Open-source Unicode Hebrew Fonts (sorted by diacritic support and style) • פונטים בעברית, יוניקוד וקוד פתוח
Click on a font name below for a download link, and to review a summary of the font’s diacritic positioning and character support. See bottom of page for a font comparison chart (PDF).
The font pack is maintained by Aharon Varady, and all the fonts can be downloaded as ZIP file from his github account here. (If you’d like to support the maintenance of this font pack, please consider becoming a patron.)
The tables below are organized according to font support for t’amim and/or niqqud. Click the table headers to sort alphabetically or by type foundry.
- Fonts supporting both niqqud and t’amim
- Fonts supporting just niqqud (no t’amim)
- Fonts with niqqud positioning issues (unsuitable for document publishing but still useful for the web)
- Fonts without any niqqud
Fonts supporting both niqqud and t’amim
אבגד | Font | Diacritic Support | Notes | Style | Foundry | Typographer | Version | License |
———————————————————————————————————————————— | Shlomo SemiStam | t’amim and niqqud | missing: wide ligatures | Scribal Ashkenaz | Shlomo Orbach | Shlomo Orbach | 1.0; 2010 | SIL OFL 1.1 |
Shlomo Stam | t’amim and niqqud | missing: wide ligatures | Scribal Ashkenaz | Shlomo Orbach | Shlomo Orbach | 1.0; 2010 | SIL OFL 1.1 | |
Keter Aram Sova(Aleppo Codex, 10th cen. CE | t’amim and niqqud | Serif Scribal | Culmus Project | Yoram Gnat | 0.103yg | GPL+FE | ||
Keter YG(based on Aleppo Codex, modernized | t’amim and niqqud | Serif | Culmus Project | Yoram Gnat | 0.103yg | GPL+FE | ||
Shofar | t’amim and niqqudpositioning errors: rafé varika | Serif | Culmus Project | Yoram Gnat | 1.6 | GPL+FE | ||
Taamey Ashkenaz | t’amim and niqqudpositioning errors: rafé varika | Serif | Culmus Project | Yoram Gnat | 0.150yg | GPL+FE | ||
Taamey Frank CLM | t’amim and niqqud | Serif | Culmus Project | Yoram Gnat | 0.11 | GPL+FE | ||
Frank Ruehl CLM | t’amim and niqqudpositioning errors: rafé varika | Serif | Culmus Project | Maxim Iorsh | 0.140 | GPL 2.0 | ||
Cardo | t’amim and niqqudpositioning errors: rafé varika | Serif | Fonts for Scholars | David J. Perry | 1.045 | SIL OFL 1.1 | ||
NotoSerifHebrew | t’amim and niqqudpositioning errors: meteg ḥolam w/ vav | missing: qamatz qatan | Serif | Google Inc. | Monotype Design Team | 2.000 | SIL OFL 1.1 | |
Ezra SIL SR | t’amim and niqqud | missing: wide ligatures | Serif | SIL | SIL NRSI Team | 2.51, 2007 | SIL OFL 1.1 | |
Shlomo(based on Ezra SIL | t’amim and niqqud | missing: wide ligatures | Serif | Shlomo Orbach | SIL NRSI Team, adapted by Shlomo Orbach | 1.0; 2011 | SIL OFL 1.1 | |
NotoRashiHebrew | t’amim and niqqudpositioning errors: tsere meteg niqqud under tsadi | missing: varika wide ligatures | Cursive | Google LLC | Borys Kosmynka | 1.001 | SIL OFL 1.1 | |
Miriam Mono CLM | t’amim and niqqudpositioning errors: rafé varika | Monospaced Sans-serif | Culmus Project | Maxim Iorsh | 0.140 | GPL 2.0 | ||
Taamey David CLM | t’amim and niqqud | Sans-Serif | Culmus Project | Yoram Gnat | 0.11 | GPL+FE | ||
FiraGO Hebrew | t’amim and niqqud | Sans-Serif | bBox Type GmbH | Natalie Rauch | 1.001 | SIL OFL 1.1 | ||
Nachlieli CLM | t’amim and niqqudpositioning errors: meteg rafé varika | Sans-Serif | Culmus Project | Maxim Iorsh | 0.140 | GPL 2.0 | ||
Noto Sans | t’amim and niqqudpositioning error: meteg | missing: numbers punctuation | Sans-Serif | Google Inc. | Monotype Design Team | n/a | SIL OFL 1.1 | |
Open Sans Hebrew | t’amim and niqqud | missing: rafé varika yiddish ligatures | Sans-Serif | Ascender Corporation | Yanek Iontef | 1.10 | Apache 2.0 |
Fonts supporting niqqud only
אבגד | Font | Diacritic Support | Notes | Style | Foundry | Typographer | Version | License |
Drugulin CLM(formerly Mekorot Vilna) | general diacritic positioning errors | missing: qamats qatan ḥolam varika ligatures | Serif | Culmus Project | Maxim Iorsh | 0.140 | GPL 2.0 | |
———————————————————————————————————————————— | Frank CurledLamed CLM | niqqud onlypositioning errors: rafé | missing: varika | Serif | Culmus Project | Maxim Iorsh, adapted by Yoram Gnat | 1.0 | GPL 2.0 |
| niqqud only | missing: qamats qatan varika wide ligatures | Serif | Libertine Open Fonts Projekt | Philipp H. Poll | 5.3.0 | GPL & SIL OFL 1.1 | |
Frank Ruhl Libre | niqqud onlypositioning errors: rafé meteg ḥet and ayin w/ dagesh mem sofit w/ ḥiriq | missing: varika backwards facing nun | Serif | Fontef | Yanek Iontef | 5.0.0 | SIL OFL 1.1 | |
Liberation Serif | niqqud onlypositioning errors: yud w/ ḥiriq maqaf t’amim | missing: wide ligatures | Serif | Red Hat/Ascender Corp. | Steve Matteson | 2.00.1 | SIL OFL 1.1 | |
FreeSerif | niqqud onlypositioning error: nun with ḥolam ḥaser | missing: qamats qatan | Serif | GNU Free Font Project | Primož Peterlin, Steve White | 412.2263 | GPL 3.0 | |
Tinos | niqqud onlypositioning errors: yud w/ ḥiriq maqaf t’amim | missing: wide ligatures | Serif | Monotype Imaging Inc. | Steve Matteson | 1.23 | Apache 2.0 | |
Hadasim CLM | niqqud onlypositioning errors: rafé | missing: varika | Serif | Culmus Project | Maxim Iorsh | 0.140 | GPL+FE | |
Shmulik CLM | niqqud onlypositioning errors: rafé | missing: varika | Serif | Culmus Project | Yoram Gnat | 0.12 | GPL+FE | |
BenOr Rashi | niqqud only | Cursive Sepharadi | Sefaradizo | David ben Or | 1.023 | UFL 1.0 | ||
Mekorot Rashi | niqqud onlypositioning errors: rafé segol sheva qamats sheva pataḥ sheva | missing: varika meteg | Cursive Sepharadi | Mekorot | Alan Hoenig/Omega Makor (with corrections by Yoram Gnat | 0.003 | LPPL 1.3c | |
Dorian CLM (Italic) | niqqud onlypositioning errors: varika rafé nun w/ qubutz mem sofit w/ ḥiriq | Cursive | Culmus Project | Maxim Iorsh | 2.1 | GPL 2.0 | ||
Gveret Levin AlefAlefAlef | niqqud only | missing: varika meteg yiddish ligatures | cursive ktav-yad | אאא | Shavit Yaacov | 1.000 | SIL OFL 1.1 | |
Máshkit(a/k/a méshit, máshet, máshket, vaybertaytsh) | niqqud only | missing: varika gershayim | Mashkit | Refoyl Finkl | Raphael Finkel | 001.000 | GPL+FE | |
FreeMono | niqqud onlypositioning errors: varika | missing: qamats qatan ḥolam | Monospaced Sans-serif | GNU Free Font Project | Primož Peterlin, Steve White | 1.215 | GPL+FE | |
Cousine | niqqud only | missing: wide ligatures | Monospaced Sans-Serif | Monotype Imaging Inc. | Steve Matteson | 1.21 | Apache 2.0 | |
Aharoni CLM | misaligned niqud in sofit forms | missing: qamats qatan most ligatures | Sans-Serif | Culmus Project | Maxim Iorsh | 0.140 | GPL 2.0 | |
David CLM | niqqud only | missing: wide ligatures backwards facing nun | Sans-Serif | Culmus Project | Maxim Iorsh | 0.140 | GPL 2.0 | |
David Libre | niqqud only | missing: wide ligatures varika | Sans-Serif | Monotype | Meir Sadan | 1.000 | SIL OFL 1.1 | |
Arimo | niqqud only | missing: wide ligatures | Sans-Serif | Monotype Imaging Inc. | Steve Matteson | 1.23 | Apache 2.0 | |
Heebo | niqqud only | missing: varika meteg backwards facing nun | Sans-Serif | Oded Ezer | Meir Sadan | 2.000 | SIL OFL 1.1 | |
Varela Round | niqqud only | missing: varika rafé meteg ligatures yiddish qamats qatan ḥolam | Sans-Serif | אאא (Avraham Cornfeld) | Joe Prince | 3.000 | SIL OFL 1.1 | |
Miriam CLM | niqqud onlypositioning errors: rafé varika | missing: wide ligatures backwards facing nun | Sans-Serif | Culmus Project | Maxim Iorsh | 0.140 | GPL 2.0 | |
Miriam Libre | niqqud only | missing: varika rafé meteg ligatures qamats qatan | Sans-Serif | Hagilda | Michal Sahar | 1.000 | SIL OFL 1.1 | |
Assistant | niqqud only | missing: varika meteg ligatures yiddish | Sans-Serif | The Amirim Project | Ben Nathan | 2.001 | SIL OFL 1.1 | |
IBMPlex SansHebrew | niqqud onlypositioning errors: rafé | missing: varika meteg qamatz qatan | Sans-Serif | IBM Plex | Mike Abbink, Paul van der Laan, Piter van Rosmalen, Yanek Iontef | 1.1 | SIL OFL 1.1 | |
Simple CLM | niqqud onlypositioning errors: rafé | missing: varika | Sans-Serif | Culmus Project | Maxim Iorsh | 0.140 | GPL+FE | |
Alef | niqqud only | missing: varika rafé meteg qamats qatan yiddish ligatures | Sans-Serif | HaGilda | HaGilda Tel Aviv | 1.001 | SIL OFL 1.1 | |
Bellefair | niqqud only | missing: varika rafé meteg yiddish ligatures | Sans-Serif | The Bellefair Project | Nick Shinn & Liron Lavi Turkenic | 1.003 | SIL OFL 1.1 | |
Shuneet (Square, Classic) | niqqud onlypositioning errors: varika meteg | missing: qamats qatan | Sans-Serif | Michael Cunliffe Thompson | Michael Cunliffe Thompson | 2.0 | SIL OFL 1.1 | |
Secular One | niqqud only | missing: varika rafé meteg yiddish ligatures | Sans-Serif | Michal Sahar | Hagilda | 1.000 | SIL OFL 1.1 | |
Suez One | niqqud only | missing: varika rafé meteg yiddish ligatures | Sans-Serif | Michal Sahar | Hagilda | 1.000 | SIL OFL 1.1 | |
FreeSans | niqqud onlypositioning errors: varika meteg | missing: qamats qatan | Sans-Serif | GNU Free Font Project | Primož Peterlin, Steve White | 0412.2268 | GPL 3.0 | |
Liberation Sans | niqqud onlypositioning errors: lower niqqud too close to letters yud w/ ḥiriq | missing: wide ligatures | Sans-Serif | Red Hat/Ascender Corp. | Steve Matteson | 2.00.1 | SIL OFL 1.1 | |
Ptil (Wide and Narrow | niqqud onlypositioning errors: varika | missing: qamats qatan meteg Yiddish ligatures | ktav-yad Sans-Serif | Amos Jerbi | Amos Jerbi | 1.000 | SIL OFL 1.1 | |
Amatic SC | niqqud only | missing: varika meteg yiddish ligatures | ktav-yad Sans-Serif | The Amatic Project | Ben Nathan, Vernon Adams | 2.000 | SIL OFL 1.1 | |
Dorian CLM | niqqud onlypositioning errors: meteg varika rafé mem sofit w/ ḥiriq | missing: wide ligatures backwards facing nun | Sans-Serif | Culmus Project | Maxim Iorsh | 2.1 | GPL 2.0 | |
Makabi YG(based on Qumran Isaiah Scroll, modernized | niqqud only | missing: varika qamats qatan yiddish ligatures | ktav-yad antiquity | Culmus Project | Yoram Gnat | 1.03 | GPL+FE |
Fonts with severely broken niqqud but otherwise useful
(please help to fix and report to font maintainers)
אבגד | Font | Diacritic Support | Notes | Style | Foundry | Typographer | Version | License |
———————————————————————————————————————————— | Linux Biolinum | general diacritic positioning errors | missing: varika qamats qatan ligatures | Serif | Libertine Open Fonts Projekt | Philipp H. Poll | 1.1.8 | GPL & SIL OFL 1.1 |
Rubik | general diacritic positioning errorspositioning errors: rafé | missing: varika rafé meteg qamats qatan ligatures | Sans-Serif | Meir Sadan | Hubert & Fischer | 2.000 | SIL OFL 1.1 | |
MPlus1p | general diacritic positioning errors | missing: varika qamats qatan vav w/ ḥolam ligatures | Sans-Serif | The M+ Project | Coji Morishita | 1.061 | SIL OFL 1.1 | |
Felix007 | general diacritic positioning errors | missing: varika alef/ pataḥ alef w/ qamats ḥolam qamats qatan ligatures | Sans-Serif | felix007 | Felix Wasserstein | 1.000 | SIL OFL 1.1 | |
OSP Le Patin Helvète | general diacritic positioning errors | missing: ḥolam qamats qatan gershayim incomplete yiddish | Sans-Serif | OSP Foundry | Ludivine Loiseau | 0.9 | GPL+FE | |
FredokaOne | general positioning errors | no niqqud/t’amim missing: | Display | The Fredoka Project | Ben Nathan, Milena B. Brandão | 2.000 | OFL 1.1 | |
Noot | general diacritic positioning errors | missing: varika qamats qatan meteg | Display | Amos Jerbi | Amos Jerbi | 1.000 | SIL OFL 1.1 |
Fonts not supporting niqqud
אבגד | Font | Diacritic Support | Notes | Style | Foundry | Typographer | Version | License |
———————————————————————————————————————————— | Sofer Stam Ashkenaz | does not support diacritics | no niqqud/t’amim | Scribal Ashkenaz | Culmus Project | Yoram Gnat | 0.110 | GPL+FE |
Sofer Stam Sefarad | does not support diacritics | no niqqud/t’amim | Scribal Sepharadi | Culmus Project | Yoram Gnat | 0.110 | GPL+FE | |
Lulav CLM | does not support diacritics | no niqqud/t’amim | Scribal | Culmus Project | Maxim Iorsh | 1.0 | GPL 2.0 | |
Farissol CLM | does not support diacritics | no niqqud/t’amim | Mashkit | Culmus Project | Maxim Iorsh | 0.102 | GPL 2.0 | |
Evelyn Yehoash’s Esther | does not support most diacritics | Mashkit | Marnie Manning | margaritkelekh/MarnieRM | 001.000 | SIL OFL 1.1 | ||
Pfennig | does not support diacritics | no niqqud/t’amim | Sans-Serif | Daniel Johnson | Daniel Johnson | 2.0 | SIL OFL 1.1 | |
Carmela | does not support diacritics | missing: varika meteg rafe qamats qatan | Sans-Serif | Nir Yenni | Nir Yenni | 1.001 | SIL OFL 1.1 | |
Carmelit | does not support diacritics | missing: varika meteg qamats qatan ligatures | Sans-Serif | Amos Jerbi | Amos Jerbi (based on Nir Yenni’s Carmela | 1.000 | SIL OFL 1.1 | |
Hillel CLM | does not support diacritics | no niqqud/t’amim | Sans-Serif | Culmus Project | Maxim Iorsh | 1.0 | GPL 2.0 | |
Ellinia CLM | does not support diacritics | no niqqud/t’amim | Sans-Serif | Culmus Project | Maxim Iorsh | 0.140 | GPL 2.0 | |
Comix No2 CLM | does not support diacritics | no niqqud/t’amim | Sans-Serif | Culmus Project | Richard Schoeller, Maxim Iorsh | 1.0 | GPL 2.0 | |
Dragon | does not support diacritics | no niqqud/t’amim | Sans-Serif | Printer Killer | Printer Killer | n/a | SIL OFL 1.1 | |
Journal CLM | does not support diacritics | no niqqud/t’amim | Sans-Serif | Culmus Project | Maxim Iorsh | 0.105 | GPL 2.0 | |
Squarish Sans CT | does not support diacritics | no niqqud/t’amim | Display | Christtrekker Fonts | Christtrekker | n/a | SIL OFL 1.1 | |
Tnua Libre | does not support diacritics | no niqqud/t’amim | Display Sans-Serif | Elad Mordechai Mizrahi | Elad Mordechai Mizrahi | n/a | GPL 3.0 | |
GanCLM | does not support diacritics | no niqqud/t’amim | Display | Culmus Project | Maxim Iorsh | 1.01 | GPL 2.0 | |
Gladia CLM | does not support diacritics | no niqqud/t’amim | Display | Culmus Project | Maxim Iorsh | 1.02 | GPL 2.0 | |
Horev CLM | does not support diacritics | no niqqud/t’amim | Display | Culmus Project | Maxim Iorsh | 1.0 | GPL 2.0 | |
Ozrad CLM | does not support diacritics | no niqqud/t’amim | Display | Culmus Project | Maxim Iorsh | 1.02 | GPL 2.0 | |
Trashim CLM | does not support diacritics | no niqqud/t’amim | Display | Culmus Project | Maxim Iorsh | 1.0 | GPL 2.0 | |
Asakim | does not support diacritics | no niqqud/t’amim | Display | Printer Killer | Printer Killer | 3.0 | SIL OFL 1.1 | |
Paskol | does not support diacritics | no niqqud/t’amim | Display | Printer Killer | Printer Killer | 2.0 | SIL OFL 1.1 | |
Migdal HaEmeq | does not support diacritics | no niqqud/t’amim | Display | Elad Mordechai Mizrahi | Elad Mordechai Mizrahi | 1.0 | SIL OFL 1.1 | |
Retro Perspective | does not support diacritics | no niqqud/t’amim | Display | Elad Mordechai Mizrahi | Elad Mordechai Mizrahi | n/a | SIL OFL 1.1 | |
Stop Motion | does not support diacritics | no niqqud/t’amim | Display | Elad Mordechai Mizrahi | Elad Mordechai Mizrahi | n/a | SIL OFL 1.1 | |
Looks Like S’pht | does not support diacritics | no niqqud/t’amim | Display | Christtrekker Fonts | Christtrekker | n/a | SIL OFL 1.1 | |
Nehama | does not support diacritics | no niqqud/t’amim | Display ktav-yad | Printer Killer | Printer Killer | n/a | SIL OFL 1.1 | |
ShArpie | does not support diacritics | no niqqud/t’amim | ktav-yad Sans-Serif | Baruch Sienna | 001.000 | Public Domain | ||
Miri | does not support diacritics | no niqqud/t’amim | ktav-yad Sans-Serif | Elad Mordechai Mizrahi | Elad Mordechai Mizrahi | 1.0 | SIL OFL 1.1 | |
Yehuda CLM | does not support diacritics | no niqqud/t’amim | ktav-yad Sans-Serif | Culmus Project | Maxim Iorsh | 0.140 | GPL 2.0 | |
Amatica SC | does not support diacritics | missing: varika meteg ligatures | ktav-yad Sans-Serif | The Amatic Project | Ben Nathan, Vernon Adams, Thomas Jockin | 2.000 | SIL OFL 1.1 | |
Refoyl | does not support most diacritics | missing: varika meteg qubutz ḥolam ḥatef ḥolam ligatures | Cursive ktav-yad | Refoyl Finkl | Raphael Finkel | 1.001 | GPL+FE | |
Ktav-Yad CLM | does not support diacritics | no niqqud/t’amim | Cursive ktav-yad | Culmus Project | Maxim Iorsh | 0.91 | GPL 2.0 | |
Ellinia CLM (Italic) | does not support diacritics | no niqqud/t’amim | Cursive | Culmus Project | Maxim Iorsh | 0.140 | GPL 2.0 | |
Anka CLM | does not support diacritics | no niqqud/t’amim | Cursive | Culmus Project | Maxim Iorsh | 1.0 | GPL 2.0 | |
Solitreo | does not support diacritics | no niqqud/t’amim | Cursive | Documenting Judeo-Spanish Project | Nathan Gross, Bryan Kirschen | 1.100 | SIL OFL 1.1 | |
Nachlaot | does not support most diacritics | missing: sheva qamats qatan ḥolam ḥatef ḥolam varika meteg qubutz ligatures | Cursive | Refoyl Finkl | Raphael Finkel | n/a | GPL+FE | |
Hebrew Square Bet-Shearim(Bet Shearim burial inscriptions, 3 CE) | does not support diacritics | no niqqud/t’amim | inscription antiquity | Culmus Project | Yoram Gnat | 0.05-1 | GPL+FE | |
Hebrew Square Ben-Kosba(Bar Kokhba letters, 132 CE) | does not support diacritics | no niqqud/t’amim | ktav-yad antiquity | Culmus Project | Yoram Gnat | 0.05-1 | GPL+FE | |
Hebrew Square Habakkuk(Habakkuk commentary, c.0 CE) | does not support diacritics | no niqqud/t’amim | ktav-yad antiquity | Culmus Project | Yoram Gnat | 0.06-1 | GPL+FE | |
Hebrew Square Isaiah(Great Isaiah scroll, Qumran, 2nd cen. BCE) | does not support diacritics | no niqqud/t’amim | ktav-yad antiquity | Culmus Project | Yoram Gnat | 0.05-1 | GPL+FE | |
Hebrew Square Samaritan(Samaritan Pentateuch, 14th cen. CE) | Samaritan-Hebrew niqqud only | sans-sofit | Culmus Project | Yoram Gnat (edited by Uri DeYoung) | 0.2 | GPL+FE | ||
Cryptic A | does not support diacritics | no niqqud/t’amim | sans-sofit ancient | Haifa University Dead Sea Scroll Project | Nir Yenni | 1.000 | SIL OFL 1.1 | |
Hebrew Paleo Qumran(Leviticus Scroll, 2nd cen. BCE) | does not support diacritics | no niqqud/t’amim | sans-sofit ancient | Culmus Project | Yoram Gnat | 0.06-1 | GPL+FE | |
4Q416 | does not support diacritics | no niqqud/t’amim | ancient | Haifa University Dead Sea Scroll Project | Eshbal Ratson and Einat Tamir | 1.0 | SIL OFL 1.1 | |
4Q417 | does not support diacritics | no niqqud/t’amim | ancient | Haifa University Dead Sea Scroll Project | Einat Tamir | 1.0 | SIL OFL 1.1 | |
4Q418 | does not support diacritics | no niqqud/t’amim | ancient | Haifa University Dead Sea Scroll Project | Einat Tamir | 1.0 | SIL OFL 1.1 | |
4Q503 | does not support diacritics | no niqqud/t’amim | ancient | Haifa University Dead Sea Scroll Project | Antony Perrot | 1.0 | SIL OFL 1.1 | |
Nesher Gadol | does not support diacritics | no niqqud/t’amim | ancient | Isaac Gantwerk Mayer | 001.008 | SIL OFL 1.1 | ||
Nesher Katon | does not support diacritics | no niqqud/t’amim | ancient | Isaac Gantwerk Mayer | 001.001 | SIL OFL 1.1 | ||
Aramaic Imperial Yeb(Yeb/Elephantine Papyri, 407 BCE) | does not support diacritics | no niqqud/t’amim | sans-sofit ancient | Culmus Project | Yoram Gnat | 0.06-1 | GPL+FE | |
Hebrew Paleo Lakhish(Lakhich ostraca, 587 BCE) | does not support diacritics | no niqqud/t’amim | sans-sofit ancient | Culmus Project | Yoram Gnat | 0.06-1 | GPL+FE | |
Aramaic VIIBCE(Gözne inscription, 7th cen. BCE) | does not support diacritics | no niqqud/t’amim | sans-sofit inscription ancient | Culmus Project | Yoram Gnat | 0.06-1 | GPL+FE | |
Hebrew Paleo Siloam(Siloam inscription, 703 BCE) | does not support diacritics | no niqqud/t’amim | sans-sofit inscription ancient | Culmus Project | Yoram Gnat | 0.06-1 | GPL+FE | |
Aramaic Early Bar-Raqib(Bar Raqib inscription, 8th cen. BCE) | does not support diacritics | no niqqud/t’amim | sans-sofit inscription ancient | Culmus Project | Yoram Gnat | 0.06-1 | GPL+FE | |
Hebrew Paleo Mesha(Mesha Stele/Moabite Stone, 850 BCE) | does not support diacritics | no niqqud/t’amim | sans-sofit inscription ancient | Culmus Project | Yoram Gnat | 0.06-1 | GPL+FE | |
Hebrew Paleo Gezer(Gezer Calendar, 10th cen. BCE) | does not support diacritics | no niqqud/t’amim | sans-sofit inscription ancient | Culmus Project | Yoram Gnat | 0.06-1 | GPL+FE | |
Phoenician Ahiram(Ahiram of Gebel Sarcophagus, c.1300-1000 BCE) | does not support diacritics | no niqqud/t’amim | sans-sofit inscription ancient | Culmus Project | Yoram Gnat | 0.06-1 | GPL+FE | |
Proto Canaanite(Sarabit al-Kadim inscriptions, c.1700 BCE) | does not support diacritics | alternative characters with dagesh and rafé | sans-sofit inscription ancient | Culmus Project | Yoram Gnat | 0.06-1 | GPL+FE | |
Caladings CLM | does not support diacritics | no niqqud/t’amim | Symbols & Dingbats | Culmus Project | Maxim Iorsh | 0.133 | GPL 2.0 |
Additional Non-Hebrew Open Source Unicode Fonts:
- Greek &Latin, Akkadian, Egyptian (Hieroglyphs and Demotic), Cyrillic and Old Church Slavonic, Ethiopic, Arabic, and more.
- Assorted Dingbats of all sorts!

ZIP (v.2024.08.04) | PDF (Open Source and Unicode Hebrew Font comparison chart. Note: contains shemot.)
Our open-source Unicode Hebrew font pack is maintained on Github by Aharon N. Varady. If you value this service, please consider becoming a patron.
If you’d like to install all the fonts in the font pack at once, follow these instructions:
- To search and find all of the TTF files in the unzipped directory of fonts, use CTRL-F
type *.ttf (asterisk dot ttf) as your search keyword. Repeat this step but type *.otf for searching for and installing OTF files. - The search will list all of the fonts in their separate directories.
To select all of them at once use CTRL-A. (Alternately you can click edit on the windows toolbar and select, “select all”.) - Then right-click on any of the highlighted fonts and select “install font”. (Make sure to right-click rather than left-click, otherwise you won’t see the install font option and you’ll have to select them all again using CTRL-A.)
If you want to access the Hebrew letters in these fonts, you’ll need to setup your a keyboard layout for your operating system. Instructions here.)
Why did we make this font pack?
Unicode is a computing industry standard for the consistent encoding, representation and handling of text expressed in most of the world’s writing systems.
The importance of sharing documents with Unicode 4.0+ compliant Hebrew fonts was underlined for us in early 2010, after the liturgy of a popular siddur was contributed to the Open Siddur Project with a public domain declaration. The format of the file shared was a PDF, and unfortunately, most of the text rendered in the PDF was encoded with old proprietary Hebrew fonts made by a commercial font foundry, Elsner+Flake. These fonts were developed prior to the standardization of Hebrew in Unicode. Efraim and I made some progress in attempting to convert the documents but so far we have not been successful. (Perhaps you can help convert them.) The contributor had no other copies of the liturgy except for what was contained in the PDF shared. The entire sad episode indicated the need for publishers of digital documents to prepare their documents in open standard formats, with text encoded with open standard fonts. (You are free to try your hand at converting the two documents (1, 2) which were shared by the Avi Chai Foundation. [Update: Since first posting this, YZahn reported some progress in converting these files to Unicode: 1, 2.)
Given the twenty year history (at least) of digital Hebrew font development, there are quite a few pre-Unicode Hebrew fonts floating around the Internet and locally, on folk’s home computers. On the Internet, they sometimes show up on font download websites with a note that they are shareware or freeware with some restriction or another. Documents prepared with non-Unicode fonts are destined to be unreadable.
Even if a Hebrew font is Unicode it might 1) not support the full range of diacritical marks (nikkud/vowels and t’amim/trope/cantillation) and 2) not be licensed in such a way that it does not conflict with free/libre and open source licenses. Currently, there are a dozen open-source licensed and Unicode compliant Hebrew fonts that support the full range of Hebrew diacritical marks (vowels and cantillation).
Moreover, by license these fonts are free for creative reuse (as well as free without license fee to download). SIL International’s Ezra SIL font and David Perry’s Cardo font are both shared using SIL’s Open Font License version 1.1.0. Yoram Gnat’s fonts at the Culmus Project are all shared freely with a GPL including the font exception clause. Maxim Iorsh’s fonts (for instance, Drugulin CLM) are shared with a GPL 2 but without the font exception, and so the use of Iorsh’s fonts can sometimes conflict with the licenses of other free/libre and open source projects. (A full list of acceptable open source licenses for digital fonts is available here.)
It is often a wonder how certain typefaces, designed over a hundred years ago and residing in the Public Domain, can nevertheless be restricted by software licenses. After all, even new typefaces in the United States and Canada cannot be copyrighted; only the underlying software logic in digital fonts that control the placement of letters and diacritics can be copyrighted. While the art may be in the Public Domain, the underlying logic may be considered software and thus be protected by copyright. The good news is that many digital fonts use the underlying font logic written by John Hudson which itself is freely licensed open source software (with the MIT license).
If you or your company designed a Hebrew font which you never updated to Unicode, why not share it with an open font license so that others may adopt it, update it, and create anew with it?