Sponsor: Rep. Joe Skeen (R-NM)
Date of Prayer: 10/02/2002
One Minute Speech Given in Recognition of the Guest Chaplain:
Mr. SKEEN. Mr. Speaker, it is my pleasure to welcome our guest chaplain, Rabbi Gerald Kane, the rabbi of Temple Beth El in Las Cruces, New Mexico. Jewish pioneers have played an important role in the development of New Mexico for almost 200 years. Since the establishment of the first synagogue in 1883, New Mexico has benefited from the wisdom of many learned Jewish leaders. Rabbi Kane has continued that proud tradition. He grew up in New Jersey and graduated from the University of Buffalo. He was ordained from Hebrew Union College in 1970. For his long record of distinguished service, he received a doctor of divinity from Hebrew Union College in 1995. Rabbi Kane has helped guide many outstanding organizations around the United States. He has worked tirelessly for education and interfaith cooperation throughout our communities. He created programs to stop violence toward women and children and for supporting the battle on mental health. Southern New Mexico has also benefited from his love of the theater and his commitment to bring the arts to students everywhere. I welcome Rabbi Kane to the House of Representatives and thank him for his opening prayer this morning.
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Opening Prayer Given by the Guest Chaplain: | |
Dear God, Author of life, Creator of all: As we gather today in this history-packed, awesome Chamber, we ask Your blessing on our esteemed Representatives as they continue to help chart a course for our Nation and its citizens. | |
Although the times in which we are blessed to live provide them with many legislative challenges, may they, guided by Your wisdom, seek the very best ways to keep our country free from prejudice, oppression and strife. | |
In these days of turbulence in our world, keep them steady in their deliberations. Inspire them to continue in their quest, not just for us, but for all citizens of this planet, to promote the values upon which this great Nation was founded: justice, liberty, equality, freedom and peace. | |
Let Your blessing rest upon them and be near to them. Grant them strength of body, of health, of mind. | |
Lift up Your countenance upon us all, and grant us Your most precious of blessings, the gift of shalom— balance and peace. Amen. |
107th Congress, 2nd Session
Issue: Vol. 148, No. 127 — Daily Edition (October 2, 2002)
Click to access CREC-2002-10-02-pt1-PgH6929-3.pdf

“Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Gerald M. Kane on 2 October 2002” is shared through the Open Siddur Project with a Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication 1.0 Universal license.
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