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All kind and merciful Father, in whose sight a thousand years are but as a day,[1] cf. Psalms 90:4. as we stand assembled here in this peaceful city on this beautiful day, we are deeply moved by memories, and spurred by hopes. | |
We remember the fresh young lives whose sacrifice has desolated our homes and broken our hearts. | |
We remember the dreams that died with them, the plans that with them passed away. | |
Yet though these memories move our hearts to grieve and our eyes to weeping we know, O Heavenly Father, that not by tears nor by lamentation can we offer fitting tribute to these saviours of our Republic. ‘Twas not for weeping nor for monuments, for parades nor for speeches that they gave their lives. | |
Our sons died, that we might live: that we might live as friends and neighbors, bound together by invisible cords of democracy and brotherhood. They died that we might be helped to bring closer the day of which Scripture has spoken: “Proclaim liberty throughout the land unto all the inhabitants thereof. . .”[2] Leviticus 25:10, as inscribed on the Liberty Bell. | |
Our sorrow is soothed, O God, in the knowledge that they are now at Peace with Thee. But, can we be at peace as long as the hopes for which they offered their immeasurable devotion are endangered or unfulfilled? | |
Help us, O Father, to understand that there are no easy short-cuts to democracy; that the freedoms which Thy children won at such supreme cost, short days ago, cannot be preserved for us today by self-anointed inquisitors, who would destroy the very liberties for which they gave their lives, in the name of speedily saving the Republic. For he who strangles liberty, be it even with a flag, is as guilty of murdering her as though he wielded a hammer and sickle. | |
Help us to appreciate, rather, the slow wisdom of the system our Founding Fathers established, wherein an epoch-making decision of our highest court can bring the dream of centuries closer to fulfillment. | |
Aid us to see, O Master of the Universe, that this democracy with which we have been endowed by the blood and the wisdom of generations is never perfect; that its essence is “unfinished business,” which one generation passes on to another like the torch at Marathon. | |
Help us to do our part, in this our blessed community, to bring its democracy closer to the heavenly ideal, that we may be truly proud of the banners we wave that we may march in our patriotic rhythms this day with heads held high, knowing that as we parade the spirit of our departed heroes marches beside us, genuinely proud of our achievements and satisfied that their supreme sacrifice was not made in vain. Amen. |
“Memorial Day” was first published in Rabbi Avraham Soltes’ collection of prayers, תפלה Invocation: Sheaf of Prayers (Bloch 1959) and dated to May 30, 1954.

1 | cf. Psalms 90:4. |
2 | Leviticus 25:10, as inscribed on the Liberty Bell. |

“[Prayer for] Memorial Day, by Rabbi Avraham Samuel Soltes (1954)” is shared through the Open Siddur Project with a Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication 1.0 Universal license.
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