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Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Stephen Leon on 22 July 2009

Guest Chaplain: Rabbi Stephen Leon, Congregation B’nai Zion, El Paso, TX
Sponsor: Rep. Silvestre Reyes, (D-TX)
Date of Prayer: 07/22/2009

Mr. REYES. Madam Speaker, it is a real honor and privilege to have Rabbi Leon here this morning in this great people’s House.

I want to especially welcome not just the rabbi but members of his family that are here. I know that back in my district, back in El Paso, people have gotten up extra early to see the rabbi give our opening prayer.

It’s a real honor and a real privilege and pleasure.


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Opening Prayer Given by the Guest Chaplain:

O Lord,
“This is the day that God has made,
on it may we rejoice.”[1] Psalms 118.24. 

These words from the Book of Psalms
reflect the thoughts that are in my heart
on this glorious day.
Imagine if every person each day
would arise and thank God
for one more day of life,
for one more precious moment
to make a difference for good in this world.

How fortunate I feel
to live in this blessed country of America
where a Rabbi from El Paso, Texas
is given the opportunity to offer a prayer
before this historic assembly
which represents the highest ideals of democracy.

May each of us here realize
what awesome moments God gives us each day
and may we in partnership with the Almighty
help speed that day
when every person in the world
will be privileged
to live in peace and freedom.


111th Congress, 1st Session
Issue: Vol. 155, No. 111 — Daily Edition (July 22, 2009)

Link: https://chaplain.house.gov/chaplaincy/display_gc.html?id=1068



1Psalms 118.24.

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