Guest Chaplain: Rabbi Max Raisin, pastor emeritus, B’nai Jeshurun, Paterson, New Jersey
Date of Prayer: 30 January 1947
Sponsor: Rep. Gordon Canfield (R-NJ)
Date of Prayer: 30 January 1947
Sponsor: Rep. Gordon Canfield (R-NJ)
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We rise to offer prayer to Almighty God as this august lawmaking body is about to resume its labors. | |
We do so with hearts filled with gratitude for the manifold mercies Thou hast shown to our beloved land and the American people. | |
Thou hast prospered our work materially and spiritually, and in the grim struggle through which we have just passed Thou hast strengthened our arms and hast finally blest us with victory. | |
We pray that we may continue to enjoy the favor of Thy guidance and inspiration that these United States may go on from spiritual strength to spiritual strength and from moral triumph to moral triumph. | |
May we prove ourselves no less strong in peace than in war. May we organize for peace wisely, with stout hearts and unflinching spirits, and may we, as a nation, so live as to set an example of fair dealing and righteous living, of charity and compassion, to the end that international peace become a permanent condition, and men everywhere will dwell in peace and security, each under his vine and fig tree, with none to make him afraid. | |
O God, we thank Thee for the new hope kindled in the world that mankind may now look to an era of brotherliness and good will. Let us not, through selfishness or folly, dim the vision for a better and happier world now cherished by countless millions. Teach us to be at peace with ourselves and with one another. Sanctify us through Thy commandments as we perform them day by day, and may we of this blessed land apply ourselves steadfastly to the healing of the wounds and the rebuilding of the shattered lives of our fellow men in less fortunate lands. | |
Bless the President of the United States and the members of his Cabinet; Bless the Senate, this House of Representatives, the judiciary, and all who are connected with the Government. Bless them all with health and strength of body and with wisdom and fortitude of spirit, that they may carry on worthily and fittingly the important tasks of their exalted offices. Through their efforts, may this Government become ever more a government of laws, laws nobly conceived, wisely framed, and affording the largest amount of good to the largest number of people. | |
In Thee we trust, O Father, and may the words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts be acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord, our strength and our Redeemer. Amen. |
This prayer of the guest chaplain was offered in the first month of the first session of the 80th US Congress in the House of Representatives. The source images of the prayer were copied by Howard Mortman and shared via his @CongressRabbi Twitter account. All credit to Howard Mortman for his research in digging up this prayer. Unfortunately, neither the source images nor his tweets provide an exact citation reference to the volume, issue, and page number of the Congressional Record in which the prayer was published. If you know, leave a comment, or contact us.

“Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Max Raisin on 30 January 1947” is shared through the Open Siddur Project with a Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication 1.0 Universal license.
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