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Source (German) | Translation (English) |
Gebet für den Landesfürsten. |
Prayer for the Sovereign. |
Verleihe deine Rechte dem König! (Psalms 72, 1.) |
Grant your rights to the king! (Psalms 72:1) |
Allmächtiger Gott und Herr, der du sendest deine Boten und sie rüstest mit deiner Kraft, daß sie den Schwachen Schutz, den Armen und den Leidenden Trost und Frieden bringen, der du Könige und Fürsten hast berufen, und erhöhet, und verherrlicht auf Erden, daß sie in deinem beiligen Namen den Frieden schirmen, Licht und Recht verbreiten, alle milde gute Gaben bringen Jeder seinem Volke, zu dir beten wir in dieser Stunde als treue Unterthanen für ihren Herrn, wie Kinder für ihren Vater beten. |
Almighty God and Lord, who sends your messengers and equips them with your power, that they may bring protection to the weak, comfort and peace to the poor and the suffering, who has called kings and princes, and exalted and glorified them on earth, that they may shield peace in your holy name, spread light and justice, and bring every kind and good gift to his people, to you we pray in this hour as faithful subjects for their lord, as children pray for their father. |
Verleihe deinen göttlichen Schutz und Beistand unserm Fürsten und Herrn, deinem Gesalbten, dem Kaiser Ferdinand Ⅰ. |
Grant your divine protection and assistance to our prince and lord, your anointed, the Emperor Ferdinand Ⅰ.[1] Ferdinand I (19 April 1793 – 29 June 1875) was the Emperor of Austria from March 1835 until his abdication in December 1848. He was also King of Hungary, Croatia and Bohemia (as Ferdinand V), King of Lombardy–Venetia and holder of many other lesser titles (see grand title of the Emperor of Austria). Due to his rocky, passive but well-intentioned character, he gained the sobriquet The Benign (German: Der Gütige) or The Benevolent (Czech: Ferdinand Dobrotivý, Polish: Ferdynand Dobrotliwy). |
Mehre seine Tage, fröne ihn mit Sieg und Ruhm und Herrlichkeit, rüste ihn mit Jugendkraft und Muth; verleihe ihm Einsicht, Rath und Stärke, sein Volf in Weisheit zu regieren, es auf die Höhen des Lebens zu geleiten in Freundlichkeit und Milde. |
Increase his days, grace him with victory and glory and honor, equip him with youthful strength and courage; grant him insight, counsel and strength to govern his people in wisdom, to guide them to the heights of life in kindness and gentleness. |
Segne ihn mit den Gaben deiner Huld, daß Er in seinem Hause stets das Glück, in seinem Volke stets das Heil, Liebe und Treue wachsen und gedeihen sehe. |
Bless him with the gifts of your grace, that he may always see happiness grow and flourish in his house, and salvation, love and loyalty in his people. |
Segne du unsere Fürstin und Herrin die Kaiserin Maria Anna Karolina, die Ihm in Liebe stets zur Seite stehet. |
Bless our princess and lady the Empress Maria Anna Karolina,[2] Maria Anna of Savoy (Italian: Maria Anna Ricciarda Carolina Margherita Pia; 19 September 1803 – 4 May 1884) was Empress of Austria and Queen of Hungary by marriage to Emperor Ferdinand I of Austria. who always stands by his side in love. |
Segne du alle Angehörigen des erhabenen, allverehrten und geliebten Fürstenstammes, daß sie als die Ersten seines Reichs, die seinem Throne und seinem Herzen die Nächsten sind, sich aller Segnungen, die Ihm beschieden sind, mit Ihm erfreuen. |
Bless all the members of the exalted, universally venerated and beloved princely tribe, so that they, as the first of his kingdom, the closest to his throne and his heart, may enjoy with him all the blessings that are granted to him. |
Segne du das gesammte Vaterland, daß Eintracht, Friede und Liebe seine Stämme einige und verbinde, und einen einigen Bruderbund aus ihnen bilde, daß Fruchtbarkeit und Fülle stets im Lande sei, Licht und Wissensschaft das Volk erhöhe, Treue und Liebe seine Stärke, Tugend und Gottesfurcht die innere Lebensfraft im Volke sei. |
Bless the entire fatherland, that harmony, peace and love unite and bind its tribes, and form a united brotherly alliance of them, that fertility and abundance may always be in the land, that light and knowledge may elevate the people, that loyalty and love may be its strength, and that virtue and the fear of God may be the inner life force in the people. |
Gieb, o Gott! daß jedes Streben und Wirken gelinge, und auch wir des Segens theilhaft werden, unsere Wünsche und Bitten Erhörung finden, wir einen Ehrenstand gewinnen mögen im Vaterlande, und Wohlwollen finden unter den Menschen, wie wir Gnade und Erbarmen zu finden hoffen, Herr, vor deinem Weltenthrone. Amen. |
Grant, O God, that every striving and activity may succeed, and that we too may be blessed, that our wishes and petitions may be heard, that we may gain a position of honor in the fatherland, and find goodwill among men, as we hope to find grace and mercy, Lord, before your worldly throne. Amen. |
“Gebet für den Landesfürsten” was written by Meïr haLevi Letteris and published in תָּחֲנוּנֵי בַּת יְהוּדָה (Taḥnunei bat Yehudah): Andachtsbuch für Israelitische Frauenzimmer (1846), pp. 22-23. In the Judeo-German edition, it is found on p. 25.
We welcome corrections and improvements. The transcription of the German from Latin script in Fraktur type provided machine-readable text for a machine translation by DeepL, which we then edited for accuracy and clarity. –Aharon Varady

1 | Ferdinand I (19 April 1793 – 29 June 1875) was the Emperor of Austria from March 1835 until his abdication in December 1848. He was also King of Hungary, Croatia and Bohemia (as Ferdinand V), King of Lombardy–Venetia and holder of many other lesser titles (see grand title of the Emperor of Austria). Due to his rocky, passive but well-intentioned character, he gained the sobriquet The Benign (German: Der Gütige) or The Benevolent (Czech: Ferdinand Dobrotivý, Polish: Ferdynand Dobrotliwy). |
2 | Maria Anna of Savoy (Italian: Maria Anna Ricciarda Carolina Margherita Pia; 19 September 1803 – 4 May 1884) was Empress of Austria and Queen of Hungary by marriage to Emperor Ferdinand I of Austria. |

“Gebet für den Landesfürsten | Prayer for the Sovereign (Kaiser Ferdinand Ⅰ), a teḥinah by Meïr haLevi Letteris (1846)” is shared through the Open Siddur Project with a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International copyleft license.
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