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With kavod (honor) to “all whose hearts were stirred to share” (kol asher nasa libam, cf. Exodus 36:2-3), this is a searchable index of all liturgists, translators, transcribers, etc. whose work on Jewish prayer, on prayer books, and on public readings is being shared through the Open Siddur Project. After ten years, the total number of project contributors is nearly 800. A little over half have shared their work either directly with the project with an Open Content license, or indirectly by contributing their work into the Public Domain as a contributor to a government publication. Nearly fifty are institutional copyright stewards (operating or defunct for-profit and non-profit entities). The remaining contributors have had their works transcribed from material that has passed into the Public Domain after their deaths. Some transcribed works shared through the Open Siddur project remain unattributed due to unknown authorship. If you find an uncredited or improperly attributed work, please contact us.

To join this community of contributors, please share your work. Making prayers and related religious works available for creative reuse and republication through Open Content licenses is crucial for keeping Jewish culture cross-pollinating, vital, and relevant under the current climate of denominationally identified silos and proprietary-by-default copyright strictures. Prospective contributors should read our Mission Statement, Terms of Use, and Copyleft Policy. The Open Siddur is a non-prescriptive, non-denominational project and invites participation without prejudice towards ethnic heritage, skin color, nationality, belief or non-belief, sex, gender, sexuality or any other consideration.

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Shem Tov Gaguine (5 September 1884, Jerusalem – 30 July 1953, Manchester) was a British Sephardic Rabbi and scion of a famous Moroccan Rabbinical dynasty which emigrated to Palestine from Spain at the time of the Inquisition. He was the great-grandson of R' Ḥaim Gaguin, the first Ḥakham Bashi of the Holy Land during the Ottoman Empire, and the son and nephew respectively of Rabbis Isaac and Abraham Gaguin. He was the great-great grandson of the famous scholar and kabbalist, Sar Shalom Sharabi.He studied at the "Doresh Zion" College, Jerusalem and was a pupil of R. Jacob Alfiya. At an early age, he contributed articles to the Palestinian Hebrew Press ("Hahhabbezeleth" et al.) on aspects of Jewish traditional observances, as well as on biblical and philological matters. He was awarded rabbinical diplomas by numerous authorities, including R. Ḥaim Berlin and Chief Rabbis Jacob Meir, C.B.E. and Avraham Kook, C.B.E. of Palestine. In 1911, Rabbi Gaguine was appointed to serve in the office of dayyanut in Cairo. In 1919, he was invited to serve In Manchester, being appointed Av Beit Din 1n 1920. In 1927 he was appointed Rosh Yeshivah of Judith Montefiore College in Ramsgate. His major contribution to Jewish scholarship was Keter Shem Tov, an encyclopaedic treatise which examines and compares the rites, ceremonies and liturgy of the eastern and western Sephardim and Ashkenazim, paying particular attention to the customs of Spanish and Portuguese Jews. (via Wikipedia)
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A long-time Jewish environmentalist, Dr. Barak Gale worked with rabbinic institutions on environmental resolutions and with COEJL. Today he lives with his partner Joe in the Cascade Mountains of Washington, runs a small B&B, and continues to practice a little optometry at a low income clinic in the basement of a local Baptist Church. He currently serves as Board President of Washington Wilderness Coalition, and on the Steering Committee of WA Interfaith Power & Light.
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Dr. David Garber is a mathematician and a senior lecturer at Holon Institute of Technology.
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Avi Garelick is a researcher and organizer based in Washington Heights, New York.
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Dr. Leah Garfinkel is a teacher of Jewish literature at Bar-Ilan University.
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Rabbi Dr. Moses Gaster (17 September 1856 – 5 March 1939), born in Romania, was a Romanian and British scholar and rabbi, the Ḥakham of the Spanish and Portuguese Jewish congregation, London, a folklorist, and a Hebrew and Romanian linguist. He received his PhD in Leipzig in 1878, followed in 1881 with his Hattarat Hora'ah (rabbinical diploma) from the Jewish Seminary in Breslau. Before his expulsion from Romania in 1885 by the government of Ion Brătianu for his early Zionist organizing, he was lecturer on the Romanian language and literature at the University of Bucharest (1881–85), inspector-general of schools, and a member of the council for examining teachers in Romania. He also lectured on the Romanian apocrypha, the whole of which he had discovered in manuscript. His history of Romanian popular literature was published in Bucharest in 1883. Gaster was a central figure of Hibbat Zion in Romania and played a central role in the 1882 establishment by Jews from Moineşti of the Samarin (Zamarin) settlement, known since 1884 as Zichron Ya'akov. In England, in 1886 and 1891, he held a lectureship in Slavonic literature at the University of Oxford. In 1895, at the request of the Romanian government, he wrote a report on the British system of education, which was printed as a "green book" and accepted as a basis of education in Romania. In 1887 Gaster was appointed hakham of the Sephardic or Spanish and Portuguese Congregation in London, in which capacity he presided over the bicentenary of Bevis Marks Synagogue. He was a member of the councils of the Folklore, Biblical, Archaeological, and Royal Asiatic societies, writing many papers in their interest. He was the only ordained rabbi ever to become president of The Folklore Society, in 1907–1908. He became vice-president of the First Zionist Congress in Basel, and was a prominent figure in each succeeding congress. The first draft of the Balfour Declaration was written at the Gaster home on 7 February 1917 in the presence of Chaim Weizmann, Nahum Sokolow, Baron Rothschild, Sir Mark Sykes and Herbert Samuel. In 1925, Gaster was appointed one of the six members of the honorary board of trustees (Curatorium) of the Yiddish Scientific Institute (YIVO) in Wilna, alongside Simon Dubnow, Albert Einstein, Sigmund Freud, Edward Sapir, and Chaim Zhitlowsky.
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Norman Geller (1935-1992) was an author of juvenile fiction, an aviator, a speech pathologist, and a rabbi serving Congregation Beth Abraham in Auburn, Maine. He wrote the following: The first seven days: a poem (1983), David's Seder (1983), Talk to God. . . I'll Get the Message (1984), "I don't want to visit Grandma Anymore (1984), Color me: kosher for Passover (1985), It's not the Jewish Christmas (1985), Unto dust you shall return: a story explaining cremation (1986), The Last Teenage Suicide (1987), and Farfel the Cat That Left Egypt (1987).
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Rev. Jacob Gerstein (ca. 1866-1938), born in the Russian Empire, emigrated to the United States in 1905 after which he served Cong. Hevrah Kadishah and Daughters of Zion Hebrew Day Nursery in Brooklyn. He authored a rhymed version of a Talmud tractate and the Book of Esther, a bilingual English-Hebrew “Scroll of Victory” at the end of the World War I, and in 1933, “A letter of blessing and thanks in English and in Jewish to Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt.”
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Norman Gerstenfeld (1904-1968), born in London, was a prominent Reform rabbi in the United States. He was ordained by the Hebrew Union College (HUC) in Cincinnati and also held a degree from American University in Washington, D.C. From 1935, he was a Fellow in Jewish Philosophy at the HUC. He became an assistant rabbi at Washington Hebrew Congregation in 1935, a synagogue that had been in disarray and decline for several decades. Three years later he became senior rabbi of the congregation.
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Rabbi Capt. Mark Getman serves as rabbi for the Temple Emanu-El of Canarsie, Brooklyn.
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Virginia Crocheron Gildersleeve (October 3, 1877 – July 7, 1965) was an American academic, the long-time dean of Barnard College, co-founder of the International Federation of University Women, and the only woman delegated by United States to the April 1945 San Francisco United Nations Conference on International Organization, which negotiated the charter for and creation of the United Nations.
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Rabbi Doniel Ginsberg is associate dean of Ohr Somayach-Tanenbaum College, Jerusalem, and rabbi of Yeshiva Ateres Shmuel, of Waterbury, CT.
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Rabbi Hersh M. (Tsvi Meir) Ginsberg (1928-2016), born in Vienna, was a Ḥaredi Orthodox rabbi in the United States. He served as director of Agudas Harabonim (the Union of Orthodox Rabbis) and of the United Jewish Council (a social service organization). He also served as rabbi of Beit Ḥasidim and principal of the Rabbi Jacob Joseph School in the Lower East Side of Manhattan. While director of Agudos Harabonim he was instrumental in alienating non-Orthodox Jews. In 1997 he declared, "We call upon all Jews to discontinue to pray any time in a Conservative or Reform temple and instead pray in an Orthodox synagogue."
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Rabbi Louis Ginzberg (Hebrew: לוי גינצבורג‎, Levy Gintzburg) was a Talmudist and leading figure in the Conservative Movement of Judaism of the twentieth century. He was born on November 28, 1873, in Kaunas, Vilna Governorate (then called Kovno). Ginzberg was born into a religious family whose piety and erudition was well known. The family traced its lineage back to the revered talmudist, halachist, and kabbalist Gaon of Vilna. Ginzberg emulated the Vilna Gaon’s intermingling of ‘academic knowledge’ in Torah studies under the label ‘historical Judaism’. In his book Students, Scholars and Saints, Ginzberg quotes the Vilna Gaon instructing, “Do not regard the views of the Shulchan Aruch as binding if you think that they are not in agreement with those of the Talmud.” Ginzberg first arrived in America in 1899, unsure where he belonged or what he should pursue. Almost immediately, he accepted a position at Hebrew Union College and subsequently wrote articles for the Jewish Encyclopedia. In 1903, he began teaching at the Jewish Theological Seminary of America (JTS) in New York City, where he taught until his death. He died on November 11, 1953, in New York City. (via his article in wikipedia).
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Joshua Giorgio-Rubin is a Senior Lecturer of English at Indiana University South Bend, and he spent ten years as the spiritual leader of the Jewish community at Culver Academies in Culver, Indiana. He is the high holidays ḥazzan at Temple Israel in Valparaiso, Indiana, and a student of all things Jewish. He lives in South Bend, Indiana, with his husband, son, and small menagerie.
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Born in 1967 in Omaha, Nebraska, Gabrielle Girau Pieck lives with her husband and two young sons in Basel, Switzerland, working as a freelance theologian in the fields of Liberal Judaism and Interfaith Dialogue while teaching mathematics and English. She studied Yiddish literature from a feminist perspective at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and the Jewish Theological Seminary of America in New York and holds a Masters degree in Jewish Studies at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia.
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Barbara Gish Scult is a retired social worker.
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Roland B. Gittelsohn (May 13, 1910 to December 13, 1995) was an American Reform Rabbi, community leader, and outspoken voice of conscience. Born in Cleveland, Ohio, he received a B.A. in 1931 from Western Reserve University and a B.H. from Hebrew Union College in 1934. He was ordained at Hebrew Union College in 1936. Gittelsohn then undertook graduate studies at the Teachers’ College, Columbia University and New School in New York. He initially served at the Central Synagogue of Nassau County, N.Y. from 1936-1953. During WWII, Gittelsohn was a chaplain with the 5th Marine Division, participating in the Iwo Jima invasion. His dedication of the cemetery and memorial for Iwo Jima was widely publicized, mainly because of a controversy over having a rabbi say a prayer at the graves of non-Jews. This address is perhaps one of his most famous legacies. He was also awarded three ribbons for his service at Iwo Jima. After the war, Gittelsohn served on President Truman’s Committee on Civil Rights in 1947. During the McCarthy and House on Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) era, Gittelsohn publicly denounced the steady erosion of civil liberties in America. In 1954, Gittelsohn moved to Temple Israel in Boston, where he would remain for the rest of his career, serving as president of the Massachusetts Board of Rabbis from 1958-1960 and president of the Jewish Community Council of Metropolitan Boston 1961-1963. Meanwhile, He served in the Governor’s Commission to Survey Massachusetts Courts in 1955, Massachusetts Commission on Abolition of the Death Penalty 1957-1958, the Governor’s Committee on Migratory Labor 1960-1962 and the Governor’s Committee to Survey Operation of Massachusetts Prisons 1961-1962. From its outset, Gittelsohn condemned the Vietnam War.Gittelsohn received two honorary degrees in 1961, the first being a D.D. from Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion and the other a Sc.D. from Lowell Technological Institute (now Lowell University). He became president of the Central Conference of American Rabbis (CCAR) 1969-1971, founding president of the Association of Reform Zionists of America (ARZA) 1977-1984 and the founding president of the World Zionist Executive & Jewish Agency Board of Governors 1978-1984. Gittelsohn was also extremely active in the Union of American Hebrew Congregations (UAHC). He was on its Board of Trustees and was the Vice Chairman 1973-1977, was an honorary life member and the Chairman of the Commission on Jewish Education 1959-1968. Gittelsohn received two awards from the UAHC, the Eisendrath Award in 1983 and the Jay Kaufman Award in 1984.(Much of this text was adapted from Rabbi Gittelsohn's biography prepared by the Jacob Rader Marcus Center of the American Jewish Archives, Cincinnati, Ohio.)
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Simon Glazer (or Shimon Glazer; 1876?-1938) was an Orthodox rabbi who flourished at the turn of the twentieth century. He was known for founding and leading two major organizations of American Orthodox rabbis.
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Menaḥem-Gershon Glenn (Glemborski) (December 23, 1896-February 26, 1978) was a writer, journalist, editor, and teacher born in Meretsh (Merecz, Merech), Vilna region, Lithuania, the son of Moses Ezekiel and Treine (Tcherback) Glembocki. His father was a teacher of Tanakh. He studied in religious primary schools and in the Musar yeshiva in Shtshutshin (Szczuczyn), and later he began reading worldly literature. He made efforts to write in Yiddish and in Hebrew. In 1914 he emigrated to the United States. He worked in sweatshops, later becoming a teacher. In New York he graduated from an English-language middle school and in 1927 from Columbia University. Thereafter he studied at Dropsie College in Philadelphia, where he received the title of doctor of philosophy in 1945. He first published a story in Bostoner idishe shtime (Jewish voice of Boston), in May 1915. From that point forward, he published stories, sketches, and articles in Yiddish, Hebrew, and English in: Dos yidishe folk (The Jewish people), Idisher kemfer (Jewish fighter), Hatoran (The duty officer), Morgn-zhurnal (Morning journal), the English section of Tog (Day), Hadoar (The mail), Bitsaron (Fortress), Shevile haḥinukh (Paths of education), and Nyu-yorker vokhnblat (New York weekly newspaper). He published a number of books in English and Hebrew. In English: Jewish Tales and Legends (1929); Book of Prayers, "Tephilath Jeshurun," translation 1935 (pseudonym: Menahem B. Moshe Ezekiel); Rabbi Israel Salanter — Rel.-Ethical Thinker (1953). In Hebrew: Al Gedoth Haneyman (short stories, 1936); Hamilon hama'asi (Practical Dictionary Part I, Heb.-Eng., 1947, Eng.-Heb. 1955). In Yiddish: Rashi, der folks-lerer (Rashi, the people’s teacher) (New York: Yidishe lebn, 1940), 78 pp. He worked as an instructor of Hebrew and Tanakh in Graetz College in Philadelphia where he was also a member of Congregation Mikveh Israel and the West Philadelphia Jewish Community Center Club. Among his pseudonyms: Menahem ben Moshe Ezekiel, G. Menakhem, M. Ostrinski, M. Meretski, M. Merkin, M. Bunin, M. G. Treynin, M. Gershon, and M. Giml. He died in Philadelphia. (with gratitude to Dr. Noam Sienna for locating his entry in Who's Who in the East (1956 ed.) and to Joshua Vogel for his compilation of the biographical information provided by Y. Libman, in Nyu-yorker vokhnblat (September 20, 1955) and Sh. Slutski, Avrom reyzen biblyografye (Avrom Reyzen bibliography) (New York, 1956), no. 5158.)
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Glick was born in Wilno in 1922 (at the time a part of inter-war Poland). He began to write Yiddish poetry in his teens and became co-founder of Yungvald (Young Forest), a group of young Jewish poets. After the German assault on Soviet Union in 1941, Hirsh Glick was imprisoned in the Weiße Wache concentration camp and later transferred to Vilna Ghetto. Glick involved himself in the ghetto's artistic community while simultaneously participating in the underground and took part in the 1942 ghetto uprising. In 1943 he wrote his most famous work, the song Zog nit keynmol, az du geyst dem letstn veg (זאג ניט קיינמאל, אז דו גייסט דעם לעצטן וועג) to the music of the soviet composer Dmitry Pokrass (1899-1978), which became the anthem of the Jewish partisan movement, and Shtil, di nakht iz oysgeshternt. He was inspired to write this work by news that arrived of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising.Glick managed to flee when the ghetto was being liquidated in October 1943, but was re-captured. He was later deported to a concentration camp in Estonia. During his captivity he continued to compose songs and poems. In July 1944, with the Soviet Army approaching, Glick escaped. He was never heard from again, and was presumed captured and executed by the Germans (reportedly in August 1944). (via his article in wikipedia)
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Nelson Glueck (4 June 1900 – 12 February 1971) was an American rabbi, academic and archaeologist. He served as president of Hebrew Union College from 1947 until his death, and his pioneering work in biblical archaeology resulted in the discovery of 1,500 ancient sites. In the 1950s, Glueck discovered remains of the advanced Nabataean civilization in Jordan. Using irrigation, the Nabataeans were able to grow crops and develop a densely populated civilization in the Negev desert, despite receiving under 6 inches (15 cm) of rainfall a year. Glueck worked with Israeli leaders to build an irrigation system modeled on that of the Nabataeans. He was the author of several books on archaeology, religion, and the intersection of the two. They include Explorations in Eastern Palestine (4 vol., 1934–51), The Other Side of the Jordan (1940), The River Jordan (1946), Rivers in the Desert: A History of the Negev (1959), Deities and Dolphins (1965), and Hesed in the Bible (1968). (from wikipedia)
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Rabbi Dr. Yair Hillel Goelman is professor emeritus of the Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology, and Special Education at the University of British Columbia. He received his smikha in 1991 from Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi, Shlomo Carlbach, and Akiva Mann, and is rabbi emeritus of the Or Shalom community of Vancouver.
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fost grad. Rabin, Predicator şi Profesor de la Seminarul rabinic din Alsatia-Lorena, diplomă de capacitate de la Academia de Teolog. isr. din Viena, fost profesor la "Gimnaziul Evreesc“ din Capitală, fost director al şcoalei "Luca Moise“ din Ploeşti şi al ziarelor "Fraternitatea", Apărătorul" şi "Vocea Stonului“.
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Rabbi Ben Goldberg serves Congregation KTI, Port Chester, New York. He was ordained in 2018 by the Jewish Theological Seminary, where he also received an MA in Midrash (Jewish scriptural interpretation). He received the Bernard and Sydell Citron Scholastic Prize (for an outstanding graduate of JTS), the Rabbi Joel Roth Prize in Rabbinics, and the Cyrus Adler Prize (for the outstanding student entering the graduating class) from JTS. During rabbinical school, Rabbi Goldberg served as the Student Rabbi at Beth El Synagogue in Woodbury, CT and as Rabbinic Intern at Congregation Beth Israel in Scotch Plains, NJ. He interned at Rutgers Hillel, T'ruah (a rabbinic human rights organization), and Hillel International. He completed a unit of Clinical Pastoral Education at Lankenau Medical Center near Philadelphia and spent two amazing summers directing Hebrew-language musicals at Camp Ramah in the Poconos. Born and raised near Philadelphia, Rabbi Goldberg is a graduate of Northwestern University, where he earned a degree in history and Jewish studies. Before enrolling at JTS, he studied for a year at the Conservative Yeshiva in Jerusalem. He lives in Port Chester with his husband Daniel Olson, a Jewish educator.
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Rabbi Efrem Goldberg is the Senior Rabbi of the Boca Raton Synagogue (BRS), in Boca Raton, Florida. BRS is the largest Orthodox Synagogue in the Southeast United States. Rabbi Goldberg came to Boca Raton in 1999 as a member of the Boca Raton Community Kollel, where he founded the BRS Lome Explanatory Service and initiated many learning and outreach programs. In 2001, he became Assistant Rabbi of BRS, in 2003 he was named Associate Rabbi, and in 2005 he was appointed Senior Rabbi. In addition to his position at BRS, Rabbi Goldberg plays a leadership role in many vital components of the greater South Florida community, and in 2010 he was recognized as one of South Florida’s Most Influential Jewish Leaders. He serves as Co-Chair of the Orthodox Rabbinical Board’s Va’ad Ha’Kashrus, as Director of the Rabbinical Council of America’s South Florida Regional Beis Din for Conversion, and as Posek of the Boca Raton Mikvah. He is also on the Board of Directors of the Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County, Hillel Day School, Torah Academy of Boca Raton, and Friends of the Israel Defense Forces. Additionally, Rabbi Goldberg is involved in a number of national organizations and projects. He serves as Vice President of the Rabbinical Council of America and as Chairman of the Orthodox Union Legacy Group, and is a member of the AIPAC National Council.
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Cantor Ethan Goldberg began serving the Westchester Jewish Center in the fall of 2014. He earned his BA in Music (Voice Performance) and Near Eastern and Judaic Studies at Brandeis University, then attended the H.L. Miller Cantorial School of the Jewish Theological Seminary, earning cantorial investiture and a Masters of Sacred Music in 2016 and an MA in Jewish Educational Leadership from the Davidson School of Education at JTS in 2020. Ethan’s professional interests include the intersection of Judaic arts and Jewish spirituality, synagogue transformation, music education and Cultural Zionism.
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Rabbi Israel Oscar Goldberg (19 July 1937 - 16 April 1984), born in New York, was an Orthodox rabbi in the United States. After graduating from Brooklyn College and Yeshiva University, in 1960 he received his semikhah from the Jacob Joseph Theological Seminary. He served as rabbi of the Young Israel of New Rochelle, New York and helped to found the Ohr Hame'ir Theological Seminary of New Rochelle. In 1965 Rabbi Goldberg moved to Boston to become leader of Congregation Agudath Israel (Boston's largest orthodox synagogue). While there, Rabbi Goldberg served as treasurer of the rabbinical council of Massachusetts, a permanent member of the Bet Din of the Vaad haRabbanim of Massachusetts, a member of the advisory committee to the Boston Housing Authority, and chaplain of two hospitals as well as Boston's penal institutions. In 1970, Rabbi Goldberg came to the Randallstown Synagogue Center. He was the secretary of the Rabbinical Council of America, Maryland Region and liaison rabbi to the Council of Orthodox Synagogues of Baltimore.
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Rabbi Norman Michael Goldburg (Feb 22, 1902 - Jun 12, 1993) originally from St. Louis, Missouri, was ordained at HUC and graduated from the University of Cincinnati, afterward doing graduate work at the University of Chicago and Howard Divinity School. He served as rabbi of Temple B'nai Israel in Sacramento, California in the 1930s. There, he was appointed chaplain of the State Legislature during the biennial session of 1933, and led the Sacramento Council for Civic Unity through which he advocated for Japanese Americans’ civil rights. During World War Ⅱ, he served as a chaplain in the US Army. In 1949, he came to Augusta, Georgia where he served as rabbi for the the Walton Way Temple (later Temple Children of Israel) until 1968. Rabbi Goldburg also served as president of Augusta Library and taught philosophy at Augusta College. He held honorary degrees from HUC and Augusta (Georgia) College of Law. Besides his collection of prayers written during his tenure as chaplain in Sacramento, he also wrote the novel, Patrick J. McGilllcuddy and the Rabbi (1969).
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Zach Golden is a long-time Yiddish learner and a graduating rabbinical student at American Jewish University. He lives in California.
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Irwin Goldenberg is a retired Reform Rabbi, who served Temple Beth Israel in York, Pennsylvania and who taught at Gettysburg College, York College of Pennsylvania, and St. John’s University,
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Rabbi Hyman Elias Goldin, LL.B. (March 15, 1881, near Vilna – 1972) was a Lithanian-American Orthodox Rabbi, attorney and Judaic scholar. A prolific author of English Jewish literature, he wrote over fifty works.
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Rabbi Albert A. Goldman (1915-2007), born in Chicago, was a rabbi in the American Reform movement. A graduate of the University of Chicago and of the College of Jewish Studies, in 1940, he was ordained as a rabbi at Hebrew Union College in Cincinnati. During World War II, he was an army chaplain at Greenland and Lake Placid Rehabilitation Center. From 1946 to 1948, he was the assistant rabbi at Temple Israel in Boston. From 1948 till 1953, he served as a rabbi at Temple Emanu-El in Yonkers. Chairman of the Committee on Psychiatry from the Central Conference of American Rabbis, he co-authored Religion and Psychiatry (Beacon Press: 1948), and Marriage and the Home, a pamphlet published by the American Social Hygiene Association. He served as the rabbi of Wise Temple in Cincinnati from 1953 to 1981.
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Rabbi Alex J. Goldman (1917-2004) born in Drohitin, Poland, was a Conservative movement rabbi and author in the United States. He came to the United States in 1922, graduating from DePaul University in1939, and being ordained a rabbi at the Hebrew Theological College in 1944. He served at pulpits in Tallahassee, Florida and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania before serving the rest of his carreer in Stamford, Connecticut. He wrote, Judaism confronts contemporary issues, Giants of Faith: Great American Rabbis, Handbook for the Jewish Family: Understanding and Enjoying the Sabbath and Other Holidays, The rabbi is a lady, The Truman Wit, and The Quotable Kennedy.
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Emma Goldman (Yiddish: עממא גאלדמאן, June 27 [O.S. June 15], 1869 – May 14, 1940) was an anarchist political activist and writer. She played a pivotal role in the development of anarchist political philosophy in North America and Europe in the first half of the 20th century. Born in Kovno, Russian Empire (now Kaunas, Lithuania) to a Jewish family, Goldman emigrated to the United States in 1885. Attracted to anarchism after the Haymarket affair, Goldman became a writer and a renowned lecturer on anarchist philosophy, women's rights, and social issues, attracting crowds of thousands. She and anarchist writer Alexander Berkman, her lover and lifelong friend, planned to assassinate industrialist and financier Henry Clay Frick as an act of propaganda of the deed. Frick survived the attempt on his life in 1892, and Berkman was sentenced to 22 years in prison. Goldman was imprisoned several times in the years that followed, for "inciting to riot" and illegally distributing information about birth control. In 1906, Goldman founded the anarchist journal Mother Earth. In 1917, Goldman and Berkman were sentenced to two years in jail for conspiring to "induce persons not to register" for the newly instated draft. After their release from prison, they were arrested—along with 248 others—and deported to Russia. Initially supportive of that country's October Revolution that brought the Bolsheviks to power, Goldman changed her opinion in the wake of the Kronstadt rebellion; she denounced the Soviet Union for its violent repression of independent voices. She left the Soviet Union and in 1923 published a book about her experiences, My Disillusionment in Russia. While living in England, Canada, and France, she wrote an autobiography called Living My Life. It was published in two volumes, in 1931 and 1935. After the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War, Goldman traveled to Spain to support the anarchist revolution there. She died in Toronto, Canada, on May 14, 1940, aged 70. During her life, Goldman was lionized as a freethinking "rebel woman" by admirers, and denounced by detractors as an advocate of politically motivated murder and violent revolution. Her writing and lectures spanned a wide variety of issues, including prisons, atheism, freedom of speech, militarism, capitalism, marriage, free love, and homosexuality. Although she distanced herself from first-wave feminism and its efforts toward women's suffrage, she developed new ways of incorporating gender politics into anarchism. After decades of obscurity, Goldman gained iconic status in the 1970s by a revival of interest in her life, when feminist and anarchist scholars rekindled popular interest. (via her entry in Wikipedia)
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Solomon Goldman (August 18, 1893 - March 14, 1953) was an American Conservative rabbi. A noted orator, community leader and scholar, he was especially known for helping to popularize the cause of Zionism in the United States. Goldman is also recalled as being "the first Conservative rabbi [to] call women up to recite Torah blessings" for aliyyot.
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Rabbi Yosef Goldman is a teacher, spiritual artist, and pastoral caregiver. He is passionate about building sacred community. Yosef received his rabbinic ordination in 2013 from the Jewish Theological Seminary with a concentration in pastoral care and counseling and earned a Masters in Sacred Music.
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Rabbi Dr. Emanuel S. Goldsmith (1935-2024) was a scholar of Yiddish literature, interpreter of Reconstructionism, teacher of Judaism, and musical composer, who inspired students and congregants with his love of Jewish life in all its forms. He taught on the faculties of Brandeis University, the University of Connecticut, and Queens College. Dr. Goldsmith authored and edited many books and articles, including Modern Yiddish Culture, Dynamic Judaism, and Yiddish Literature in America 1870-2000. He also served on the boards of directors of the Congress for Jewish Culture, the Rena Costa Center for Yiddish Studies at Bar Ilan University, and the Highland Institute for American Religious Thought. Dr. Goldsmith led congregations in Halifax NS (Shaar Shalom Congregation), Hyde Park MA (Adas Hadrath Israel) and Scarsdale NY (Mevakshei Derech).
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Isaac Goldstein (19th century) was an American Jewish novelist. Very little is known concerning him aside that he lived in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and in New York before returning to central Europe. In 1866, he published Jesus of Nazareth: An Authentic Ancient Tale (Yeshu ha-notsri), one of the first modern Jewish interpretations of Jesus. He is also known as the author of a short Hebrew poem (1865) celebrating the memory of Abraham Lincoln, which he signed Isaac Goldstein the Levite. For more, see Kabakoff, Jacob. "Isaac Goldstein - pioneer Hebrew merchant - author" in Hebrew Studies 17 (1976) p.118-125.
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Israel Goldstein (June 18, 1896 – April 11, 1986) was an American-born Israeli rabbi, author and Zionist leader. He was one of the leading founders of Brandeis University.
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Chaplain (Col) Jacob Z. Goldstein (Ret.) was born in a Displaced Persons camp in Paris shortly after WWII. He attended the Rabbinical College of Canada, where he received a degree in Religious Education, and the Lubavich Rabbinical Seminary, where he received a Master of Divinity degree and was ordained as a Rabbi. Beginning his military career in March 1977 as a 1st Lieutenant with the 101st Signal Battalion, he is the longest serving Jewish Chaplain in the US Military. He also serves as a Chaplain for the United States Secret Service, is an Assistant Commissioner of Housing for the State of New York, and sits on many boards and institutions. A brief partial listing of Chaplain Goldstein’s service over the course of 38 years of active duty includes Operation Urgent Fury in Grenada, Operation Desert Storm in Iraq (where he read the Purim Megillah in one of Saddam Hussein’s palaces), and the JTF Patriot Defender Task Force in Israel. He also served several deployments to Afghanistan, Iraq and Kuwait, served at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, was Joint Task Force Katrina Staff Chaplain and was Senior Chaplain at “Ground Zero” for all military branches assigned to the World Trade Center. He is the recipient of numerous medals and awards, and retired with honors in April of 2015.
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Joel Goldstein is a Jewish educator at Chicagoland Jewish High School where he teaches classes on Jewish law, Talmud, Jewish texts, Halakha and Musar practices, as well as Hebrew. He studied at the Conservative Yeshiva Kollel and at Yeshivat Hadar. There, he served as Gabbai for coordinating leyning and davening. He received a BA in Physics from the University of California - Berkeley and an MA is Physics from the University of Washington. He has worked as a test and integration engineer and a systems and software engineer.
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Rabbi Mikie Goldstein was elected Monday as President of the Rabbinical Assembly of the Conservative Movement in Israel. He serves as a rabbi in Congregation Adat Shalom Emanuel in Rehovot.
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Rabbi Seth Goldstein serves at Temple Beth Hatefiloh (TBH, in Olympia Washington). He graduated from the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College in 2003, and also holds an MA in Jewish Studies from the Jewish Theological Seminary and a Certificate in Nonprofit Management from the University of Washington. He served as President of the Reconstructionist Rabbinical Association. He has completed the Clergy Leadership Program of the Institute for Jewish Spirituality, is a Rabbis Without Borders fellow and was a Brickner Rabbinic Fellow through the Religious Action Center. He was a member of the third cohort of the Clergy Leadership Incubator program, and was named as one of “America’s Most Inspiring Rabbis” by the Forward in 2016. Most recently he earned three units of Clinical Pastoral Education. Rabbi Goldstein is the author of numerous published articles, essays, liturgy, and poetry, and has been quoted in major news outlets. He writes regularly on his blog, Rabbi 360 and has produced both a weekly podcast, Torah tl;dr, and a webseries, Carpooling with Rabbi. Most recently he creates Jewish content on TikTok. He is deeply engaged in local community affairs and active in Interfaith Works of Thurston County and the Faith Action Network, a statewide advocacy organization. He has testified in front of the Washington State Legislature on numerous occasions. (This bio quotes directly from the resource offered from the website of TBH.)
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Rabbi Yosef Goldstein (1927-2013) was a lifelong Jewish educator within the ḤaBaD Lubavitch movement. Beginning in 1953, he began recording the farbrengen gatherings of his rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson. Affectionately known as Uncle Yossi, for many years he served as a principal at Bais Yaakov in Borough Park.
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Sir Hermann Gollancz (30 November 1852 – 15 October 1930) was a British rabbi and Hebrew scholar. Gollancz was the first Jew to earn a doctor of literature degree from London University and the first holder of the degree to be ordained as a rabbi. He was also the first British rabbi to be granted a knighthood, when he was knighted in 1923.
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Rabbi Dayan Mark Gollop (d. 1950) was the Senior Jewish Chaplain to H. M. Forces in the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth. Dayan Gollop was born in Russia and came to England at the age of 13. After attending the Beth Hamedrash for Rabbinical studies he was appointed, in his 18th year, a member of the teaching staff of the Great Garden Street Talmud Torah, a post he resigned on entering Jews’ College and University College, London. From 1906 until 1913 he devoted himself to several social, educational, and Zionist movements in the London. He was one of the founders of the Jewish National Institute, conducting a Talmudic Circle there for some time; founded the Young Hebrew Association, and took a leading part in the study circles of this organisation and of the London University Zionist Society; was on the committee of the Union of Talmud Torah Teachers; and was Hon. Financial and Joint Secretary of the Association of East London Zionists. In 1913 came an appointment—as minister to the Southend and Westcliff Congregation, and during the 1914-18 war the young minister was a Chaplain to the Forces, serving in Salonika, Palestine, Egypt and Greece. He was the only Jewish Chaplain with the British Salonika Forces and was Mentioned in Dispatches as a result of his work in this war zone. He was appointed senior Jewish Chaplain in 1926 and was also appointed by the Army Council to serve on the Inter-Denominational Advisory Committee on Chaplaincy services at the War Office. In 1921 Reverend Gollop was chosen by the Bayswater Synagogue to succeed Rabbi Sir Hermann Gollancz as minister. He gained his Rabbinical Diploma in 1924 and in 1929 was appointed as assistant Dayan on the London Beth Din. The following year he succeeded the Rev. A.A. Green as Rabbi of the Hampstead Synagogue. Dayan Gollop’s duties as Senior Chaplain became more arduous with the outbreak of the Second world War. After a visit to France early in 1940 he arranged for the appointment of Jewish chaplains for the British Expeditionary Force and later for troops in other war zones. He edited the new edition of the Prayer book for Jewish Members of H.M. Forces. His health broke down in October, 1943 and early in the following year he resigned from all his duties both as minister and senior Jewish Chaplain. He died in August 1950. (via Jeffrey Maynard's Jewish Miscellanies)
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Shmuel Gonzales is a Mexican-American punk and ḥasid, of Sephardic Bnei Anusim roots. He shares his transcriptions of Jewish liturgy here at the Open Siddur; with the bulk of his work dedicated to the preservation and proliferation the historic liturgical texts of the Sephardic, Mizraḥi and the ḤaBaD Lubavitch Nusach ARI z”l traditions. His divrei torah are available via his blog, Hardcore Mesorah, Since the mid-1990s Shmuel has served as lay leader and shaliaḥ tsibur for several communities across the Los Angeles Eastside, while doing kiruv (Jewish outreach) and teaching Jewish education throughout the inner-city in working-class communities. He is the founder of the Boyle Heights Chavurah – a grassroots Jewish community in East Los Angeles. He is also a community organizer, serving Clergy and Laity United for Economic Justice (CLUE) and was elected as President of the Boyle Heights Neighborhood Council. He is privileged to be recognized as a renowned professional historian, as founder of Boyle Heights History Studios (& Tours) and author of the Barrio Boychik Blog. He is a proud volunteer for the Pico Union Project, which has successfully transformed the oldest synagogue building in Los Angeles into a thriving community center under the leader of famed musician and Cantor Craig Taubman; which is serving as a model for renewing vibrancy for older historic Jewish communities in what are today’s BIPOC landscapes.
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Avrum Goodblatt, a senior technology and management consultant, was the co-founder in 1989 of what is now the oldest Jewishly oriented service accessible through the Internet, Shamash (formerly, the New York-Israel Project of Nysernet). He was also project manager for Sadarit, the first PC Hebrew desktop publishing program.
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Alexander David Goode (May 10, 1911 – February 3, 1943) was a rabbi and a lieutenant in the United States Army. He was one of the Four Chaplains who gave their lives to save other soldiers during the sinking of the troop transport Dorchester during World War II. Born in Brooklyn, New York, in 1911, Goode was one of four children of Brooklyn rabbi Hyman Goodekowitz.[1] Raised in Washington, D.C., Goode excelled at sports at Eastern High School. He became a rabbi after graduating from the University of Cincinnati and in 1937 Hebrew Union College (HUC). While studying at HUC, he spent summers working as a rabbinic student at the Washington Hebrew Congregation. In 1940, he received his Ph.D from Johns Hopkins University. Goode served as a rabbi in Marion, Indiana, and York, Pennsylvania. In 1941, Goode founded Boy Scout Troop 37 in York as a multi-cultural mixed race troop, the first troop in the U.S. to have scouts earn Catholic, Jewish, and Protestant awards. In that same year, he applied to become a Navy chaplain but was turned down. The following year he was accepted into the Army, with orders to Harvard where he studied at the chaplain's school in preparation for deployment to Europe followed by brief service at an airbase in Goldsboro, North Carolina. In October 1942, he joined the other members of the Four Chaplains and was detailed to embark on the Dorchester a few months later. In late 1942, Goode was transferred to Camp Myles Standish in Taunton, Massachusetts, and attended Chaplains School at Harvard University. There he met fellow chaplains George L. Fox, Clark V. Poling and John P. Washington. In January 1943, the chaplains embarked on board the Dorchester, which was transporting over 900 soldiers to the United Kingdom via Greenland. On February 2, 1943, the German submarine U-223 spotted the convoy on the move and closed with the ships, firing a torpedo which struck the Dorchester shortly after midnight. Hundreds of men packed the decks of the rapidly sinking ship and scrambled for the lifeboats. Several of the lifeboats had been damaged and the four chaplains began to organize frightened soldiers. They distributed life jackets from a locker; when the supply of life jackets ran out, each of the chaplains gave his to other soldiers. When the last lifeboats were away, the chaplains prayed with those unable to escape the sinking ship. 27 minutes after the torpedo struck, the Dorchester disappeared below the waves with 672 men still aboard. The last anyone saw of the four chaplains, they were standing on the deck, arms linked and praying together. The four chaplains were all awarded the Distinguished Service Cross and the Purple Heart and received national acclaim for their courage and self-sacrifice. A chapel in their honor was dedicated on February 3, 1951, by President Harry S. Truman at Grace Baptist Church of Philadelphia. The Four Chaplains' Medal was established by act of Congress on July 14, 1960, and was presented posthumously to their next of kin by Secretary of the Army Wilber M. Brucker at Ft. Myer, Virginia, on January 18, 1961. Goode is honored with a feast day along with the other Four Chaplains on the liturgical calendar of the Episcopal Church in the United States of America on February 3. (via his entry in wikipedia)
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Dr. Ami Goodman is a pediatrician and neonatologist with Kaiser Permanente Medical Center in San Francisco.
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Rabbi Felipe Goodman is the spiritual leader of Temple Beth Sholom in Las Vegas, Nevada, a position he has held since 1998. Born in Mexico City, Mexico in 1967, Rabbi Goodman was previously assistant Rabbi at Mexico City's Comunidad Bet-El de Mexico, one of the largest conservative synagogues in Latin America. He is a member of the Executive Committee of The Rabbinical Assembly and the AIPAC National Leadership Council, and also served as president of the Board of Rabbis of Southern Nevada. Rabbi Goodman is actively involved in numerous national and international Jewish organizations and has visited The White House on two occasions to discuss issues related to the Jewish community and the state of Israel. Rabbi Goodman co-authored the most widely distributed Pesach Haggadah of the Conservative Movement in Latin America, and is also writing a book called Torah from Sin City.
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Robert Gordis (1908 – 1992) was an American leading Conservative rabbi. He founded the first Conservative Jewish day school, served as President of the Rabbinical Assembly and the Synagogue Council of America, and was a professor at Jewish Theological Seminary of America from 1940 to 1992. He wrote one of the first pamphlets explaining Conservative ideology in 1946, and in 1988 he chaired the Commission on the Philosophy of Conservative Judaism which produced the official statement of Conservative ideology "Emet Ve-Emunah". Gordis was the founding editor in 1951 of the quarterly journal Judaism.
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Aaron David Gordon (אהרן דוד גורדון‎; 9 June 1856 – 22 February 1922), more commonly known as A. D. Gordon, was a Zionist ideologue and the spiritual force behind practical Zionism and Labor Zionism. He founded Hapoel Hatzair, a movement that set the tone for the Zionist movement for many years to come. Influenced by Leo Tolstoy and others, it is said that in effect he made a religion of labor. However, he himself wrote in 1920, "Surely in our day it is possible to live without religion."
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Nehemia Gordon holds a Masters Degree in Biblical Studies and a Bachelors Degree in Archaeology from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He translated texts contained in The Dead Sea Scrolls Reader, was an assistant on the Dead Sea Scrolls Publication Project coordinated by Emanuel Tov, and worked as a researcher on the Hebrew University Bible Project under the auspices of Shemaryahu Talmon. Gordon has lived in Jerusalem since 1993, is the author of a series of popular books on the history of ancient Judaism and Christianity, and hosts the Hebrew Voices podcast.
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Shlomo Goren (Hebrew: שלמה גורן) (February 3, 1917 – October 29, 1994), was an Orthodox Religious Zionist rabbi in Israel, a Talmudic scholar and foremost authority on Jewish law. Following the establishment of the State of Israel, Goren was appointed Chief Rabbi of the Military Rabbinate of the IDF with the rank of Major-General, a position he held until 1968 when he was chosen as Chief Rabbi of Tel Aviv. Later he served as the third Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Israel from 1973 to 1983, after which he established a yeshiva in Jerusalem, which he headed until his death. He served in the Israel Defense Forces during three wars, wrote several award-winning books on Jewish law. (via wikipedia)
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Rabbi Esteban Gottfried is a Director, Playwright and actor and is the leader of Beit Tefilah Israeli (The Israeli House of Prayer) in Tel Aviv, which he founded with Rani Jaeger, and other friends.
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Gustav Gottheil (May 28, 1827, Pinne/Pniewy, Grand Duchy of Posen, Prussia – April 15, 1903, New York City) was a Prussian born American rabbi. Gottheil eventually became one of the most influential, well-known and controversial Reform Jewish leaders of his time. He was educated in Posen under Rabbi Solomon Plessner, and later continued his studies at the universities of Berlin and Halle (Ph.D.), receiving in the meanwhile his "hattarat hora'ah" in the former city from Samuel Holdheim, whose assistant he became (1855). He also studied under Zunz and Moritz Steinschneider. In 1860 he set out from the Berliner Reformgemeinde to labor for Reform Judaism in new fields. In 1860 he received a call from the Reform Jews of Manchester, England; he went there as rabbi for the Manchester Congregation of British Jews and remained for 13 years. During this time he was connected with the faculty of Owens College as a teacher of the German language. Two of his most noteworthy sermons preached in Manchester were on the slavery question, attacking those who had declared the institution to be sanctioned by Mosaic law. Dr. Gottheil was a member of the Synod of Leipsic in 1871, which took a decided stand on the question of Reform. He left Manchester in 1873, having been elected to succeed the Rev. J. K. Gutheim as assistant to Dr. Samuel Adler, the senior rabbi of Temple Emanu-El, New York City. When Adler retired about eighteen months later, Gottheil succeeded him. On taking charge he reorganized the religious school, and assisted in founding a theological school where preliminary training might be imparted to future candidates for the rabbinate. He prepared in 1886 the first Jewish hymn-book printed in America (with music in a separate volume by A. Davis); it contains not only traditional Jewish hymns, but also others of Christian origin, and upon it was based the Union Hymnal, which has since been generally adopted by the Reform congregations in the United States. In 1889 he started the first Sisterhood of Personal Service, a philanthropic organization affiliated with Temple Emanu-El which served as a model for similar institutions elsewhere. Dr. Gottheil was the founder of the Association of Eastern Rabbis, and when it was assimilated with the Central Conference of American Rabbis in 1890, he took an active part in its deliberations. He was one of the founders and the president of the (American) Jewish Publication Society, vice-president of the Federation of American Zionists, chairman of the Revision Committee for the Union Prayer Book, and one of the governors of the Hebrew Union College, in Cincinnati. Dr. Gottheil's sympathies and interests were broadly universalist, as evidenced by his connection with various non-Jewish institutions as well as by many of his sermons and writings. He was one of the founders of the New York State Conference of Religions, assisting in the editing of its "Book of Common Prayers"; and a founder and for many years vice-president of the Nineteenth Century Club. In 1893 Gottheil was one of the representatives of the Jews at the Parliament of Religions, held in Chicago during the World Columbian Exposition.
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Richard James Horatio Gottheil (October 13, 1862 – May 22, 1936) was an American Semitic scholar, Zionist, and founding father of Zeta Beta Tau fraternity. After 1904 he was vice president of the American Jewish Historical Society. Gottheil wrote many articles on Oriental and Jewish questions for newspapers and reviews. He edited the Columbia University Oriental Series, and the Semitic Study Series. After 1901 he was one of the editors of the Jewish Encyclopedia.
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Alfred Gottschalk (March 7, 1930 – September 12, 2009) was a German-born American Rabbi who was a leader in the Reform Judaism movement, serving as head of the movement's Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion (HUC) for 30 years, as president from 1971 to 1996, and then as chancellor until 2000. In that role, Rabbi Gottschalk oversaw the ordination of the first women to be ordained as rabbis in the United States and Israel, and admitted gay and lesbian students to the school's seminary. During his tenure as president, he oversaw the development of new HUC campuses in Jerusalem, Los Angeles and New York City, three of the school's four campuses. In perpetuating and expanding the modernizing tradition of the Reform movement, Gottschalk performed the June 1972 ordination of Rabbi Sally Priesand, the first woman to be ordained in the United States. In 1975, Rabbi Gottschalk oversaw the designation of American Reform Judaism's first female hazzan (cantor), Barbara Herman. In July 1992, he oversaw the "historic and symbolic" ordination of Israel's first woman rabbi, Naamah Kelman.
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Lauren Grabelle Herrmann serves as the rabbi for SAJ – Judaism That Stands for All in Manhattan. She is a member of T’ruah: the Rabbinic call for Human Rights, the co-chair of the Rabbinic Council for JFREJ, Jews for Racial and Economic Justice. Rabbi Herrmann is an active clergy member of New Sanctuary Coalition, an organization that fights for immigrants at risk for detention and deportation in NYC. She has been active champion of LGBTQ rights within and beyond the Jewish community, from her days as an intern at CBST, the world’s largest synagogue for LGBTQ individuals, family and and friends until today. In 2017, Rabbi Lauren organized the “Yes to Love, No to Hate: Interfaith Solidarity, Hope and Action” in response to the white supremacist march in Charlottesville, VA that gathered over 600 New Yorkers and brought together over 70 sponsoring organizations. In 2018, Rabbi Lauren participated in a mass mobilization and human rights mission to San Diego to support immigrants at the border. She is a proud alumni of the AJWS Global Justice Fellowship. Before coming to SAJ, Rabbi Lauren was the founder of Kol Tzedek, an inclusive, dynamic and growing synagogue in West Philadelphia. She was also a founding clergy member of POWER, Philadelphians Organized to Witness, Empower and Rebuild. She graduated from The Reconstructionist Rabbinical College, graduating in 2006 and was the recipient of the Lillian Fern Award for Service to the Community and the Rabbi Kenneth and Aviva Berger Memorial Prize in Practical Rabbinics. She is a proud of Alumni of JOIN, the Jewish Organizing Initiative and Network and Rabbis Without Borders.
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The Grand Sanhedrin was a Jewish high court convened in Europe by Napoleon I to give legal sanction to the principles expressed by an Assembly of Jewish Notables in answer to the twelve questions submitted to it by the government. The name was chosen to imply that the Grand Sanhedrin had the authority of the original Sanhedrin that had been the main legislative and judicial body of the Jewish people during the Second Temple Period in classical antiquity.
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A graduate of Columbia University, Rabbi Rachel Grant Meyer was ordained by HUC-JIR in New York. Prior to rabbinical school, Rabbi Meyer worked as a Program Associate in the KESHER: College Department at the URJ. After ordination, Rabbi Meyer served as Assistant Rabbi at Congregation Rodeph Sholom in New York City. In June 2015, Rabbi Meyer joined HIAS, the world’s oldest, and only Jewish, refugee resettlement organization, as the Director of Education for Community Engagement. At HIAS, she develops educational materials, resources, and programs that educate American Jews about refugee issues, connecting the plight of contemporary refugees to Jewish values and history. Rabbi Meyer’s writing has been featured in the Forward online and in the upcoming book Seven Days, Many Voices: Insights into the Biblical Story of Creation (CCAR Press). (bio via the Jewish Women's Archive)
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Yakov Green is a long-time participant in the pluralistic Beit Midrash Elul in Jerusalem. He lives with his wife Rinat in Ramat Shilo.
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Irving Yitzchak Greenberg (born 1933), also known as Yitz Greenberg, is an American scholar, author and rabbi. He is known as a strong supporter of Israel, and a promoter of greater understanding between Judaism and Christianity.
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Rabbi Mendy Greenberg, from Anchorage, Alaska, is the ḤaBaD emisary and Director of the Mat-Su Jewish Center, Chabad-Lubavitch, in Palmer, Alaska.
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Steven Greenberg (born June 19, 1956) is an American rabbi with a smiḥah from Yeshiva University (RIETS). Greenberg is executive director of Eshel, whose mission is to create community and acceptance for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Jews and their families in Orthodox communities. He is also a Senior Teaching Fellow and Director of Diversity Project at CLAL – the National Jewish Center for Learning and Leadership, and the author of the book Wrestling with God and Men: Homosexuality in the Jewish Tradition which received the Koret Jewish Book Award for Philosophy and Thought in 2005. The first openly gay Orthodox Jewish rabbi, he came out as gay in an article in the Israeli newspaper Maariv in 1999. He also contributed to the acclaimed 2001 documentary by Sandi Simcha DuBowski 'Trembling Before G-d.'"
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Todd Greenberg is co-President/owner of a Flooring Company here in Boulder County Colorado. He is a member of Congregation Har Hashem in Boulder, Colorado.
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Rabbi Yosef Greenberg serves as the spiritual leader of Alaska Jewish Campus and the president of the Alaska Jewish Museum. Born in Russia, Rabbi Greenberg lived in Israel before moving to the United States. From the age of 17, he studied for ten years in Crown Heights. During 1983-1984, Rabbi Greenberg studied at a small yeshiva headed by Rabbi Sholom Ber Levitin who had long time contacts with the Alaska Jewish community. In 1990, he moved permanently to Alaska to serve the Anchorage Jewish community.
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Rabbi David Greene is Co-Founder & Executive Director of Chabad of Southern Minnesota.
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Rabbi Alan M. Greenspan, born in Bridgeport, Connecticut, was an Orthodox rabbi and military chaplain in the United States. He graduated from Yeshiva University in 1960 and received his semikhah there in 1962. He enlisted in teh US Army as a chaplain staff specialist in 1960 and served in Saigon during the Vietnam War in 1966.
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Rabbi Dr. Eli Greenwald (d. 2016) was Rabbi Emeritus of Ohel David & Shlomo in Manhattan Beach (Brooklyn, New York). At a young age, when, living in Manhattan’s Lower East Side, he was one of the founders of the youth minyan at the local Young Israel. He received his semicha from the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary and a doctorate in Jewish history and education from Philadelphia’s Dropsie University. He served as a pulpit rabbi in Quebec and Chester, Pennsylvania, before joining Ohel David & Shlomo in 1962, Rabbi Greenwald also served in a number of other roles: as principal of Ezra Academy Junior High School Yeshiva in Brooklyn, as dean of Yeshiva of Manhattan Beach, as both the first vice chairman and a long term member of New York City's Community Board 15, as vice President of the Rabbinical Board of Flatbush, as a member of the Sephardic Rabbinical Council as well as the Jewish chaplain at Jefferson Medical College Hospital in Philadelphia, Coney Island Hospital in Brooklyn, and Greater New York Council Boy Scout Summer Camps.
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Sarah Groner is an Israel Program Associate with J Street with experience in resource development and community social work. Sarah has a breadth of knowledge in the Israeli nonprofit community and an international perspective in resource development. Sarah has worked and volunteered for various Israeli nonprofit organizations, including Tebeka, HIAS, Ofek Liyladenu, Maagalei Tzedek and Mesila. Originally from the United States, Sarah moved to Israel in 2005 and has since completed her Bachelors degree in Social Work at Bar Ilan University.
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Rabbi Rafael G. Grossman (23 November 1933 – 12 April 2018), originally of Lakewood, New Jersey, was a noted Orthodox rabbi in the United States. He was the rabbi of Baron Hirsch Synagogue (Memphis, Tennessee), one of the largest Orthodox congregations in the United States. Grossman was also the chairman of the Religious Zionists of America.
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Joshua Gruenberg is the senior rabbi of Congregation Chizuk Amuno in Baltimore, MD. A native of New Rochelle, N.Y, he earned his bachelor’s degree in political science from the State University of New York-Binghamton. He graduated from the Jewish Theological Seminary in 2002 and served as director of Judaic studies at the Schechter School of Long Island in New York. In 2004, he became the spiritual leader of Congregation Sons of Israel in Nyack, N.Y., and served there for seven years before coming to Congregation Beth El Yardley, Pennsylvania.
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Die Grünen Bundesarbeitsgruppe "Mensch und Tier" (The Greens National Working Group on People and Animals) was established by the West German Green Party to draft policy papers and the party platforms concerning animal protection.
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Isidor Grunfeld (1900–1975), also known by his Hebrew name Yeshaya Yishai ha-Kohen Grunfeld, was a dayan (rabbinical judge) and author who was associated with the London Beth Din (rabbinical court). He is best known for several popular works on Jewish law, and for his translations of the works of Samson Raphael Hirsch.
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Max Grunwald (born October 10, 1871 in Zabrze, Upper Silesia; died January 24, 1953 in Jerusalem) was a Conservative rabbi in Hamburg and Vienna and author of works on Jewish history and folklore. He was ordained at the Jewish Theological Seminary in Breslau in 1892 and in 1895 began serving as the rabbi of the New Dammthor Synagogue in Hamburg. In 1903, after moving to Vienna he began serving the Turnergasse synagogue, and from 1913, the Leopoldstadt Temple. An erudite scholar, he founded the Society for Jewish Folklore and served as its editor of correspondence until 1929.
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Judy Gumbo is the author of Yippie Girl, a memoir in progress about love and conflict among the Youth International Party and other romantic revolutionaries of the late 1960s. With her late husband Stew Albert, Judy co-authored The Sixties Papers: Documents of a Rebellious Decade (1984). In her later life, Judy was an award winning fundraiser for Planned Parenthood. She now lives in Berkeley, California with her husband, David Dobkin
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Leon Gunther has been on the Physics Department faculty at Tufts University since 1965. He got his PhD in Physics from MIT in 1964 and has published over 100 articles, the vast majority being in the field of Condensed Matter Theory. Having begun studies of the violin at the age of seven, he has played in numerous Community Symphony Orchestras, most notably the Newton Symphony, where he was the principal second violinist for ten years, from 1974-1984. In 1994, he founded the community chorus of Temple Emunah in Lexington, MA, known as the Mak'haylah. Programs include music of a wide range of genres - folk, liturgical, and classical. His compositions and arrangements include Hebrew renditions of three movements of the Brahms Requiem.
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Chajm ist Autor und Bewohner des Ruhrgebiets, Herausgeber von talmud.de und Organisator des Minchah-Schiurs im Ruhrgebiet. Einige seiner Artikel gibt es nicht nur im Internet, sondern beispielsweise auch in der »Jüdischen Allgemeinen«. Über die Kontakt-Seite kann man Chajm eine Nachricht senden.
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Rabbi James Koppel Gutheim (1817–1886), originally from Münster in Westphalia, Germany, was a prominent reform rabbi in the mid-19th century who served Congregation Shangarai Chasset of New Orleans and, for a time, Temple Emanu-El, in New York City.
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Rabbi Sidney S, Guthman (1911-2009) from Chicago, was a Conservative movement rabbi in the United States. He was a graduate of Lewis Institute of Technology and was ordained at the Jewish Theological Seminary in 1938. Rabbi Guthman walked in Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s march on Washington, D.C., in 1963, and accompanied Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on the march from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama, in 1965. In 1971, JTS awarded him an honorary Doctor of Divinity Degree. As a rabbi he held pulpits in New England and San Antonio, Texas (Agudas Achim), Lakewood, California (Shir Chadash), Seal Beach (Temple Shalom), and as Chaplain of the VA Medical Center in Long Beach, California. Rabbi Guthman was the past President of the Western States Region of the Rabbinical Assembly and a former Grand Chaplain of the Masonic Grand Lodge. He was chairman of the Community Advisory Commission in Long Beach and past president of the Western States Region of the Rabbinical Assembly. With Robert Segal, he co-edited the prayerbook, Sabbath Eve Services and Hymns (1944).
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Woodrow Wilson Guthrie (July 14, 1912 – October 3, 1967) was an American singer-songwriter and composer who was one of the most significant figures in American folk music. His work focused on themes of American socialism and anti-fascism. He inspired several generations both politically and musically with songs such as "This Land Is Your Land". Guthrie wrote hundreds of country, folk, and children's songs, along with ballads and improvised works. Dust Bowl Ballads, Guthrie's album of songs about the Dust Bowl period, was included on Mojo magazine's list of 100 Records That Changed The World, and many of his recorded songs are archived in the Library of Congress. He frequently performed with the message "This machine kills fascists" displayed on his guitar. Guthrie was brought up by middle-class parents in Okemah, Oklahoma. He married at 19, but with the advent of the dust storms that marked the Dust Bowl period, he left his wife and three children to join the thousands of Okies who were migrating to California looking for employment. He worked at Los Angeles radio station KFVD, achieving some fame from playing hillbilly music, made friends with Will Geer and John Steinbeck, and wrote a column for the communist newspaper People's World from May 1939 to January 1940. Throughout his life, Guthrie was associated with United States communist groups, although he apparently did not belong to any. With the outbreak of World War II and the Molotov–Ribbentrop non-aggression pact the Soviet Union had signed with Germany in 1939, the anti-Stalin owners of KFVD radio were not comfortable with Guthrie's political leanings after he wrote a song praising the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact and the Soviet invasion of Poland. He left the station, ending up in New York, where he wrote and recorded his 1940 album Dust Bowl Ballads, based on his experiences during the 1930s, which earned him the nickname the "Dust Bowl Troubadour". In February 1940, he wrote his most famous song, "This Land Is Your Land". He said it was a response to what he felt was the overplaying of Irving Berlin's "God Bless America" on the radio. Guthrie was married three times and fathered eight children. His son Arlo Guthrie became nationally known as a musician. Guthrie died in 1967 from complications of Huntington's disease. His first two daughters also died of the disease.
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Rabbi Dr. Joshua Gutoff was ordained by the Jewish Theological Seminary, and later received a Doctorate in Jewish Education there, writing on Talmud education and the development of the moral imagination. A writer and teacher, he lives in Philadelphia.
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​Leslie Yale Gutterman, is Rabbi Emeritus of Temple Beth-El, Providence, Rhode Island, having served from 1970 to 2015, upon his ordination from Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion. In 1974 when Rabbi William G. Braude retired, Rabbi Gutterman became the synagogue's senior rabbi. A 1964 graduate of the University of Michigan, Rabbi Gutterman has been involved with dozens of civic organizations and has served as a board member of many preeminent institutions including: Butler Hospital, The Rhode Island Telecommunications Commission, The Providence Athenaeum, Hospice Care, Rhode Island Kids Count, Trinity Repertory Theatre, Interfaith Health Care Ministries, Brown University's Board of Religious Overseers, and Bryant University. Rabbi Gutterman was president of the Rhode Island Board of Rabbis, the Jewish Family Service and the national Rabbinic Alumni Association of Reform Judaism as well as the Rhode Island Committee for the Humanities. He has served on the executive board of the Central Conference of American Rabbis and taught at Providence College. For 20 years, Rabbi Gutterman wrote a monthly column for the religion page of The Providence Journal. He received a public service award from the City of Providence on its 350th anniversary and the lifetime achievement award from the Rhode Island Council of Churches and in 2012 he was inducted into the Rhode Island Heritage Hall of Fame. Rabbi Gutterman was awarded a Doctor of Divinity degree from Hebrew Union College and holds honorary degrees from the University of Rhode Island, Roger Williams University, Johnson & Wales University, Providence College, Rhode Island College and Bryant University.
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Amit Gvaryahu is a faculty member of Yeshivat Hadar, the Drisha Insitute and Yeshivat Talpiot in Jerusalem. He is an alum of Yeshivat Hadar, Yeshivat Har Etzion and the Hebrew University, from which he graduated with a degree in Talmud and Classics. He is also Graduate student at the Hebrew University, where he taught Talmud for three years. He is married to Yedidah Koren.