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Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Hannah Spiro on 29 May 2018

Guest Chaplain: Rabbi Hannah Spiro, Hill Havurah, Washington, DC
Date of Prayer: 05/29/2018


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May the One who blessed our ancestors
bless these souls in their sacred work.

On this day after bittersweet Memorial Day,
may the One who blessed our ancestors
bless these souls
with the courage to hold complexity.
May they pursue a bright future,
while remembering those at risk
of being left behind.
May they find opportunity
in diversity.
God, grant them the strength
to hold complexity
in Your complicated world.

On this day after Memorial Day,
remembering those who died in service,
may the One who blessed our ancestors
bless these souls in their service.
Grant them the energy to serve
with compassion.
May they see Your divine face
in the face of each person they serve,
and in their own reflections.
As these souls serve those created in Your image,
may their compassion and mercy shine.

God, thank You for the opportunity
to serve Your varied and beautiful creation.


115th Congress, 1st Session. Congressional Record, Issue: Vol. 164, No. 88 — Daily Edition (May 29, 2018)

Link: https://chaplain.house.gov/chaplaincy/display_gc.html?id=2740


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