Sponsor: Rep. Doug Barnard Jr. (D-GA)
Date of Prayer: 28 March 1985
Mr. BARNARD. Mr. Speaker, it is both a privilege and a pleasure to have Rabbi Maynard C. Hyman of the Adas Yeshurun Synagogue in Augusta, Georgia, as guest chaplain today in the House of Representatives.
Rabbi Hyman was born and raised in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. He attended schools in New York, the Rabbinical Seminary of America and Brooklyn College, and is married to the former Evelyn Mitzner of New York. They have two children, Avi Dov and Syril, both born in Augusta. Their son, Avi Dov, is a student at Ner Israel Rabbinical College in Baltimore and their daughter, Syril, is a student at Bais Yaakov School for Girls, also in Baltimore.
Today, March 28, marks a very special date for Rabbi Hyman. In Judaism, the number “28” is a significant number as it represents strength. Rabbi Hyman is celebrating his 20th year with the congregation in Augusta and 30 years in the rabbinate. He has previously served at the pulpit of the Congregation Beth Israel in Mahanoy City, Pennsylvania, and the Congregation Tifereth Zvi in Utica, New York.
During his 20 years in Augusta, the congregation has celebrated their 95th anniversary. They have also experienced an impressive growth in membership, educational classes, youth activities and social functions. In 1969, because the congregation had outgrown their facilities, a new education and youth center and chapel building were added to the synagogue.
In addition to his duties as rabbi, educational director and teacher, Rabbi Hyman is also the volunteer Jewish chaplain at Gracewood State School and Hospital in Augusta. He is a past officer of the university hospital clergy staff and his sermons have appeared in leading rabbinic sermon manuals. He has been honored on several occasions by such organizations as the Augusta Federations of Jewish Charities and the State of Israel Bond Organization. Rabbi Hyman has also contributed his time and energy to the Rabbinical Council of America, the New York Board of Rabbis, and the Yeshiva University Alumni Association.
In introducing Rabbi Hyman today, I want to quote the rich, Jewish sources and traditions he represents. I find none more appropriate than the eloquent words of Maimonides, Rabbi Moses ben Maimon, whose 850th birthday is being celebrated this week worldwide.
In the beginning of his magnum opus, the great Mishna Torah, he describes the ideal scholar and what distinguishes him from the rest of the people. He says in his book, Hilchos Dayos: “The scholar and wise man is not recognized only by his intellect and wisdom. He is also unique and recognized by his good deeds and mundane life, by his eating and drinking and daily dealings.”
Rabbi Hyman is distinguished not merely by his knowledge and wisdom but also by his sense of integrity and character, and his service to his fellow man.
He devotes much of his time to speaking to non-Jewish groups in an effort to promote good will and understanding in the community of Augusta. He teaches by both word and example and his efforts have earned him the respect and admiration of both the Jewish and non-Jewish communities of Augusta.
It is an honor to have Rabbi Hyman and his lovely family with us today, Mr. Speaker. We all thank him for giving the blessings of the Lord on this most significant day.
Contribute a translation | Source (English) |
Eternal God, Father of all mankind, in the introduction to the Decalogue Thou hast declared, “I am Thy God who brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.” (Exodus 20:2) | |
Thus, at the greatest moment in history Thou didst proclaim to all mankind that in freedom we must serve Thee. | |
O’ Lord, we thank Thee for the privilege and good fortune to live in a country whose leaders strive to enact laws which promote religious pluralism and multifaceted rights for all of its citizens. We pray that these ideals become the heritage of all the peoples of the Earth. | |
Do Thou bless and protect, help and exalt the President, Vice President, officers, and all the citizens of this country. | |
May this be the will of God; and let us say amen. |
This prayer of the guest chaplain was offered in the third month of the first session of the 99th US Congress in the House of Representatives, and published in the Congressional Record, vol. 131, part 5 (1985), page 6520.

“Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Maynard C. Hyman on 28 March 1985” is shared through the Open Siddur Project with a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International copyleft license.
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