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Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Richard M.E. Marcovitz on 14 June 1984

Guest Chaplain: Rabbi Richard M.E. Marcovitz, Congregation B’nai Israel, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Sponsor: Rep. James K. Coyne (R-PA)
Date of Prayer: 14 June 1984

Mr. COYNE. Mr. Speaker, our guest Chaplain for today is Rabbi Richard M.E. Marcovitz of the Congregation B’nai Israel in Pittsburgh.

Rabbi Marcovitz is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, where he majored in sociology and religious thought. He also graduated from Gratz College, the oldest Hebrew teacher training college in the United States. He is the recipient of an M.S. degree in education from Duquesne University and has attended the Jewish Theological Seminary of America.

He is active in a wide variety of religious and secular affairs, Rabbi Marcovitz has served as chairman of the Tri-State Association of Conservative Rabbis. He is the immediate past chairman of the Rabbinic Fellowship of Greater Pittsburgh, and is a member of the Montefiore Hospital’s Committee for Protection of Human Subjects. His work on behalf of Israel bonds has earned him honors from the State of Israel. Concern for the rights of Soviet Jews has led him to work with the Pittsburgh Conference on Soviet Jewry, where he serves as vice chairman of the executive board.

Rabbi Marcovitz and his wife, Marilyn, are the parents of five children. I know I join my colleagues in expressing appreciation to Rabbi Marcovitz for leading us in prayer this morning and in welcoming him and his family to Washington.


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America is a miracle.
The determination of human beings
to live as free people.
For two centuries this miracle has endured;
207 years ago today, the Stars and Stripes,
our flag was accepted as the symbol of this land.
In the language of our Biblical patriarchs,
the word for “banner” and the word for “miracle”,
“nays” are one and the same.
May the miracle that is America,
as symbolized by that star-emblazoned banner,
ever serve as a beacon
for all peoples who long for freedom.
May this country
be both blessed by God
and be a blessing to the world
as we strive for a blessed and eternal peace.

This prayer of the guest chaplain was offered in the sixth month of the second session of the 98th US Congress in the House of Representatives, and published in the Congressional Record, vol. 130, part 12 (14 June 1984), page 16339.


Congressional Record, vol. 130, part 12 (14 June 1984), p. 16339


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