stefanie and their 5 children.
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Isaac Abraham Eüchel (Hebrew: יצחק אייכל‎; born at Copenhagen, October 17, 1756; died at Berlin, June 14, 1804) was a founder of the Haskalah-movement and an author and editor of Hebrew literature.
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Lisa Exler is Director of the Curriculum Project, a joint initiative of Mechon Hadar and Beit Rabban Day School where she is the Director of Jewish Studies. In this dual role, Lisa directs the effort to sharpen goals and set national standards for Jewish education in classical texts while also advancing Beit Rabban’s strong Jewish Studies program. Previously Lisa worked as an experiential educator at American Jewish World Service (AJWS) and as a classroom teacher at the Solomon Schechter School of Manhattan. Lisa has a B.A. and an M.A. in Near Eastern and Judaic Studies from Brandeis University. She is a graduate of Midreshet Lindenbaum and an alumna of the Dorot Fellowship in Israel. Lisa lives in Washington Heights, NY, with her husband, Elie, and children, Maytal, Amalya and Yaniv.
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Shawn Eyer holds a Master of Jewish Liberal Studies from Hebrew College in Newton Centre, Massachusetts, as well as a graduate degree in management from Harvard University.