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Praise and thanksgiving belong to Thee, Omnipotent, God! Oh, deign to accept the feeble acknowledgment of Thy servants, who bow reverently at the footstool of Thy mercy. | |
We thank Thee, O, Father, for having created us with an intelligent mind, capable of appreciating Thy goodness. We are grateful to Thee for having nourished us with care, and sustained us with benignity. It was Thy hand that brought healing to our diseases, and shielded us from death, it was Thy watchful providence that averted from us many ills to which we have been exposed. | |
Let Thy loving kindness, O, Lord, be ever shown to Thy children, who unitedly extol Thy name. With one sweet accord of voices they acknowledge that from Thee have proceeded the unlimited blessings showered down upon this land. For, verily, Thou hast upheld its institutions, improved and enlarged their usefulness, and drawn toward them the respect of enlightened nations. | |
Grant, O God, that the glory attained may never be tarnished by the fumes of anger or passion. Let, we fervently beseech Thee, harmony and forbearance direct the highest as the lowest authorities of this Republic, so that they may labor with one mind and with one heart, to restore it to perfect stability and peace. | |
Parent of all good! withhold not Thy countenance from the lowly of the earth, and teach us to raise them from their abject state, by means of a fostering education. | |
Bless all the inhabitants of the United States. May the law of progress ever be the standard of their actions, adding sublimity to their greatness, and enhancing their happiness. | |
Bless all the human race, and may it all soon be linked into one bond of brotherhood, acknowledging that Thou art the only God and Savior, who takest delight in Thy children’s united thanksgiving. Amen! |
This Thanksgiving Day prayer by Rabbi Sabato Morais was offered in conclusion to a sermon reprinted the following day in The Philadelphia Inquirer on 30 November 1866. It was preserved by Rabbi Morais in his ledger (page 25, clipping 031), an archive of newsclippings recording material he contributed to the press, among other announcements. (Many thanks to the Library of the University of Pennsylvania for helping to make this resource accessible.)

“Prayer for the United States on Thanksgiving Day, by Rabbi Sabato Morais (29 November 1866)” is shared through the Open Siddur Project with a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International copyleft license.
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