Date of Prayer: 18 June 1986
Sponsor: Rep. Bill Young (R-FL)
Mr. YOUNG of Florida. Mr. Speaker, it is my pleasure this morning to introduce our guest chaplain for today, Rabbi Stuart Berman, my friend and constituent, who serves the Congregation Beth Chai in Seminole, Florida. Rabbi Berman has the distinction of recently being appointed as chaplain for the Florida State Correctional System-the first rabbi in the State’s history to serve in this capacity. Rabbi Berman returns to our Nation’s Capital today where he hasserved in numerous capacities. He has worked on the White House staff, was a member of the President’s Transition Committee, and was an appointee to the White House Conferences on Aging and on Children and Youth. In addition to serving a congregation in Washington, DC, he was also the host of a local weekly television talk show. Rabbi Berman was born and raised in Allentown, Pennsylvania, and is a graduate of Yeshiva University in New York City. He has served congregations in Allentown, upstate New York, Oceanside, New York, Plantation, Florida, and Washington, as mentioned before. He has been actively involved in a wide range of important State and county programs, including the Florida International University Death and Bereavement Counseling Program, and the Federation Task Force on Narcotic Addiction to Alcohol Abuse. Pinellas County Sheriff Gerry Cole- man has appointed Rabbi Berman as a special deputy sheriff, he is chaplain for the Pinellas County Hospice Care Program, and he is a member of the Pinellas County Board of Rabbis and the Seminole Clergy Association. Mr. Speaker, in just a short time, Rabbi Berman has made many important contributions to our community in Pinellas County and I am very happy to welcome him here to the House of Representatives.
Contribute a translation | Source (English) |
Almighty God, help us, to reflect clearly and to strive conscientiously on the performance of our responsibilities. And may we be blessed with the enduring accomplishments of this 99th Congress. | |
Let us direct our efforts toward the eradication of hatred, prejudices, and blindness of mind. | |
May we never forget the common bond of kinship that unites all, who were created in Thine divine image. | |
Grant us strength of body and health of mind. Enable us to face the challenges of life with faith and courage. | |
In moments of doubt, strengthen us in our convictions, in hours of gloom, illuminate our paths. | |
In adversity and frustration, guide us with patience. Above all, imbue us with the wisdom to count our blessings. | |
And let us all say, amen. |
99th Congress, 2nd Session. C-SPAN.
Congressional Record, Vol. 132, Part 10 — Bound Edition, p. 14221.

“Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Stuart L. Berman on 18 June 1986” is shared through the Open Siddur Project with a Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication 1.0 Universal license.
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