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Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Chaim U. Lipschitz on 28 April 1977

Guest Chaplain: Rabbi Chaim U. Lipschitz, Mesivta Talmudical Seminary, Brooklyn, New York
Sponsor: Rep. James H. Scheuer (D-NY)
Date of Prayer: 28 April 1977

Mr. SCHEUER. Mr. Speaker, Rabbi Chaim U. Lipschitz, who delivered our opening prayer, is a leader of New York’s Jewish community and a man of multifaceted roles and achievements. Presently Rabbi Lipschitz is the executive director of the Community Service Bureau of the Yeshivah Torah Vodaath in Brooklyn, N.Y.–one of America’s oldest and most distinguished rabbinical colleges. In addition, he serves as associate editor of the Jewish Press, the largest English language Jewish newspaper in the world.

The list of achievements by Rabbi Lipschitz is far too extensive to cite. However, to gage something of the rabbi’s work, he has served as a member of the Advisory Council of the New York State Human Rights Commission; he has appeared in several CBS television network programs; he has served as an aide to the American Consul in Palestine in 1938; was an accredited press correspondent at the trial of Adolf Eichmann; authored a book for Jewish servicemen; contributed to the Encyclopedia Britannica; the American Educator Encyclopedia; and has written a variety of scholarly works on Jewish Talmudic law.

Rabbi Lipschitz is a man of great energy. I know him also, however, as one who possesses great concern for unknown and unheralded individuals who need a helping hand. The Rabbi, in his weekly columns in the Jewish Press, consistently articulates the achievements of Jewish leaders as reflected in their concern for the individual. Indeed, Rabbi Lipschitz’s weekly Jewish Press cameo profiles carry messages of inspiration and encouragement.

Rabbi Lipschitz has succeeded in providing to his American audiences renewed meaning and understanding of the lives of great European Jewish leaders who died in the dreadful holocaust, but who served their communities and their people with an indescribable courage, dignity, and self-sacrifice.

In sum, Rabbi Chaim U. Lipschitz is a man of varied talents and accomplishments–a young man who grew up in America and has translated the American dream into his own unique blend of rabbi, writer, activist, scholar, and teacher. I am delighted to have the pleasure of Rabbi Lipschitz’s visit with us and his inspirational prayer for the Members of the House of Representatives.


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God, who art the Creator,
we offer unto Thee our gratitude
for the favors that we received from Thee,
and we ask with sincere desire
that Thou will bring wisdom upon us,
the servants of Thy people,
that with understanding,
sound judgment,
and justice,
we may act in behalf of all Thy people,
and thus act for Thee
and in the harmony of the symphony of life.
Man is not only master of his destiny
by way of indeterminism.
He is also a factor
in the affairs of the entire cosmos.
As King David says in Psalms:
“The Earth hath He given to men” (Psalm 115:16).
We assumed responsibility
for the lot of the universe.
Our actions, our conduct
can secure its existence
or destroy it.
The fate of the Earth
depends upon our behavior.
We can delay
or accelerate the hour of erection
of “heaven’s kingdom” on Earth.
Blessed be Thy name,
O Sovereign of the world.
May it be acceptable before Thee
to prolong our lives
so that we may do good
to our fellow men
and follow in Thy path.

This prayer of the guest chaplain was offered in the fourth month of the first session of the 95th US Congress in the House of Representatives, and published in the Congressional Record, vol. 123, part 11 (28 April 1977), page 12617.


Congressional Record, vol. 123, part 11 (28 April 1977), p. 12617


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