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Hebrew (translation) | Source (English) |
אנו מתחילים בהפרדת שיני השום אחד מהשני, הדומה להפרדת אנשים מקהילותיהם. אחר כך, כשהיחידים (שיני השום) נשתלו, הם יוצרים קהילות חדשות באדמה — הדומה לתהליך שכולם עוברים: עזיבת הקהילה שלנו ויציאה אל העולם כדי ליצור קהילות חדשות. |
We begin by separating the garlic bulbs from the cloves, similar to separating people from their community. Then, once the individual (garlic cloves) are planted, they form new communities in the ground — similar to the process that we are all going through: leaving our community here on the farm and going out into the world to create new communities. |
למה שום? |
Why garlic? |
שום בדרך כלל הדבר האחרון שנשתל בחווה. הוא נשתל בסתיו ונאסף בקיץ שאחריו. בזה שאתם שותלים שום, אתם משאירים מורשת לחקלאים של שנה הבאה (שאולי יהיו אתם). |
Garlic is typically the last crop planted on a farm. It is planted in the fall and harvested the following summer. By planting garlic, you are leaving a legacy for next year’s farmers (which might be you). |
Jewish farming has increasingly engaged intentional communities of Jewish farmers, farmer-educators, and environmental educators. This is exemplified in the experience of Jewish farmers at Isabella Freedman Retreat Center (the Adamah Fellowship), at Urban Adamah (in Berkeley, California), and at Eden Village Camp (in Putnam Valley, New York). These farmers have gone on to teach and grow what they’ve learned, the Torah of the Earth, in new communities and new farms, some of which they’ve founded. The pictures here are from the 2015 ADVA Reunion, a gathering of former Adamah Fellows and TEVA Learning Center educators.
- Separating Garlic Bulbs at the Adva Reunion, 2015, Isabella Freedman Retreat Center (credit: Steven Wynbrandt, license: CC BY-SA)
- Separating Garlic Bulbs at the Adva Reunion, 2015, Isabella Freedman Retreat Center (credit: Steven Wynbrandt, license: CC BY-SA)

“Intention for community garlic planting at the end of a harvest season, by Jess Berlin” is shared through the Open Siddur Project with a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International copyleft license.
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