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Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Leo M. Franklin on 19 January 1917

Guest Chaplain: Rabbi Leo M. Franklin, Temple Beth El, Detroit, Michigan
Date of Prayer: 19 January 1917
Sponsor: n/a

Contribute a translationSource (English)
Almighty God,
in whose hands are the destinies of men and nations,
earnestly do we seek Thee in this hour.
As in the ages past
Thou hast guided men
through storm and stress
to safety and peace;
as in all times
Thy love has lifted and inspired the hearts of men
to deeds of heroism and of self-forgetting sacrifice,
so in these times, O Father,
do Thou bless us with the light of Thine on-leading love,
so that there may be kindled in our hearts
the fires of loyalty to all
that lifts life to the highest
and makes a people worthy in Thy sight.
Oh, may this great people
be true to the best in all its past.
Do Thou inspire
the hearts and the minds of its citizenry
with a passion for righteousness
and with a sense of sacramental service
for humanity.
May material success
not stultify our souls
or dwarf our spirits,
and may great sorrows,
even such as the Nation feels
in the passing of a mighty hero,[1] This is likely either a reference to Buffalo Bill (1846-1917), American frontiersman, famous for this Buffalo Bill’s Wild West circus, recipient of the Medal of Honor, who died on January 10th that year, or to George Dewey (1837-1917), American naval officer, only officer to attain the rank of Admiral of the Navy, who died on the 16th of January. –Aharon Varady 
serve to inspire us the more
to do our part bravely and loyally
for God,
for country,
and for humanity.
O God,
bless Thou this land
whose walls are salvation
and whose gates are praise,
a land upon which may rest Thine eyes
in benediction
and in love.

This prayer of the guest chaplain was offered at the tail end of the 64th US Congress. The source images of the prayer were copied by Howard Mortman and shared via his @CongressRabbi Twitter account. All credit to Howard Mortman for his research in digging up this prayer. Unfortunately, neither the source images nor his tweets provide an exact citation reference to the volume, issue, and page number of the Congressional Record in which the prayer was published. If you know, leave a comment, or contact us.


Prayer of the Guest Chaplain (Leo Franklin, 19 January 1917)



1This is likely either a reference to Buffalo Bill (1846-1917), American frontiersman, famous for this Buffalo Bill’s Wild West circus, recipient of the Medal of Honor, who died on January 10th that year, or to George Dewey (1837-1917), American naval officer, only officer to attain the rank of Admiral of the Navy, who died on the 16th of January. –Aharon Varady

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