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Father of all Men: Since time immemorial Thy children have sought to find Thee in the realm of nature and in the varied experiences of their lives: In the roar of thunder have they heard Thy stirring voice; in the golden glory of the sun have they seen Thy radiance. Where the mountains tower above the plain, they have built Thee their altars, and in the forest’s cooling shade have they heard Thy still, small voice. | |
But deepest of all has been the resonance of Thy spirit that has echoed to man from the heart of his fellow. He has longed through the ages for the day When the swords of battle Would be beaten into ploughs of peace, when the spears of conquest would be bent into hooks of harvest. | |
And he has prayed unto Thee for the coming of a day when nation would not lift up sword against nation, nor learn war any more. | |
We thank Thee, O Master of the Universe, that in our lifetime the agonies of war have at last been converted to the birth-pangs of peace, and out of countless centuries of bloodshed there has emerged the soft-skinned babe of brotherhood. | |
We are grateful for this child of the Nations United ‘though his legs be still unsteady and the fingers of his mastery Weak. | |
For in his heart he bears the talisman of our future, and upon his head rests the crown of human aspiration. | |
Help us, O Heavenly Father, to be patient with him as he wanders and stumbles along the paths of growth; teach us to cherish him as a priceless treasure tho’ he fulfill but slowly and imperfectly the high promise of his advent. | |
Endow with wisdom and vision, we pray Thee, those who are charged with guiding the destinies of this heir of human hope, that they may lead us to that era, when every man shall sit under his vine and fig tree, beside his own house and garden, and none shall make him afraid. Amen. |
“Birthday of the United Nations” was first published in Rabbi Avraham Soltes’ collection of prayers, תפלה Invocation: Sheaf of Prayers (Bloch 1959). No date was given for its composition but sometime between 1948 and 1958 is certain. In 1948, the United Nations General Assembly declared 24 October, the anniversary of the Charter of the United Nations, as which “shall be devoted to making known to the people of the world the aims and achievements of the United Nations and to gaining their support for” its work.[1] United Nations General Assembly Session 2 Resolution 168. United Nations Day A/RES/168(II) 31 October 1947.

1 | United Nations General Assembly Session 2 Resolution 168. United Nations Day A/RES/168(II) 31 October 1947. |

“[Prayer on] the Birthday of the United Nations, by Rabbi Avraham Samuel Soltes (1947)” is shared through the Open Siddur Project with a Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication 1.0 Universal license.
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