Guest Chaplain: Rabbi Baruch Frydman-Kohl, senior rabbi of Beth Tzedec Congregation in Toronto, Canada
Date of Prayer: 11/29/2012
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God of us all, we assemble before You in humility, recalling both triumph and defeat, summer drought, autumn hurricane, and the cooperative resilience of our Nation. In this season after elections and before the new Congress, we ask that You give these Senators and our government the wisdom to avoid the exclusions of either/or and to embrace the blessings of both/and. | |
Rather than fear falling off a cliff, help our leaders to learn to chimney. In climbing, chimneying requires pushing off one side of a mountain cleft and then the other to advance higher. The resistance of each face of the rock contributes to the ascent. | |
Help these leaders to appreciate individual initiative and care for the distressed, to value competition and find a path for cooperation, to be mindful of human liberty and be grateful for mutual help, to recognize the occasional need for force and to forcefully pursue peace. Enable them to chimney up the cleft of our differences, to reclaim fiscal integrity and maintain social concern, to be exemplars of responsibility and reasonableness, so that all Americans may respect and rejoice in their leadership of this great country. | |
אָמֵן׃ |
Amen. |
112th Congress, 2nd Session. Congressional Record, Issue: Vol. 158, No. 151 — Daily Edition (November 29, 2012)

“Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Baruch Frydman-Kohl on 29 November 2012” is shared through the Open Siddur Project with a Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication 1.0 Universal license.
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