Guest Chaplain: Rabbi Solomon H. Metz, Adas Israel Congregation, Washington, D.C.
Sponsor: n/a
Date of Prayer: 6 June 1945
Sponsor: n/a
Date of Prayer: 6 June 1945
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Our God and God of our fathers, Thine is the power and the glory and the victory, Thou art the rock of our lives and the shield of our salvation through every generation. | |
May the light of Thy presence enlighten the eyes of the nations to see in the revelations of Thy Book the highway to lasting peace. We are humbly aware of our momentous responsibilities in this crucial hour of history. In the scales of our decisions there trembles the fate of the future. | |
In the welter of many voices, O save man’s mind from confusion and his spirit from the corrosive blight of cynicism. Let not the gusts of passion extinguish the prophetic vision nor the designs of those of little faith degrade the sacrifices of our noblest and bravest into vain oblations. | |
Let the perspective of towering justice and the lodestar of universal brotherhood guide us as we set out to build the world of tomorrow upon the ghastly ruins of today, wrought by national selfishness, greed, and pride. | |
O Soul of our souls, may we be among the blessed who, unmindful of the jeers of the ungodly and the gibes of the uninspired, steadfastly march under the banner of Thy kingdom of truth and love. | |
As in the days of old, may the pillar of Thy wisdom lead Thy people out of the wilderness of fear and strife into the land of promise and fulfillment; for with Thee is the fountain of life. | |
In Thy light may we see the light for the sanctification of Thy name and the redemption of Thy children. Amen. |
This prayer of the guest chaplain was offered in the sixth month of the first session of the 79th US Senate, and published in the Congressional Record, vol. 91 part 4 (6 June 1945), page 5593.

“Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Solomon H. Metz on 6 June 1945” is shared through the Open Siddur Project with a Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication 1.0 Universal license.
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