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Prayer for the United States on Thanksgiving Day, by Rabbi Sabato Morais (27 November 1851)


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Lord God!
from whom proceeds all which is right, good, aud holy,
may thy name be glorified on earth amidst the faithful,
as it is blessed above by the immortals.
May thy law of truth soon spread among thy creatures,
that all born may worship thee,
the only God, immutable, and eternal.
May thy servants who have executed thy blessed will,
enjoy enlargment and peace,
till the voice of the Redeemer
shall be beard on Mount Zion.
Sovereign of all ages!
deign to bless this country,
this people,
their homes,
their fields,
their commerce,
their productions;
maintain among them
harmony of feeling,
indissoluble brotherhood,
and unity of power,
now and evermore
Father of all!
bless also the rulers of this happy land,
sustain them with thy wisdom,
that they may dispense justice and equity
for the continual preservation
of civil and religious liberties.
Bless all of them,
of whatever nation,
of whatever creed,
who have this day like us
gathered to thank thy abundant goodness,
O Heavenly King!
And over this devout community,
over their old and young,
over their rich and poor,
over their wardens and officers,
over their schools aud on their teachers,
unfold, O God!
the pavilion of thy peace;
may their religious conduct
and future progress in the path of true wisdom
shine brilliantly over America,
and on Israel thy beloved children.

This Thanksgiving Day prayer for welfare of the country and congregation by Rabbi Sabato Morais was offered at the end of his sermon on 27 November 1851 and recorded in The Asmonean on 12 December 1851. It was preserved by Rabbi Morais in his ledger (page 2, clipping 001), an archive of newsclippings recording material he contributed to the press, among other announcements. (Many thanks to the Library of the University of Pennsylvania for helping to make this resource accessible.)


Thanksgiving Day [1851] (Sabato Morais Ledger, p. 2, clipping 001)


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