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[Prayer] on the Eve of Inauguration, by Rabbi Norman M. Goldburg (3 March 1933)


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Heavenly Father:
We are standing on the threshold of a new era.
Tomorrow morning
a new administration will take over
the reins of government
of these United States.
We pray Thy blessing upon our new Chief Executive
and upon all the members of his official family.
Hopefully and prayerfully do we look to him
to lead us out of the valley of despair,
in which we have tarried so long.
Give him wisdom, Thou Who art the source of wisdom.
Grant him a double portion of Thy holy spirit,
that he may have strength to cope successfully
with the problems confronting the nation.
Keep him in health,
in vigor
and in enthusiasm.
Guard Thou his going out and his coming in,
during these days of stress and strain
and grant that the administration he inaugurates,
will restore confidence,
and prosperity
to our people and through us
to the entire world.

“On the Eve of Inauguration” by Rabbi Norman Michael Goldburg, was offered before the California state legislature on 3 March 1933, and published in California Legislature 50th Session 1933: Prayers Offered at the Daily Sessions of the Assembly, p. 36.




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