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Universal intercessory prayer. | |
Almighty God, Creator of all things, Father of all worlds, King of kings, and Lord of lords; may it please Thee, to bless, preserve, guard, assist, exalt, and highly aggrandize our most gracious sovereign, Queen Victoria, and all the royal family. | |
May it please Thee, to bless and have mercy upon all kings, princes, magistrates, and all men in power, more particularly those of this nation, that they may all serve Thee in truth and love, and fear Thy Name. | |
Have mercy on this nation in which Thy people Israel dwell in peace and concord; and remove from it the many scourges our manifold sins may deserve, and guide our wandering steps in Thy Truth. | |
Have mercy on my parents, brothers, relations, friends, benefactors, and all for whom I am particularly bound to pray, whether for soul or body; on my superiors, and on all those whom I may have injured, or given scandal to, by word, deed, or ill-example. | |
Have mercy also on my enemies, and fill their hearts and mine with Thy charity. | |
Comfort, O Lord, all who are in affliction, whether bodily or mental, in sickness or pain. | |
Assist all those who are in slavery and captivity. | |
Pour Thy Spirit, O my God, on all those who live in guilt and sin, that they may turn from their wicked ways, and be forgiven ere they die. | |
Bless all nations, and all religions, from the misguided heathen to Thy chosen people, the children of Israel; and in Thy neverceasing mercy, O Eternal, have compassion on their blindness, and grant that the prayers of all nations and all faiths may be offered up in Thy Spirit, and accepted through Thine infinite goodness and mercy. | |
O have regard unto this humble petition, O my God, for the welfare, body and soul, of my fellow creatures, and hearken, O Eternal and all-creating God, for Thy Name’s sake. | |
Blessed be Thy Holy Name! Amen. |
“Universal intercessory prayer” by Grace Aguilar was published posthumously by her mother Sarah Aguilar in the UK edition of Sacred Communings, pp. 76-77. It is not found in the US edition.

“Universal Intercessory Prayer, a prayer for Queen Victoria and the United Kingdom by Grace Aguilar (ca. 1837)” is shared through the Open Siddur Project with a Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication 1.0 Universal license.
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