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Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Kurt L. Metzger on 5 June 1968

Guest Chaplain: Rabbi Kurt L. Metzger, Temple B’nai Israel, Olean, New York
Date of Prayer: 5 June 1968


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It hath been shown thee, O man,
what is good,
and what the Lord doth require of thee;
to do justly,
and to love mercy,
and to walk humbly with thy God. (Micah 6:8)

Our God,
creator and ruler of all men,
we pray Thee this day for our Nation
that with Thy gracious help
and our concerted efforts
all hatred and malice,
all indifference to the suffering of others,
all narrow exclusiveness and selfish greed
may speedily cease in our land.

Grant that the spirit of justice and love for our fellowmen,
cooperation in service,
and self-sacrifice for the welfare of all
may ever increase among our people.
In this hour of shock
over the wounding
of Senator Robert F. Kennedy
we beseech Thee to bestow upon him
complete recovery from his injuries
and to restore him
to our country
and to his family
in renewed health and vigor.

Cause, O God,
the evils of violence
to cease from the earth
and the spirit of brotherhood
and understanding
to enter the minds and hearts
of all men.

We also pray for ourselves
that Thy hand forge us into tools
for the service of our country.
Help us
to be among those who are willing
to sweep away oppression and wrong,
to uplift the weak
and to give to every man,
regardless of color or creed,
the opportunity of a full life
to be lived for Thy glory
and for the service of mankind.


90th Congress, 2nd Session. Issue: vol. 114, part 12, p. 16043 — Daily Edition (June 5, 1968)

Congressional Record, 90th Congress, 2nd Session, vol. 114, part 12, p. 16043 (5 June 1968)


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