Guest Chaplain: Rabbi Jacob Agus, Baltimore, Maryland
Sponsor: n/a
Date of Prayer: 20 July 1953
Sponsor: n/a
Date of Prayer: 20 July 1953
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O Master of the Universe, in humility and love, we pray for Thy help and guidance, that our Nation might be blessed by our deliberations and that we might be blessed in serving as faithful custodians of its great heritage and its noble vision. | |
It is for peace we pray, the true substance of peace founded on understanding and tolerance, enabling ever greater numbers of men to move from the somber shadows of fear to the sunlight of freedom and dignity. | |
Vast is the power of our Nation, the power for destruction as well as for construction; may we never use it but as Thy trustees, in humility, in justice, and in the love of all men. | |
Menacing are the manifold dangers on the horizon today; may we face them steadily, yielding neither to fear nor to pride. | |
Many are the crosscurrents that would confound our course; may we see the goals of our Nation straight and true— the building of good and freemen, not the pyramiding of power; the fostering of dignity and happiness, not the vain search for triumph and glory; the building of a great and dedicated society, not the tinsel symbols of blind arrogance. | |
Upon us the eyes of a hundred and fifty million of our countrymen are turned; may we serve thine image, O God, within them, not the “idols of the marketplace,” which glitter momentarily in the false glare of popular favor. | |
May Thy light and Thy strength ever be with the President of the United States, with the Members of this Assembly, and all who labor for the good of our Nation. Amen. |
This prayer of the guest chaplain was offered in the seventh month of the first session of the 83rd US Senate, and published in the Congressional Record, vol. 99 part 7 (20 July 1953), page 23321.

“Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Jacob Agus on 20 July 1953” is shared through the Open Siddur Project with a Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication 1.0 Universal license.
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