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Prayer for the Government, by Rabbi H.A. Henry (Ḳ.Ḳ. B’nai Jeshurun, Cincinnati, Ohio 1850)


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Almighty God and Supreme Governor of the Universe!
Thou who art enthroned on high,
and condescendest to look down on earth!
O bless and prosper in thine abundant goodness,
the United States of America,
our happy country, the Land of Freedom,
which thou hast destined to be our resting place.
Grant, O Lord,
that Virtue, Truth,
Charity, and Mercy
may flourish in these States.
O! bless the inhabitants of this Land!
Grant that nought but Peace and Happiness
shall surround them both at home and abroad.
Deliver them from all dangers and misfortunes.
Endow them with the Spirit of love and affection
for each other, that they may all live as brethren,
as the children of the Universal Father of all mankind,
for ever and ever,
Pour forth, O Lord,
thy blessings towards their Excellencies
the President[1] At the time this prayer was published, Zachary Taylor (November 24, 1784 – July 9, 1850) was president. Taylor was an American military leader who served as the 12th president of the United States from 1849 until his death in 1850.  and the Vice President[2] Millard Fillmore (January 7, 1800 – March 8, 1874) was vice president to Zachary Taylor, and after the latter’s death in July 1850, the 13th president of the United States, serving from 1850 to 1853.  of the United States.
May they be favored with health and vigor,
and may all their efforts for the well-doing of the people
prove prosperous.
May Righteousness and Justice flourish in their days.
O! banish all errors from their minds,
and fashion their hearts
according to thy infinite and gracious Providence.
O! Shed thy grace, O God,
upon the Governor of the State of Ohio;[3] Seabury Ford (October 15, 1801 – May 8, 1855) was a Whig politician from Ohio. He served as the 20th governor of Ohio (January 22, 1849 – December 12, 1850) and was the last Whig to serve as governor. 
and the Mayor,[4] Henry Evans Spencer (June 13, 1807 – February 2, 1882) was Mayor of Cincinnati from 1843 to 1851. 
and the Common Council of this city.
Teach them to judge the people truly—
instruct them in the path they shall tread—
that their administration may prove wise, steady and prosperous.
Send forth thy salvation O Lord
unto this city of Cincinnati,
and unto all its inhabitants.
O! spread over them thy Pavilion of Peace,
and remove from them all sorrows, all troubles.
Protect them, and shield them from all harm.
Incline their hearts to wisdom and piety,
that they may serve thee in holiness of life,
and purity of soul.
And we thy chosen people Israel!
O! satisfy us with thy goodness!
let us also rejoice in thy salvation!
Guide us O Lord by thy unerring Providence,
that we may find grace in thy sight,
and favor in the eyes of the world.
O! may our daily supplications ascend thy throne of Grace,
that we may live in peace with all mankind,
and seek the welfare of the land
where thou in thy mercy hast directed our course.
In their days and in our days,
may Judah be saved,
Israel dwell in comfort;
and the Redeemer come unto Zion!
O! may such be thy Divine Will
and let us say.—Amen.

This original prayer for the government of the United States, Ohio, and the city of Cincinnati by Rabbi H.A. Henry was published in an article, “Emendation of the Liturgy” in The Asmonean (21 June 1850), p. 6. There, the prayer was introduced as follows,

CINCINNATI.—The Board of Trustees of the B’nai Jeshurun Congregation of this city, lately unanimously, resolved to request their respected preacher, the Rev. H.A. Henry, to compose a prayer for the welfare of the Government and people of the United States, and that the said prayer should be offered in the English language in the Synagogue, on Sabbaths and Festivals, instead of הנותן השועה “He who dispenses salvation,” &c., as formerly used by them in accordance with the custom and practice of the European congregations. The following is a copy of the prayer which has been adopted, and was read during Divine Service on Sabbath last.


Emendation of the Liturgy (The Asmonean, 21 June 1850), p. 6



1At the time this prayer was published, Zachary Taylor (November 24, 1784 – July 9, 1850) was president. Taylor was an American military leader who served as the 12th president of the United States from 1849 until his death in 1850.
2Millard Fillmore (January 7, 1800 – March 8, 1874) was vice president to Zachary Taylor, and after the latter’s death in July 1850, the 13th president of the United States, serving from 1850 to 1853.
3Seabury Ford (October 15, 1801 – May 8, 1855) was a Whig politician from Ohio. He served as the 20th governor of Ohio (January 22, 1849 – December 12, 1850) and was the last Whig to serve as governor.
4Henry Evans Spencer (June 13, 1807 – February 2, 1882) was Mayor of Cincinnati from 1843 to 1851.

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