With kavod (honor) to “all whose hearts were stirred to share” (kol asher nasa libam, cf. Exodus 36:2-3), this is a searchable index of all liturgists, translators, transcribers, etc. whose work on Jewish prayer, on prayer books, and on public readings is being shared through the Open Siddur Project. After ten years, the total number of project contributors is nearly 800. A little over half have shared their work either directly with the project with an Open Content license, or indirectly by contributing their work into the Public Domain as a contributor to a government publication. Nearly fifty are institutional copyright stewards (operating or defunct for-profit and non-profit entities). The remaining contributors have had their works transcribed from material that has passed into the Public Domain after their deaths. Some transcribed works shared through the Open Siddur project remain unattributed due to unknown authorship. If you find an uncredited or improperly attributed work, please contact us. To join this community of contributors, please share your work. Making prayers and related religious works available for creative reuse and republication through Open Content licenses is crucial for keeping Jewish culture cross-pollinating, vital, and relevant under the current climate of denominationally identified silos and proprietary-by-default copyright strictures. Prospective contributors should read our Mission Statement, Terms of Use, and Copyleft Policy. The Open Siddur is a non-prescriptive, non-denominational project and invites participation without prejudice towards ethnic heritage, skin color, nationality, belief or non-belief, sex, gender, sexuality or any other consideration.
Eitan (אֵיתָן, lit: "firm, strong and optimistic, solid and enduring, permanent") the Ezraḥite, is a figure mentioned in the Hebrew Bible: a boy in the court of King David well known for his wisdom and the author of Psalms 89. Aside from this psalm, the name Ethan appears in 1 Kings 5:11, 1 Chronicles 2:6-2:8, 1 Chronicles 6:27-6:29, and 1 Chronicles. 15:17-15:19. He is also identified as a Levite, a "son of Kishi" or "Kishaiah," of the Merarite branch of Levites, and also, with Heman and Asaph, placed by King David over the service of song (1 Chronicles 6:29; 1 Chronicles 15:17-19), and an ancestor of Asaph of the Gershonite branch of the Levites (1 Chronicles 6:27).
Mosheh ha-Levi (also, Mose Levi, c. 1827 - 21 July 1910) served for more than three decades, from 1872 to mid-1908, as acting chief rabbi (Ḥakham Bashi) of the Ottoman Empire. Born in Bursa around 1827, Levi was educated at the city’s rabbinic seminary. In 1872 Levi succeeded to the office of chief rabbi.
Ya'aqov ha-Paitan was a Karaite liturgical poet of whom little is known save for the popular shabbat zemer "Yatsar Ha'El" containing his acrostic signature. If you happen to know more about Ya'aqov, please contact us.  Bonna Devora Haberman (1960-2015) is the author of Israeli Feminism Liberating Judaism: Blood and Ink and ReReading Israel: The Spirit of the Matter, National Jewish Book Award finalist. Dr. Haberman has taught at Harvard, Brandeis and Hebrew universities. In Jerusalem, she initiated Women of the Wall, a 25 year strong movement for women's full participation and leadership of public religious practice. Dr. Haberman earned her doctorate in Ethics and Education at the University of London. Having grown up in Canada, studied in the USA, Israel, and England, her work in and out of the academy fuses critical interpretation of texts and culture with passion for social betterment. She has published widely and taught at the Hebrew University, at the Harvard University Divinity School and at Brandeis University where she founded and directed the “Mistabra Institute for Jewish Textual Activism” – addressing difficult texts and social problems using performance arts. With Mistabra, she created and performed two full-length theater pieces, Inner Fire—about Jewish peoplehood, Israel, and territory, and Unmasking Esther. She studied with Augusto Boal, the Brazilian founder of Theater of the Oppressed. Dr. Haberman passed away in June 2015.
 Joshua O. Haberman (1919–1917), was a Reform rabbi in the United States. Born in Vienna, his education was interrupted by the German invasion of Austria in 1938. Fleeing to the United States, he earned his B.A. from the University of Cincinnati (1940) and M.H.L. from Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, where he was ordained in 1945. HUC-JIR awarded him an honorary Doctor of Divinity in 1970. His first pulpit was in Mobile, Alabama (1944–46), where he worked to bring the Reform and Conservative communities closer together as rabbi of Congregation Shaarei Shamayim (the Government Street Temple). While serving as rabbi of Temple Beth Zion in Buffalo, New York (1946–51), Haberman founded the Hillel Center at the University of Buffalo, acting as its first director (1946–47). In 1951, he became rabbi of Har Sinai Temple in Trenton, New Jersey, whose membership quadrupled under his leadership. Haberman chaired both the Trenton Board of Rabbis and the local Israel Bonds Drive; coauthored Encounter for Reconciliation: Guidelines for Inter-religious Dialogue, published jointly by the Union of American Hebrew Congregations and the United Presbyterian Church of America; and continued to foster mutual understanding within the Jewish community. He also lectured at Rutgers University and served on the Executive Committee of the Central Conference of American Rabbis (1967–69). In 1969, Haberman was appointed rabbi of Washington Hebrew Congregation. He developed a dialogue with the Roman Catholic diocese of Washington DC, with evangelical Christian leaders, and with Imam Wallace D. Muhammad of the World Community of Islam in the West. He served as president of the Washington Board of Rabbis (1982–84), as well as on the Advisory Committee on Ethical Values of the United States Information Agency (1982–83) and on the boards of directors of the Ethics and Public Policy Center (1983–89) and the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (1985). In 1984, in anticipation of retiring from the pulpit, he founded the Foundation for Jewish Studies, which sponsors cultural and educational programs for the entire Washington Jewish community as well as interested adherents of other faiths. In 1986, Haberman became rabbi emeritus of Washington Hebrew Congregation and assumed the active presidency of the FJS. On a national level, he was a member of the board of alumni overseers of the HUC-JIR and served as president of the National Association of Retired Reform Rabbis (1999–2000). In 2001, he was the representative of Jewish participation in the National Cathedral's memorial service marking 9/11. Haberman contributed articles to English and German publications and wrote three books, Philosopher of Revelation: The Life and Thought of S.L. Steinheim (1990); The God I Believe In: Conversations about Judaism with 14 Prominent Jewish Intellectuals (1994), and Healing Psalms: The Dialogues with God that Help You Cope with Life (2000). In addition, he taught at Georgetown University, Wesley Theological Seminary, and American University. He received the Brotherhood Award of the National Conference of Christians and Jews (1978) and the Elie Wiesel Holocaust Remembrance Award, conferred by the State of Israel Bonds (1992). (adapted from that offered in the Encyclopedia Judaica, 2nd ed.)
Hadar Institute (Mechon Hadar) is the umbrella organization for Yeshivat Hadar, the first full-time egalitarian yeshiva in North America. Hadar programming intends to empower Jews creating passionate and vibrant Jewish learning communities committed to religious and spiritual growth and textual fluency invTaNaKh, Midrash, Talmud, Halakha, liturgy, and theology. Hadar's community grants support individualized projects and social justice initiatives which students take home to their local communities.
Rabbi Gershon Hadas (9 Jul 1896-11 Dec 1980), born in Wołkowysk / Volkovisk (currently in Belarus), was a Conservative movement rabbi in the United States. He served as rabbi of Beth Shalom Synagogue, Kansas City, Missouri from 1929 till 1961. As Chairman of the Rabbinical Assembly's Prayer Book Commission, he prepared the translation and liturgical text for the Siddur Lemot HeKhol (1961) a weekday prayerbook. He also published a new translation of the Books of Psalms "For the Modern Reader" in 1964.
Amos Ḥakham (Hebrew: עמוס חכם) (1921 – August 2, 2012) was the first winner of the International Bible Contest, later a prominent Bible scholar and editor of the Da'at Miqra Bible commentary. (via wikipedia) Halachic Left, founded April 2024, is a grassroots movement of halachically-observant Jews organizing in opposition to Jewish supremacy in their communities, supporting the end of the Israeli military control and occupation of Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem, and working for a just and equitable future for Israelis and Palestinians.
 Shlomo haLevi Al-Qabets (Hebrew: שלמה אלקבץ, also, al-kabetz, Alqabitz, Alqabes; ca. 1500 – 1576) was a rabbi, kabbalist and poet perhaps best known for his composition of the song Lekha Dodi. Alkabetz studied Torah under Rabbi Yosef Taitatzak. In 1529, he married the daughter of Yitzhak Cohen, a wealthy householder living in Salonica. Alkabetz gave his father-in-law a copy of his newly completed work Manot ha-Levi. He settled in Adrianople where he wrote Beit Hashem, Avotot Ahava, Ayelet Ahavim and Brit HaLevi. This latter work he dedicated to his admirers in Adrianople. His students included Rabbi Shmuel Ozida, author of Midrash Shmuel on Avot, and Rabbi Avraham Galante, author of Yareach Yakar on Zohar. His circle included Moshe Alsheich and Yosef Karo, as well as his famous brother-in-law Moshe Cordovero. Following the Tiqūn Leil Shavuot, Rabbi Shlomo and Rabbi Joseph Karo stayed awake all that night learning and during the recitation of the required texts, Rabbi Karo had a mystical experience: The Shekhinah appeared as a maggid, praising the circle and telling them to move to the Land of Israel. When they stayed up again the second night of Shavuot, the Shekhinah was adamant about their moving to the land of Israel. The account was recorded by Al-Qabets. He settled in Safed in 1535. His works written in Adrianople center on the holiness of the people Israel, the Land of Israel, and the specialness of the mitsvot. Al-Qabets accepts the tradition that Esther was married to Mordekhai before being taken to the king's palace and becoming queen, and even continued her relationship with Mordekhai after taking up her royal post. The view of midrash articulated by Al-Qabets and other members of the school of Joseph Taitatsak represents an extension of the view of the authority of the oral law and halakhic midrash to aggadic midrash and thus leads to the sanctification and near canonization of aggadic expansions of biblical narrative.
 Rabbi Dr. David Weiss Halivni (Hebrew: דוד וייס הלבני; September 27, 1927 – June 28, 2022) born in Kobyletska Poliana (now part of Ukraine), was a Judaic studies scholar. He grew up in the home of his maternal grandfather, Rabbi Isaiah (Shaye) Weiss, a Hasidic Talmud scholar in Sighet, Romania. His grandfather began teaching him at age 5, and he was regarded as an Illui (savant). He received semichah (rabbinic ordination) at age 15 from Rabbi Yekutiel Yehuda Gross of the town's yeshiva. When he arrived in the United States at the age of 18 after his liberation following the Holocaust, he was placed in a Jewish orphanage, where he created a stir by challenging the kashrut of the institution. A social worker introduced him to Rabbi Saul Lieberman, a leading Talmudist at the Jewish Theological Seminary of America (JTS) in New York, who recognized his brilliance and took him under his wing. Weiss later studied with Lieberman for many years at the JTS. Initially, he studied in Yeshiva Chaim Berlin under Rabbi Yitzchak Hutner and was allowed to forgo lectures because of his advanced standing. Over the next decade, he completed high school; earned a bachelor's degree in philosophy from Brooklyn College; a master's degree in philosophy from NYU, and his doctorate in Talmud at JTS. For many years he served as a Professor of Talmud at the Jewish Theological Seminary of America (JTS). Halivni's "source-critical approach" to Talmud study had a major impact on academic understanding and study of the Talmud. The traditional understanding viewed the Talmud as a unified homogeneous work. While other scholars had also treated the Talmud as a multi-layered work, Halivni's innovation (primarily in the second volume of his Meqorot u-Mesorot) was to distinguish between the onymous statements, which are generally succinct Halachic rulings or inquiries attributed to known Amoraim, and the anonymous statements, characterized by a much longer analysis often consisting of lengthy dialectic discussion, which he attributed to the later authors- "Stamma'im" (or Savora'im). After 1983, Halivni served as Reish Metivta of the Union for Traditional Judaism's rabbinical school. Halivni later served as Littauer Professor of Talmud and Classical Rabbinics in the Department of Religion at Columbia University. In July 2005, he retired from Columbia University and moved to Israel, where he taught at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Bar Ilan University until his death.
Shimon Halkin (Hebrew: שמעון הלקין) (born October 30, 1899; died 1987) was an Israeli poet, novelist, teacher, and translator. He was born in Dovsk near Rogachev (now in Belarus), then in the Russian Empire in 1899. Halkin emigrated to New York City with his family in 1914. He lived and studied in the United States from 1914 to 1932. He studied at the Hebrew Union College and Columbia University. In the US, he taught Hebrew Literature and Language. He worked as an English teacher in Tel Aviv from 1932 to 1939, but then returned to America, to become professor of Hebrew Literature at the Jewish Institute of Religion in New York. He made his final move to Israel in 1949, when he succeeded Joseph Klausner as Professor of Modern Hebrew Literature and became head of the department at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Rabbi Mosheh ben Zevulun Eliezer Halperin (משה בן זבולון אליעזר הלפרין) was born in 16th century Germany, and then moved to Poland, where he studied under the Maharshal, Rema and other rabbinic authorities. He authored a supra-commentary on Rashi on the Torah, entitled Zichron Moshe, first printed in Lublin, 5371 (1611) which contains halakhic rulings.
 Dr. David Halpern (d. October 16th, 2016), served as rabbi of the Flatbush Park Jewish Center from its inception in 1952. He stepped down from the pulpit and became Rabbi Emeritus in July 2012 after 60 years, possibly the longest tenure in the United States of any rabbi at a single pulpit since its founding. Rabbi Halpern graduated from Yeshiva College in 1949, and received his rabbinic ordination from Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary of Yeshiva University in 1952. The Smicha was signed by Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik, Rabbi Samuel Belkin, and Rabbi Moshe Shatzkes. At age 23, the newly minted Rabbi began holding services in storefronts on Mill Basin Avenue, and later on Avenue N. Beginning in 1956, Rabbi Halpern served for six years as the Jewish Chaplain of the 71st Infantry, 42nd Rainbow Division of the N.Y. National Guard. He was an active member of the Rabbinical Board of Flatbush, serving for ten years as the chairman of its Kashrus Committee and two years as its president.
Rabbi Martin Samuel Halpern (1927-1994), born in New York, was a Conservative movement rabbi and civil rights acitivist in the United States. He served Shaare Tefila Congregation in Washington, D.C. and served as president of the Washington Board of Rabbis. (We know little more about Rabbi Halpern's career. If you know more, please contact us. חיים היימס-עזרא (Dr. Chaim Hames-Ezra) is the Chair of the History Department, Ben Gurion University of the Negev and the author of I (do not) Believe: Israel and Judaism – Past, Present, Future (in Hebrew, Ktav 2011).
Jill Hammer is the Director of Spiritual Education at the Academy for Jewish Religion. Jill is the author of two books: “Sisters at Sinai: New Tales of Biblical Women” (JPS, 01) and “The Jewish Book of Days: A Companion for All Seasons” (JPS, 06). She is the co-founder of the Kohenet Institute, a program in Jewish women's spiritual leadership. An essayist, poet, midrashist and ritualist, her work has been in publications including Zeek Magazine, The Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion, The Torah: A Women's Commentary, The Forward, The Jewish Spectator, and Lilith as well as on-line on many websites. Several of her divrei torah can be heard on soundcloud, thanks to the Romemu congregation. Eytan Hammerman is rabbi at the Jewish Community Center of Harrison, N.Y.. He had previously served Temple Beth Shalom, Mahopac N.Y. A graduate of the Jewish Theological Seminary (JTS). He also holds a Masters Degree from JTS in Jewish Studies with a concentration in Jewish History. A native of Toms River, NJ and a graduate of the Solomon Schechter Day School, Rabbi Hammerman was an active USY and Ramah participant and Youth Leader. He is a graduate of Columbia University (’99) with a degree in Political Science and holds a B.A with “Honors and Distinction” from List College of the Jewish Theological Seminary. He has been a visiting student at Union Theological Seminary, New York, and the Hebrew University and the Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem, Israel.
Stephen Mo Hanan Kaplan (b. 1947, Washington, D.C.) is a Tony-nominated actor and playwright. Beginning his career as a San Francisco based street performer, he created and performed the role of Gus the Theatre Cat in the early 1970s run of Cats. In 1975, ACT produced his play about King David, David Dances as part of their Plays in Progress series. He is also known for his roles in Malcolm X (1992), NET Playhouse (1964) and The Pirates of Penzance (1983), among other works.
Ḥabaquq (חבקוק, also Habakkuk), active around 612 BCE, was a prophet whose oracles and prayer are recorded in the Book of Ḥabaquq, the eighth of the collected twelve minor prophets in the Hebrew Bible. Almost all information about Ḥabaquq is drawn from the book of the Bible bearing his name, with no biographical details provided other than his title, "the prophet."
 Ḥaggai (חַגַּי; Koine Greek: Ἀγγαῖος; Latin: Aggaeus) was a Hebrew prophet during the building of the Second Temple in Jerusalem, and one of the twelve minor prophets in the Hebrew Bible and the author of the Book of Ḥaggai. He is known for his prophecy in 520 BCE, commanding the Jews to rebuild the Temple. His name means "my (pilgrimage) festivals." He was the first of three post-exile prophets from the Neo-Babylonian Exile of the House of Judah (with Zekhariah, his contemporary, and Malakhi, who lived about one hundred years later), who belonged to the period of Jewish history which began after the return from captivity in Babylon. Scarcely anything is known of his personal history. He may have been one of the captives taken to Babylon by Nebuchadnezzar. He began prophecying about sixteen years after the return of the Jews to Judah (ca. 520 BCE). The work of rebuilding the Temple had been put to a stop after protestations by the Samaritan-Israelites. After having been suspended for eighteen years, the work was resumed through the efforts of Haggai and Zekhariah. They exhorted the people, which roused them from their lethargy, and induced them to take advantage of a change in the policy of the Persian government under Darius I.
Rabbi Jacob Handler (1914-2007) was ordained a rabbi at Yeshiva University and began serving as a rabbi since 1941. After serving Temple Israel in Manchester, New Hampshire he came to Temple Beth Israel (Providence, Rhode Island) beginning in 1964, and later to Temple Beth Sholom. Rabbi Handler served as Jewish chaplain for the Rhode Island State Institutions and on four occasions, as chaplain for the National Jamboree of the Boy Scouts of America, who honored him with their St. George award. He was
also involved with the National Conference of Christians and Jews. Rabbi Handler's educational background included a bachelors degree from
Vermont Teachers College, a Master of Arts in Government degree from the
University of New Hampshire, and a Doctor of Philosophy degree from
Burton College. He taught Political Science at the Rhode Island Junior College (later the Community College of Rhode Island).
Shelby Handler (they/them) is a writer and teaching artist living on Duwamish land/Seattle, WA. Currently, they are an MFA candidate at the University of Washington. While in school, Shelby is going to keep spending all their spare time teaching 4th grade Jewish weirdos and splintering white supremacy through organizing, study, ritual and pedagogy.
Yannai (יניי or ינאי) was an important payyetan who lived in the late fifth-early sixth century in the Galilee in Byzantine Palestine. Sometimes referred to as the "father of piyyut," his poetry marks the beginning of the Classical Period of piyyut that ranged from the fifth-eighth centuries. He was the first poet of piyyut to sign his name in an acrostic, to use end-rhyme, and to wrote for weekly services (not just for the High Holidays and particular festivals). According to Laura Lieber, the liturgical form most associated with Yannai is the qedushta, which embellishes the first 3 blessing of the Amidah (a part of the Jewish prayer service).
Shlomo "Ḥazaq Amats" (שלמה חזק אמץ, Solomon "for strength and courage") was a paytan and author of a beloved piyyut for Sukkot, "El Ram Ḥasin Yah" (G!D on High, Mighty Yah) on which he added his signature as an acrostic. Unfortunately, little else is known of him. As the piyyut was popular in Afghanistan and is thematically concerned with the archetpal Ushpizin of kabbalistic lore and mystical sukkot custom, we may cautiously assume that Shlomo was a paytan in Afghanistan in the 17th or 18th century, after which the piyyut spread to other communities.
Nothing is known about this paytan save his name preserved as an alphabetic acrostic in the piyyut, "Shir Ḥadash Ashir," sung before the Shirat haYam in Iraqi and Indian Jewish communities.
Yehonatan haPaytan is only known from his acrostic signature placed in his piyyut, "Yom Shabbat Ḳodesh Hu," made popular as a table song among German Jews. If you know any more about this paytan, please contact us. Little is known concerning the payyetan known as Elyaqim, identified only by the acrostic signature he left in his zemer for Havdallah, "Et Kos Yeshu'ot." If you have any more information, please contact us. Isaac Harby (1788–1828), from Charleston, South Carolina, was an early 19th-century teacher, playwright, literary critic, journalist, newspaper editor, and advocate of reforms in Judaism. His ideas were some of the precedents behind the development of Reform Judaism.
Rabbi Sidney "Zusha" Harcsztark, born in Poland, was an Orthodox rabbi in the United States. From a prominent rabbinic family he was actively engaged in many religious and humanitarian activities in the ghetto of Lodz, Poland. A survivor of Dachau he served United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration team 503, in Zeilsheim, Germany. After arriving in the United States, he worked as an administrator of Yeshiva Rambam in Brooklyn, New York. We would like to add more details to Rabbi Harcsztark's life -- if you know more, please contact us. Rabbi Shea Harlig (1965- ), of Brooklyn, New York, is a shaliaḥ of the Chabad Lubavitch. He and his wife founded Chabad of Southern Nevada in Las Vegas, Nevada in 1990.
Sheldon Mayer Harnick (born April 30, 1924) is an American lyricist and songwriter best known for his collaborations with composer Jerry Bock on musicals such as Fiddler on the Roof.
Neriah Haroeh is a lawyer in Israel.
 Yagel Haroush is a singer, a kamancheh and ney player, a poet, a composer of piyutim (traditional religious songs) and a teacher of Middle Eastern music. After completing his studies at the Jerusalem Academy of Music, Yagel earned a master’s degree in philosophy at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, and was awarded the Daoud Al-Kuwaiti Scholarship for musical excellence. Yagel specializes in performing and composing music based on maqam, the Middle Eastern modal system. He studied the Persian form of maqam, known as dastgah, with Prof. Piris Eliyahu and his son Mark Eliyahu, and Arab maqam with Prof. Taiseer Elias. As a child, he absorbed the liturgical poetic tradition of the Moroccan piyut (religious song) at his grandfather’s home in the southern Israeli city of Dimona, where every Shabbat, a group of paytanim (composers and singers of piyutim) would gather. Later, he delved into the secrets of the baqashot (“supplications”), a Sephardic mystical singing tradition practiced by Moroccan Jews. Yagel’s ensemble, Shir Yididot, performs original reinterpretations of this tradition that situate the baqashot within the broader context of Middle Eastern mystical song. The group released its debut album in 2016. Yagel is also the founder of the Study Center for Makam and Piyut, where he teaches composition and
performance, as well as theoretical performance studies based on Jewish sources – philosophy, Kabbalah and Midrash. He also founded the School of Oriental Music in the Negev in the town of Yeruham, and Kedem, a school for composition in the spirit of maqam in Jerusalem.
Rabbi Dr. Maurice Henry Harris (1859-1930) was a prominent Reform movement rabbi and writer in the United States. At the time of his death, he was president of the Association of Reform Rabbis of New York City. He wrote, People of the Book. A Bible history for school and home (1893), Jewish history and literature : a course of lessons from the rise of the Kabbala to the expulsion of the Jews by Spain (1899), History of the mediaeval Jews, from the Moslem conquest of Spain to the discovery of America (1924), A thousand years of Jewish history, from the days of Alexander the Great to the Moslem conquest of Spain (1927), Modern Jewish history from the Renaissance to the close of the World War (1928), and posthumously, Hebraic literature : translations from the Talmud, Midrashim and Kabbala (1946). We know very little else about Rabbi Harris's life and career. If you can add a detail, please contact us. Rabbi Barnett Hasden is an Orthodox rabbi and mashgiaḥ in the United States. He has served pulpits in Ontatrio (Shaarey Shomayim), Connecticut, and Brooklyn, New York. He is the mashgiaḥ for Ner Tamid K in Staten Island, New York. (We know little more about Rabbi Hasden or his career. Help us honor him with additional details by contacting us.) Asher Prosper Ḥassine (אשר פרוספר חסין, 1918-1995) from Casablanca, was a Moroccan-Jewish teacher and writer, chairing the country's Hebrew Teachers Association and the Casablanca Hebrew Club. He was also amongst the leadership of the Zionist Federation of Morocco and edited the HaAviv newspaper. In 1948 Ḥassine emigrated to Israel, and between 1959 and 1969, served as a Mapai (Erets Yisrael Workers' Party) deputy in the Knesset. Ḥassine went on to found the Union of North African Jews in Israel.
Rabbi Gustav N. Hausmann (1860-1948), born in Poland, was a Reform movement rabbi in the United States. After graduating from the yeshivah in Przemyśl, he came to Chicago and graduated from the University of Chicago. In1896, he was introduced as the "Boy Orator of Jerusalem" at Republican party rallies in Chicago where he spoke in Yiddish in promotion of the Republican party platform. In 1897 he began serving Temple Emanuel in Grand Rapids, Michigan. From there, he went on to serve as chaplain of the University of Michigan, Harvard, Brown and Columbia. In New York City in 1922, he helped to found the Community Synagogue in the Lower East Side.
 Bernard Dov Hausner (March 11, 1874 – August 8, 1938), Chortkiv, Galicia, Austria-Hungary, was a Polish-Jewish rabbi, politician, and diplomat. He was ordained at the rabbinical seminary in Vienna and received a doctorate in philosophy from the German University in Prague. He returned to Galicia in 1903 and taught Jewish studies at the government high school in Lviv. As an administrator, he granted financial aid to poor students and started programs to encourage Galician Jews to work in crafts, industry, and agriculture and participated in Zionist activities there. When the Russians occupied Lviv from 1914 to 1916 during World War I, he became the rabbi of the city's Progressive community and acted as the representative of the city's Jews before the occupation authorities. During that time, he was also the main secretary of the Va‘adat ha-‘Ezrah, which helped the city's Jews and refugees. After the Austrians regained control of the city, he volunteered for the Austro-Hungarian Army and served as a chaplain in the Italian front. After the war, Hausner reorganized the Mizrachi, a Zionist movement organization, and helped establish school under its sponsorship. In 1921, he was elected first president of the movement in eastern Galicia, serving in that office until 1925. He was also chairman of the Jewish National Fund in Galicia from 1921 to 1924. He was elected to the Sejm in 1922, serving as a deputy there and dealing with both Jewish and general economic issues until 1927. An executive committee member of the Jewish parliamentary faction Koło, he tried to bridge the gaps between Congress Poland Zionists (who were radically opposed to the authorities) and the more compromising Galician Zionists. He resigned from all his Mizrachi positions the same year he left the Sejm, in 1927, declaring the movement needed to become a nonpolitical ideological organization within the larger Zionist movement in order to reduce polarizations between secular and Orthodox Zionists. That year Hausner was appointed Polish Commercial Representative for Palestine and Syria. He was initially stationed in Haifa, although in 1928 he was transferred to Tel Aviv. In 1932, he became the Polish Consul-General at Tel Aviv, with jurisdiction at Jaffa and authorization from Alexander K. Sloan to act as U.S. Consul at Jerusalem for Palestine and Transjordan. While in Tel Aviv, he was a sponsor and president of Palestine Polish Chamber of Commerce. In 1933, he returned to Poland to work as a councilor for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In 1934, he was sent to the United States as part of a mission to improve trade relations between Poland and the United States. He resigned from all his positions in the Polish government in 1935 and spent the rest of his life in Palestine. Besides these activities in public affairs, he published essays on Jewish subjects in Polish, including a Hebrew grammar, on the Polish poet Juliusz Slowacki's use of scripture, and on parallels between the Book of Job and Greek tragedy. In 1912, he made a translation of the maḥzor for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. In 1926, he published a booklet called . Sanacja Polskiego Pieniadza (Rehabilitation of Polish Currency). In 1929, he was made an officer of the Polish Order of Polonia Restituta.
Havayah is a ḥavurah which meets in the Northside neighborhood of Cincinnati, Ohio. Founded in 2015, it is the city's only urban, egalitarian, intentional Jewish community.
Ḥavurat Shalom is a small egalitarian ḥavurah in Somerville, Massachusetts. Founded in 1968, it is not affiliated with the major Jewish denominations. Ḥavurat Shalom was the first countercultural Jewish community and set the precedent for the national ḥavurah movement. Founded in 1968, it was also significant in the development of the Jewish renewal movement and Jewish feminism. Originally intended to be an "alternative seminary", instead it evolved into a "model ḥavurah." Founders and members of Ḥavurat Shalom have included Edward Feld, Merle Feld, Michael Fishbane, Everett Gendler, Arthur Green, Barry Holtz, Gershon Hundert, James Kugel, Alfred A. Marcus, Zalman Schachter-Shalomi, Jim Sleeper, Michael Strassfeld, and Arthur Waskow. Historian Jonathan Sarna has noted that among these members were "the people who would be leading figures in Jewish life in the second half of the 20th century.”
HIAS (founded as the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society) is an American nonprofit organization that provides humanitarian aid and assistance to refugees. The organization works with people whose lives and freedom are believed to be at risk due to war, persecution, or violence. HIAS has offices in the United States and across Latin America, Europe, Africa, and the Middle East. Since its inception, HIAS has helped resettle more than 4.5 million people.
The Hebrew Publishing Company was founded in 1900 by Joseph Werbelowsky (1884-1919). Occupying a former bank building on Delancey Street in Manhattan’s Lower East Side until the mid 1970s, the company remained owned by the Werbelowsky family (later shortened to Werbel) until 1980 when it was sold to Charles Lieber (1921-2016). During its first eighty years, the publishing house grew to become one of the most prominent publishing houses for Jewish books and sheet music.
 Rabbi Avraham Berl Hecht (April 5, 1922 – January 5, 2013) was a ḤaBaD-affiliated Orthodox rabbi in the United States, president of the Rabbinical Alliance of America – Igud HaRabanim. Hecht was a disciple of both the late Lubavitcher Rebbe, Menachem Mendel Schneerson, and the preceding "sixth" Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok Schneersohn. He was one of the first ten students of Yeshiva Tomchei Tmimim in America. Hecht served as a shaliaḥ (emissary) in Boston, Buffalo, Newark, and New Haven, establishing Yeshiva Achei T'mimim elementary schools for both boys and girls. He served as rabbi of Congregation Shaare Zion of Brooklyn, New York, the largest Syrian-Sephardic congregation in North America, comprising more than 3,500 families. Hecht served the congregation for more than fifty years. On June 19, 1995, Hecht told the gathered members of the International Rabbinical Coalition for Israel "that by handing over Israeli land and property, Israeli leaders are betraying Jews to non-Jews" and that, according to Maimonides, "such people should be killed before they can perform the deed." An October 1995 article in New York Magazine referred to Hecht as the rabbi who "sentenced" Yitzḥak Rabin to death, and quoted Hecht as praising Israeli mass murderer and American expatriate Baruch Goldstein, as "a great man, a holy man." Hecht also led protests against the film Monty Python's Life of Brian (1979), claiming that it "was produced in hell." Shea Hecht is the chairman of the board of the National Committee for the Furtherance of Jewish Education and a leading Chabad rabbi. He is the son of the late Rabbi Jacob J. Hecht, a close confidant of the late Lubavitcher Rebbe, R' Menachem Mendel Schneerson. Currently, he is a dean at Hadar Hatorah Yeshiva in Brooklyn, NY, a Lubavitch Baal Teshuvah yeshiva, as well as a faculty member of the Ivy League Torah Study Program. He also served as the spiritual leader of the Seaview Jewish Center in Canarsie, Brooklyn.
Rabbi Nava Hefetz is the Director of Education for Rabbis for Human Rights, Israel. In her role, she works with Israeli communities to expose them to the reality of the Occupation, examining its repercussions from a Jewish-universal standpoint. Nava also coordinates an Israeli-Palestinian women's group that meets in Jerusalem.
Rabbi Leo Heim (1913-2003), born in Carpathian Czechoslovakia, was a Conservative movement rabbi in the United States. He survived the Holocaust and worked for the Jewish Federation for several years in Czechoslovakia, helping other survivors locate family members and get assistance. He emigrated to Miami, Florida and after attending the University of Miami, moved to Chicago, where he attended rabbinical school and was ordained. Rabbi Heim served Conservative congregations in El Paso, Texas; Macon, Georgia; Halifax, Nova Scotia; Erie, Pennsylvania; and Corpus Christi, Texas.
Heinrich Ḥayyim Heine (13 December 1797 – 17 February 1856) was a German-Jewish poet, journalist, essayist, and literary critic. He is best known outside of Germany for his early lyric poetry, which was set to music in the form of Lieder (art songs) by composers such as Robert Schumann and Franz Schubert. Heine's later verse and prose are distinguished by their satirical wit and irony. Part of the Young Germany movement, his radical political views led to many of his works being banned by German authorities. Following the July Revolution in France, from 1831 onward, Heine spent his life as an Prussian expatriate in Paris. Heine railed against patriotic chauvinism, penning the following verse in his poem "Almansour" (1820): "Dort, wo man Bücher verbrennt, verbrennt man am Ende auch Menschen" (Where they burn books, they will ultimately also burn people). He was so detested by the Nazis that his gravesite was desecrated by exploding it with dynamite.
Rabbi Shai Held is Co-Founder, Dean and Chair in Jewish Thought at Mechon Hadar. Before that, he served for six years as Scholar-in-Residence at Kehilat Hadar in New York City, and taught both theology and Halakha at the Jewish Theological Seminary. He also served as Director of Education at Harvard Hillel. A renowned lecturer and educator, Shai is a 2011 recipient of the Covenant Award for excellence in Jewish education. He has taught for institutions such as Drisha, Me'ah, Combined Jewish Philanthropies, and the Rabbinic Training Institute, and currently serves on the faculty of the Wexner Heritage program. Shai has a PhD in religion from Harvard; his main academic interests are in modern Jewish and Christian thought and in the history of Zionism. His book, Abraham Joshua Heschel: The Call of Transcendence was published by Indiana University Press in the fall of 2013 Kathryn Hellerstein is Professor of Germanic Languages and Literatures, specializing in Yiddish, and the Ruth Meltzer Director of the Jewish Studies Program at the University of Pennsylvania.
 Melila Hellner-Eshed, Ph.D., is a Research Fellow of the Kogod Research Center at Shalom Hartman Institute and the Director of Maskilot, an intensive two-year program for female doctoral candidates, now opening its fourth cohort. She also founded and co-directs the Rabbinic Students Seminar, a interdenominational program for rabbinic students spending a year in Israel. She has been a professor of Jewish mysticism and Zohar in the Department of Jewish Studies at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem for over two decades. She received her degree from Hebrew University under the tutelage of Professor Yehuda Liebes. At the Hebrew University, Melila also taught in the honors teacher-training program Revivim and in the Amirim honors program for liberal studies. For the past three decades, she has been a central figure in the Israeli renaissance of study of Jewish texts by Israeli adults of all paths of life in various frameworks. She has been teaching and working with Jewish communities in North America, Europe and the former Soviet Union for many years. Her publications include A River Flows from Eden: The Language of Mystical Experience in the Zohar, (Hebrew, Alma and Am Oved Publications, 2005 and English, Stanford University Press, 2009). Her book Seekers of the Face – From the Secrets of the Idra Rabba in the Zohar was published in Hebrew in 2018, forthcoming in English from Stanford University Press. Melila also serves on the faculty of the Institute of Jewish Spirituality in the U.S. and is active in the ‘Sulha’ – a reconciliation project that brings together Israelis and Palestinians.
Sir Basil Lucas Quixano Henriques CBE JP (17 October 1890 – 2 December 1961) was a British philanthropist of Portuguese Jewish descent, concentrating his work in the East End of London during the first half of the 20th century.
 Rabbi Henry Abraham Henry (1800-1879), born in London, was a traditional rabbi and Hebraist in the United Kingdom and United States. He was educated at the Jews' Free School, London, of which he was afterward principal until 1842. In this capacity he was the acknowledged bulwark of the London Jewry, especially in resisting the endeavors of the Society for the Conversion of the Jews. He was one of the founders of the Jews' Hospital and Orphan Asylum. In 1836 Henry compiled a volume of the daily prayers according to the German and Polish rites, and in 1840 published a Biblical Class Book for Jewish Youth and a Synopsis of Jewish History. While principal of the Free School, he officiated frequently in London synagogues, and in 1844 became rabbi to the Western Synagogue (St Albans Place) where he remained until 1849. He delivered his sermons in English a regular practice—a novel feature in those days. In 1849 he emigrated to the United States under engagement to the congregation at Louisville, Kentucky. He was, however, unavoidably delayed at Cincinnati, and accepted a position tendered to him there at the B'nai Jeshurun Synagogue. In 1851 Rabbi Henry came to Syracuse, New York where he served three years as rabbi. From Syracuse he removed to New York City, where he resided till 1857. That year he became the second rabbi of Sherith Israel. While in New York he also served the Henry Street congregation and superintended its religious school. He officiated later in the Clinton Street Synagogue. After some time he established a boarding-school for Jewish youth, which he maintained until his departure for California. He arrived there in 1857 and accepted the call of the Congregation Shearith Israel in San Francisco, which he served as rabbi till 1871. For a time during his residence in California he edited The Pacific Messenger.
Marie-Jean Hérault de Séchelles (20 September 1759 – 5 April 1794) was a French judge, freemason and politician who took part in the French Revolution, and helped to draft the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen (1789), and its revision (1793).
Rabbi Nachum David Herman (נחום דוד הרמן) (1908-1984) served Congregation Tifereth Israel (a/k/a Park Slope Jewish Center, Brooklyn, New York) and, in 1950, was the first Orthodox rabbi to offer a prayer before Congress since Rabbi Harry Mendes in 1888. We know very little else about him save that he was the son of Rabbi Yaakov Yosef Herman and studied at Mir Yeshivah in Poland; if you know more, please contact us. (Image cropped from a painting by Miriam Shaw derived from a photograph in the collection of the Herman family.) Rabbi Morris M. Hershman (1917–1998) served as rabbi for the Joliet Jewish Congregation. Arriving in Joliet, Illinois from Texas in 1943, he became a fixture in the community. He was president of the Joliet Rotary Club, chairman of the local United Way and an honorary lifetime member of the Greater Joliet Region Chamber of Commerce, a member of the Silver Cross Hospital board of directors for 32 years and chairman of the board for the last 18 years of his life. Both St. Francis University and Lewis University conferred honorary degrees upon him. He delivered invocations at both the U.S. Senate and the House of Representatives, and during the first inauguration of former Gov. James Thompson.
Joseph Herman Hertz (25 September 1872 – 14 January 1946) was a Jewish Hungarian-born rabbi and biblical scholar. He is most notable for holding the position of Chief Rabbi of the United Kingdom from 1913 until his death in 1946, in a period encompassing both world wars and the Holocaust. Hertz edited a notable commentary on the Torah (1929–36, one volume edition 1937). Popularly known as the Hertz Chumash, this classic Hebrew-English edition of the Five Books of Moses, with corresponding Haftorahs, is used in synagogues and classrooms throughout the English-speaking world. He also edited a Hebrew-English edition of the Jewish Prayer Book or Siddur (1946), and contributed to the Jewish Encyclopedia and the Encyclopædia Britannica.
Yitzhak HaLevi Hertzog (Hebrew: יצחק אייזיק הלוי הרצוג; 3 December 1888 – 25 July 1959), also known as Isaac Herzog, was the first Chief Rabbi of Ireland, his term lasting from 1921 to 1936. From 1936 until his death in 1959, he was Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of the British Mandate of Palestine and of Israel after its independence in 1948.
Markus Herz (also Marcus Herz, German: [hɛɐ̯ts]; January 17, 1747 – January 19, 1803) was a German Jewish physician and lecturer on philosophy. Herz was a friend and pupil of Moses Mendelssohn, and was also well acquainted with Gotthold Lessing. He tutored, Alexander von Humboldt. For many years, Herz corresponded with Emmanuel Kant and their letters are considered to be of philosophical importance.
Shmuel Herzfeld (born October 9, 1974) is an American Modern Orthodox rabbi. He heads Ohev Shalom Synagogue in Washington, DC. He is a teacher, lecturer, activist, and author.
Abraham Joshua Heschel (January 11, 1907 – December 23, 1972) was a Polish-born American rabbi and one of the leading Jewish theologians and Jewish philosophers of the 20th century. Heschel, a professor of Jewish mysticism at the Jewish Theological Seminary of America, authored a number of widely read books on Jewish philosophy and was active in the civil rights movement.
 Rabbi Joui Hessel, RJE, is the Associate Director, Eastern Region for Recruitment and Admissions. She previously served as Certificate Program Educator of the Certificate Program in Jewish Education Specializing in Adolescents and Emerging Adults. Before coming to HUC-JIR, Rabbi Hessel served Washington Hebrew Congregation first as a pulpit rabbi and then as Rabbi and Director of Religious Education and Jewish Engagement. She received an M.A. in Jewish Education from the Rhea Hirsch School of Education in 1998 and was ordained from the New York campus of the College-Institute in 2001. She earned her B.A. in Secondary School Education from The University of Georgia. Rabbi Hessel co-authored The Hanukkah Family Treasury, published by Running Hill Press. She has been published in the CCAR’s recent publication The Sacred Encounter (2014), in Moment Magazine (June 2007) and in a book on parenting young adult children, Mom, Can I Move Back in with You: A Survival Guide for Parents of Twentysomethings, published by Mid-Atlantic Equity Consortium.
Rabbi Dr. Ferenc Hevesi, born Handler, (Lugos 15 July 1898 - Honolulu , Hawaii 29 March 1952), chief rabbi of Budapest after the death of his father in 1943.
Rabbi Simon Hevesi, born Handler (22 March 1868, Aszod - 1 February 1943 Budapest ), Hungarian-Jewish theologian and philosopher, rabbi, and professor.
Rabbi Marvin (Moshe Chaim) Hier (born 1939 in New York City) is the dean and founder of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, its Museum of Tolerance and of Moriah, the Center's film division.
A hierophant is a person who invites participants in a sacred exercise into the presence of that which is deemed holy. The title, hierophant, originated in Ancient Greece and combines the words φαίνω (phainein, "to show") and τα ειρα (ta hiera, "the holy"); hierophants served as interpreters of sacred mysteries and arcane principles. For the Open Siddur Project, the Hierophant welcomes new contributors and explains our mission: ensuring creatively inspired work intended for communal use is shared freely for creative reuse and redistribution. Emil Gustav Hirsch (May 22, 1851 – January 7, 1923) was a Luxembourgish-born Jewish American biblical scholar, Reform rabbi, contributing editor to numerous articles of The Jewish Encyclopedia (1906), and founding member of the NAACP.
 Leo Jehudah Hirschfeld (also, Leo Feld; 14 February 1869 - 5 September 1924) was an Austrian librettist, dramaturge, stage director, and writer. He also worked as a translator for publishing companies, and was notably responsible for translating many of Charles Dickens' English language works for their first German language publications. Born in Augsburg, he was the younger brother of librettist Victor Léon and educator Eugenie Hirschfeld. He moved with his family to Vienna in 1875 and was educated at the University of Vienna; earning a doctorate in philosophy in 1892. He began contributing articles to various Vienna based magazines while a college student. Two of his mentors in writing were Jakob Julius David and Hermann Bahr. His first play was awarded the Bauernfeld-Preis in the late 1890s. In 1900 he lived for some months in Berlin where he was actively involved the Überbrettl literary society. He then worked as a dramaturge and stage director in Brunswick. One of his closest friends was the actor Josef Kainz. He wrote opera libretti for composers Eugen d'Albert, Erich Wolfgang Korngold, and Alexander von Zemlinsky.
Nurit Hirschfeld-Skupinsky (span class="hebrew">נורית הירשפלד סקופינסקי) of Kibbutz Naḥal Oz is a professor of midrash.
 Gertrude (Raizel) Hirschler (1929-1994), a descendant of Rabbi Akiva Eger, was an orthodox Jewish scholar, author, editor, and translator. Born in Vienna, Austria, her family fled Nazi Europe arriving in Baltimore, Maryland, in 1939. Hirschler attended Baltimore Hebrew College and Teachers Training School from 1942 to 1945. She graduated from Johns Hopkins University night school with a B.S. with honors in 1952. Hirschler was a staff member of the Baltimore Jewish Council (1948–1955), free-lance translator (1955–1994), assistant editor for the Encyclopedia of Zionism and Israel (1965–1971), assistant editor for Herzl Press (1965–1976), lecturer at Theodor Herzl Institute (1972 to the late 1980s), and free-lance author and editor (1971–1994). Orthodox and observant, she lectured at numerous organizations and synagogues. She was a member of Emunah Women and Bar-Ilan Women’s Organization. Her works include translator of Rabbi Hirsch’s T’rumath Tzvi: The Pentateuch (1986), The Psalms (1978), Chapters of the Fathers (1979), and Rabbi Alexander Z. Friedman’s Wellsprings of Torah (1969); author of To Love Mercy (1972). (image of Gertrude Hirschler via the Torah Im Derekh Erets Society, as obtained from a family member) Anat Hochberg is a professional musician, music teacher, and Jewish educator. She is currently a fellow of Yeshivat Hadar 2017-18.
Rabbi David Hoffman is the president of The Honey Foundation for Israel.
Rabbi Evan Hoffman is the Spiritual Leader of Congregation Anshe Sholom in New Rochelle, NY. He previously served as Assistant Rabbi of Park East Synagogue in Manhattan. A graduate of Yeshiva College (summa cum laude), he received semikhah from RIETS, earned an M.A. in Modern Jewish History from the Bernard Revel Graduate School and did advanced graduate research in American Jewish History. For many years he has taught adult education courses in Jewish Theology and Jewish History at synagogues around the metro area. Rabbi Hoffman is the author of a widely disseminated weekly essay series titled “Thoughts on the Parashah.”
Lawrence A. Hoffman (born 1942) is an American Reform rabbi and a prominent scholar of Jewish liturgy. Hoffman is a Professor of Liturgy at Hebrew Union College in New York City. He is a prolific author, with two separate books to his name that are used as liturgical guides. His writing examines means of improving the quality of praying for secular Jews. He has explored issues of liturgical change, but is most interested in the "community at prayer"—human and divine relationships in prayer. Hoffman is co-founder and "intellectual visionary" of the Synagogue 3000 institute, an independent non-profit based in Los Angeles which runs leadership-training programs and directs the rituals of more than 100 synagogues across North America.
Elisabeth Hollender is Professor of Jewish Studies at Goethe University in Frankfurt. An expert on medieval Ashkenazic poetry and poetics, she published Piyyut Commentary in Medieval Ashkenaz (2008).
Born in 1971, Rabbi Benyamin Holtzman is a graduate of Yeshivat Har Etzion, and received semicha from the Israel Rabbinate. He has served as Rabbi of Kibbutz Ma’ale Gilboa since 2001.
 Rabbi Isaiah Horovitz (Hebrew: ישעיה הלוי הורוויץ), (c. 1565 – March 24, 1630), also known as the Shelah ha-Kadosh (the holy Shelah) after the title of his best-known work, the Shnei Luḥot HaBrit. He was a prominent Levite rabbi and mystic. Isaiah Horovitz was born in Prague around 1565. His first teacher was his father, Avraham ben Shabtai Sheftel Horowitz, a notable scholar and author, and a disciple of Moses Isserles (Rema). Horowitz studied under Meir Lublin and Joshua Falk. He married Chaya, daughter of Abraham Moul, of Vienna, and was a wealthy and active philanthropist, supporting Torah study, especially in Jerusalem. In 1590, in Lublin, he participated in a meeting of the Council of Four Countries, and his signature is on a decree that condemns the purchase of rabbinic positions. In 1602, he was appointed head of Beis Din in Austria, and in 1606 was appointed Rabbi of Frankfurt am Main. In 1614, after serving as rabbi in prominent cities in Europe, he left Frankfurt—following the Fettmilch uprising—and assumed the prestigious position of chief rabbi of Prague. In 1621, after the death of his wife, he moved to Palestine, was appointed rabbi of the Ashkenazic community in Jerusalem, and married Chava, daughter of R. Eleazer. In 1625, he was kidnapped and imprisoned, together with 15 other Jewish rabbis and scholars, by the Pasha (Ibn Faruh) and held for ransom. After 1626, Horowitz moved to Safed, erstwhile home of Kabbalah, and later died in Tiberias on March 24, 1630 (Nissan 11, 5390 on the Hebrew calendar). In his many Kabbalistic, homiletic and halachic works, he stressed the joy in every action, and how one should convert the evil inclination into good, two concepts that influenced Jewish thought through to the eighteenth-century, and greatly influenced the development of the Ḥassidic movement. (via Wikipedia) Sarah Rivka Raḥel Leah Horowitz, was a descendant of a family that had distinguished rabbis and scholars in its ranks for centuries. Her father, Ya‘akov ben Me’ir Horovitz (1680–1755), was the rabbi of Bolechów and later of Brody, where he was also a member of the elite kloyz (circle) of scholar-mystics. Three of Leah’s five brothers also functioned as rabbis. While living as a young married woman in her brother’s household in Bolechów—he had succeeded his father as rabbi—Leah gained a considerable and an unusual, for a woman, reputation as a learned scholar among her contemporaries. The memoirist Ber Birkenthal (Ber of Bolechów) recounted how Horovitz regularly helped him with difficult Talmudic problems as he awaited his lessons with her brother. Leah was married twice, first to Aryeh Leib, son of the rabbi of Dobromil, and then to Shabetai ben Binyamin Rapoport, the rabbi of Krasny. (from her article in the YIVO Encyclopedia) Frederick Lucian Hosmer (1840–1929) was an American Unitarian minister who served congregations in Massachusetts, Illinois, Ohio, Missouri, and California and who wrote many significant hymns. Beginning in 1875 and continuing for nearly four decades, he and William Channing Gannett worked together, making a contribution to hymnody comparable to that of the "two Sams," Longfellow and Johnson, a generation earlier.
John Peters Humphrey OC (April 30, 1905 – March 14, 1995) was a Canadian legal scholar, jurist, and human rights advocate. He is most famous as the principal author of the first draft of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Hyman Hurwitz (1770–1844) was a learned Jew who became first professor of Hebrew at University College, London. He was born in Poznań, Poland in 1770, came to England about 1797 and conducted a private academy for Jews at Highgate, where he established a close friendship with Samuel Taylor Coleridge and corresponded with him. Coleridge once described Hurwitz as "the first Hebrew and Rabbinical Scholar in the Kingdom." In 1828, on Coleridge's recommendation, he was elected professor of the Hebrew language and literature at University College, London. His inaugural lecture was published. He died on 18 July 1844. Hurwitz was buried in the Brady Street Cemetery near Whitechapel in London's East End.
 Rabbi Yitzḥok (Isaac) Hutner (Hebrew: יצחק הוטנר; 1906–1980) was an American Orthodox rabbi and rosh yeshiva. From 1951 to 1982, he published what is considered to be his magnum opus, and which he named Pachad Yitzchok, ("Fear [of] Isaac", meaning the God whom Isaac [had] feared). He called his outlook Hilchot Deot Vechovot Halevavot, ("Laws [of] 'Ideas' and 'Duties [of the] Heart'") and wrote in a poetic modern-style Hebrew reminiscent of his original mentor Rav Kook's style, even though almost all of Hutner's original lectures were delivered in Yiddish. The core of his synthesis of different schools of Jewish thought was rooted in his deep studies of the teachings of Rabbi Judah Loew ben Bezalel (1525–1609) a scholar and mystic known as the Maharal of Prague. Various pillars of Hutner's thought system were likely the works of the Vilna Gaon, Rabbi Elijah, (1720–1797) and of Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto (1707–1746). He would only allude in the most general ways to other great mystics, in Hebrew mekubalim, such as the Baal Shem Tov (founder of Hasidism), the great mystic known as the Ari who lived in the late Middle Ages, the founder of Chabad Hasidism, the Baal HaTanya Shneur Zalman of Liadi, Rabbi Mordechai Yosef Leiner of Izbitz and many other great Hasidic masters as well as to the great works of Kabbalah such as the Zohar. (via wikipedia)  Thomas Hyde (29 June 1636 – 18 February 1703) was an English orientalist. The first use of the word dualism is attributed to him, in 1700. In 1658 he was chosen Hebrew reader at Queen's College, Oxford, and in 1659, in consideration of his erudition in Oriental tongues, he was admitted to the degree of M.A. In the same year he was appointed under-keeper of the Bodleian Library, and in 1665 librarian-in-chief. Next year he was collated to a prebend at Salisbury, and in 1673 to the archdeaconry of Gloucester, receiving the degree of D.D. shortly afterwards. As librarian, Hyde was responsible for the publication of the Catalogus impressorum Librorum Bibliothecae Bodleianae (1674) [Catalog of the Printed Books in the Bodleian Library], the third published catalogue of the Bodleian collections. In 1691 the death of Edward Pococke opened up to Hyde the Laudian professorship of Arabic; and in 1697, on the deprivation of Roger Altham, he succeeded to the Regius chair of Hebrew and a canonry of Christ Church.
Rabbi Maynard C. Hyman (1929-2006), born in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, was an Orthodox rabbi in the United States. He served congregation Beth Israel (Mahanoy City, Pennsylvania), Tifereth Zvi (Utica, New York), Adas Yeshurun (Augusta, Georgia), and Beth Shalom (Chattanooga, Tennessee). We know little more of his life. If you know more, please add details to this bio by contacting us. Rabbi Peter E. Hyman, MAHL, DD, is the spiritual leader of Temple B’nai Israel. A native of Connecticut, Rabbi Hyman came to Easton after serving congregations in Pennsylvania, Texas and Florida. Rabbi Hyman graduated from the Hebrew Union College Jewish Institute of Religion in Cincinnati, Ohio in 1977 and was ordained in 1980. In 2005, he received an honorary Doctor of Divinity from the Hebrew Union College. Involved with all aspects of synagogue life and community relations, Rabbi Hyman has a passion for teaching, a deep love of Torah and a commitment to share the wisdom and beauty of Judaism with all those he encounters. Rabbi Hyman has received many awards from religious and community groups, including the Union for Reform Judaism’s Belin Award for Outreach Program Excellence, and the Silver Buffalo Distinguished Service Award from the Boy Scouts of America.