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Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Michael Siegel on 30 April 2015

Guest Chaplain: Rabbi Michael Siegel, Anshe Emet Synagogue, Chicago, Illinois
Sponsor: Rep. Mike Quigley, (D-IL)
Date of Prayer: 04/30/2015

Mr. QUIGLEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise to recognize my friend Rabbi Michael Siegel of Chicago, Illinois, for his service today as guest chaplain of the House of Representatives.

As the rabbi of the congregation closest to Wrigley Field, for 30 years, Rabbi Siegel’s prayers for the Cubs have gone unanswered; however, Michael, again, assures me this is the year.

More seriously, throughout his 40–year career, Rabbi Siegel has been a dedicated leader in the Jewish community, serving both locally and nationally.

Since 1873, Anshe Emet has been a center for Jewish study, cultural activity, and Israel advocacy. Under Rabbi Siegel’s leadership, the synagogue has grown and truly fulfilled its commitment to the entire community of Israel––klal yisrael––and healing the word––tikkun olam. I am grateful for my punctuation and pronunciation keys. I am also grateful that my constituents can be part of a such an inspiring community––kehila.

Please join me in thanking Rabbi Siegel for leading us in prayer today as guest chaplain of the House of Representatives


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Almighty God,
instill within the Members of the House of Representatives
the deep understanding of the potential that this day holds
as they work together
for the common good
of all people
in this great land.

Open their hearts
to respond meaningfully
to the voices of those
who hunger for justice,
hunger for equality,
and hunger for opportunity.

Give them the strength and wisdom
to ensure the security of this great Nation
and her friends around the world.

On this day that George Washington was inaugurated
as the first President of the United States in 1789,
we ask You, God,
to bless each and every Member of this august body
with the same courage that he exhibited in his time,
in order to fulfill the vision and purpose of this great land
for us and all who will follow in the future.

Let us pray that together this body, together,
will do their part to create a world
worthy of God’s presence
and God’s blessing.



114th Congress, 1st Session. Congressional Record, Issue: Vol. 161, No. 64 — Daily Edition (April 30, 2015)

Link: https://chaplain.house.gov/chaplaincy/display_gc.html?id=2235


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