Welcoming the Guest Chaplain:
Ms. MURKOWSKI. Mr. President, I thank the minority leader, and I rise this morning to thank and to welcome Rabbi Yosef Greenberg from Anchorage, AK, who was introduced by the President pro tempore, the Senator from Utah.
This Senator thinks it is important to appreciate and realize that today there is a little bit of history being made. It is the first time we have had a rabbi from the State of Alaska who has been willing and able to provide the morning prayer before the Senate.
The rabbi has led our State for two decades, beginning in 1991, not only leading a small but vibrant Jewish community across the State but also reminding us of the significance of the Jewish culture, the Jewish history, not only to Alaska but throughout the Nation. He has been instrumental in the building of the Jewish cultural center and a museum that recognizes that history and culture. Every year he is truly a leader in the broader community within Anchorage as he brings together people from all faiths at the Jewish Cultural Gala, which is probably one of our more preeminent social gatherings and which is for a good cause.
The leadership of Rabbi Greenberg is not only strong and recognized within the Jewish community but across all faiths within our very broad and inclusive State of Alaska. It is indeed a pleasure to be able to listen to his words, reflect on his words, and thank him for his leadership in my State.
With that, Mr. President, I yield the floor, and I thank the leaders.
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Almighty God, I invoke Your blessing today on this honorable body, the United States Senate. | |
In these troubling times, when misguided people use religion to commit the greatest crimes against humanity by stabbing and murdering innocent men, women, and children in the Middle East, Europe, Israel, the U.S.A., and all over the world, may You grant, Almighty God, that the Members of this honorable body have the wisdom and courage to embody the universal values of the Seven Commandments[1] Sanhedrin 56a; cf. Tosefta Avodah Zarah 9:4 and Genesis Rabbah 34:8. Six items were commanded to Adam: concerning idolatry, blasphemy, bloodshed, illicit sexuality, theft, and laws…God added to Noah, the law of not eating from the flesh of a live animal.” (Mishneh Torah, Kings and Wars 9:1). The impetus behind sharing the sheva mitsvot in the context of ḤaBaD Lubavitch originates with the following teaching of Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson: “We must do everything possible to ensure that the seven Noahide laws are observed. If this can be accomplished through force or through other kinder and more peaceful means through explaining to non-Jews that they should accept God’s wishes [we should do so]…Anyone who is able to influence a non-Jew in any way to keep the seven commandments is obligated to do so, since that is what God commanded Moses our teacher,” (“Sheva Mitzvot Shel Benai Noach,” Hapardes 59:9 7-11, 5745). which You, Almighty God, issued to Noaḥ and his family after the Great Flood, the foremost of which is not to commit murder.[2] Which mitsvah is “foremost” in the collection of Mitsvot Bnei Noaḥ is arguable. For a full list, find “The Seven Commandments for All Humanity (Bnei Noaḥ) in early Rabbinic sources“ | |
Grant, Almighty God, that the Members of the Senate, who assembled here today, to fulfill one of Your Seven Commandments, the Commandment to govern by just laws, understand that the United States has the ability to lead the entire world and be a role model in spreading and incorporating Your Seven Laws, and in doing so, have the power to bring healing and peace to a struggling and broken world that is facing ongoing terror and violence. | |
Almighty God, I beseech You today to bless the Senate, in the merit of one of the spiritual giants of our time and our Nation, the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, of saintly blessed memory, who launched the universal campaign to bring the awareness of Your Seven Sacred Laws to all mankind, that we may all see the fulfillment of humanity’s great future, as proclaimed by Isaiah, “nation shall not lift the sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore.”[3] Isaiah 2:4. Cf. Micah 4:3. | |
אָמֵן׃ |
Amen. |
114th Congress, 2nd Session. Congressional Record, Issue: Vol. 162, No. 20 — Daily Edition (February 3, 2016)

1 | Sanhedrin 56a; cf. Tosefta Avodah Zarah 9:4 and Genesis Rabbah 34:8. Six items were commanded to Adam: concerning idolatry, blasphemy, bloodshed, illicit sexuality, theft, and laws…God added to Noah, the law of not eating from the flesh of a live animal.” (Mishneh Torah, Kings and Wars 9:1). The impetus behind sharing the sheva mitsvot in the context of ḤaBaD Lubavitch originates with the following teaching of Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson: “We must do everything possible to ensure that the seven Noahide laws are observed. If this can be accomplished through force or through other kinder and more peaceful means through explaining to non-Jews that they should accept God’s wishes [we should do so]…Anyone who is able to influence a non-Jew in any way to keep the seven commandments is obligated to do so, since that is what God commanded Moses our teacher,” (“Sheva Mitzvot Shel Benai Noach,” Hapardes 59:9 7-11, 5745). |
2 | Which mitsvah is “foremost” in the collection of Mitsvot Bnei Noaḥ is arguable. For a full list, find “The Seven Commandments for All Humanity (Bnei Noaḥ) in early Rabbinic sources“ |
3 | Isaiah 2:4. Cf. Micah 4:3. |

“Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Yosef Greenberg on 3 February 2016” is shared through the Open Siddur Project with a Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication 1.0 Universal license.
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