Sponsor: Rep. Bill Lehman (D-FL)
Date of Prayer: 6 April 1978
Mr. LEHMAN. Mr. Speaker. Rabbi Dov Bidnick is the spiritual leader of Sky Lake Synagogue in North Miami Beach, Florida. He is a graduate of Johns Hopkins University, was ordained at the Ner Israel Rabbinical College in Baltimore in 1963, and received his masters degree in education from the Ferkauf Graduate School of Yeshiva University in 1974. He is married to the former Judi Levin of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, and they have three sons.
Rabbi Bidnick is in the forefront of community activities involving not only the Jewish community, but the community in general. He is a lecturer and educator for the Central Agency for Jewish Education’s Judaica High School as well as having taught for the Hebrew Academy. He is the educational director of Hineni of Florida’s Leadership Training Seminar. He was formerly the principal of the Hillel Community Day School of North Miami Beach.
Rabbi Bidnick is one of the founders of the Torah Academy of South Florida and serves on the Human Resources Committee of the city of North Miami Beach. In addition, he hosts a radio program, “Judaism Speaks,” and serves on the boards of the Mesivta High School, the Hebrew Academy, and the National Conference of Synagogue Youth.
For many years Rabbi Bidnick has been involved with those national and local organizations that have helped him to best dedicate his life to helping people.
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Universal Father, Supreme Author of Liberty, who grants salvation unto nations, courage and strength to governments: | |
טוב להודות לה׳ |
Tov L’Hodos L’Hashem. It is good to give thanks unto the Lord. |
Help us unite all the citizens of our Republic by a bond of genuine brotherhood. | |
May we never forget that freedom is indivisible; that the world cannot long endure half free and half slave. | |
Inspire us to raise our voices fearlessly in behalf of our fellow man regardless of race, color, or creed. | |
Teach us to be concerned with the welfare of each other. | |
We pray Thee to bless, protect, and watch over the Members of this esteemed body and all of the constituted officials of our Government. Grant them wisdom and understanding in order to lead our Nation in righteousness and truth. | |
Strengthen the warm bond of understanding which unites America and Israel and all freedom-loving nations that search for peace. | |
Sanctify our love of country and devotion to the American way of life and let all nations resolve to toil for peace, for us and all mankind. Amen. |
This prayer of the guest chaplain was offered in the fourth month of the second session of the 95th US Congress in the House of Representatives, and published in the Congressional Record, vol. 124, part 7 (6 April 1978), page 9061.

“Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Dov Bidnick on 6 April 1978” is shared through the Open Siddur Project with a Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication 1.0 Universal license.
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