Sponsor: Rep. Leo C. Zeferetti (D-NY)
Date of Prayer: 2 March 1978
Mr. ZEFERETTI. Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to welcome today on behalf of my colleagues, Rabbi Herbert A. Opalek, executive vice president of Yeshivos Zichron Pinchos for boys and Kesser Malka for girls. Although still young, Rabbi Opalek has served the Jewish and general community at large as spiritual leader and university professor. As a scholar of note the rabbi has contributed much to the understanding of the Talmudic period, as well as legal studies of rabbinic jurisprudence.
At present, Rabbi Opalek serves as executive vice president to one of the fastest growing Judaic and rabbinic schools in the Greater New York area. Under spiritual and active leadership of my good friend, Rabbi David S. Helberg, Zichron Pinchos and Kesser Malka which is located in my district has achieved a high level of educational excellence. This school of learning is comprised of nursery, elementary, and rabbinic divisions. Rabbis Opalek and Helberg are active in community affairs and the yeshiva serves as a center for the dissemination of social service and community information.
There can be no doubt that this yeshiva is indeed a credit to its community. I know that my colleagues join me in saluting this outstanding religious and civic leader on this milestone of his life I am enormously proud to count Rabbi Opalek as both a constituent and a friend.
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We humble ourselves before You, Adon Ha-Olam, Protector of Israel. Know that we stand before You in prayer here in this hall of law. As this day’s session commences, grant these legislators herein assembled the wisdom to act in accordance with Your wishes. | |
Remind us of our frailties and infuse in us a spirit of morality. Even as we stand before You, we beseech You to protect the leaders of our glorious land. | |
Nation of peace and prosperity that has been blessed by You, May it be Thy will that it continue to flourish. | |
Do as You have promised to Your people Israel and vouchsafe that nation shall not rise against nation. | |
Instill upon these Congressmen the blessings that flow from Your countenance. | |
At this crucial juncture of our history assure the destiny of our country. | |
Never fail us as we strive to do justice and walk humbly in Thy way. | |
Enrich our lives, O our Father. Clothe us in wisdom and inner knowledge. Arouse in us the capacity to weigh our fate with great care. | |
Relying on Your mercy, we ask Your help. O Lord hear the prayers of Your people Israel. | |
Let life, wisdom, and goodness be our lot in life. Amen. |
This prayer of the guest chaplain was offered in the second month of the second session of the 95th US Congress in the House of Representatives, and published in the Congressional Record, vol. 124, part 4 (1978), page 5261.

“Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Herbert A. Opalek on 2 March 1978” is shared through the Open Siddur Project with a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International copyleft license.
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